It's another hot day in the city.. The perfect day to take a drive somewhere and just drive and drive... But where to? Hmm... How about Vegas?
I've only flown to Vegas once. While in Vegas, someone asked if I wanted to drive back to California. Let's just say, for a few minutes there I was almost considering it. Vegas can be a dangerous place; never go to Vegas alone--stay with a bunch of friends that are able to adjust your mental state if it should become any way altered!
"You look like a Greek goddess!" There are a lot of Greek statues in and about Vegas. Without further explanation...what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas. While waiting for my plane to arrive, there was a priest, reading his newspaper at my gate. I almost wanted to come up to him and confess my sins. Pretty bad, hey? Oh the guilt! Sometimes I feel guilty for even thinking of something bad I could have/would have done. Minha culpa..minha culpa... My Catholic, Portugese girl in me comes out now and then and keeps me in line. It's like having a Portuguese grandmother, sitting on my shoulder wearing a disapproving grin, with a shawl over her head.