Are you superstitious in any way? It's Friday the 13th, so here are a few of some "old country" superstitious old wives tales I grew up with:
Don't open an umbrella in the house---it will bring in death. I make a point of not doing this; however, I really don't think it does.

If a housefly (especially if it's a very large and fat one) flies around your head, it means you will be getting good news in the mail, or a telephone call from afar. For some reason, I do believe this--it happens all the time with me.

If a bird poops on your car, it's considered good luck. I heard this one this morning, and it made me smile, because recently a flock of seagulls decided to fly by and poop all over my car! I may not wash it off now!

If you think of someone for no particular reason, or see someone that reminds you of some person, you will hear from this person, or hear of this person soon. This happens to me quite often, and I am always a little taken aback when I suddenly get an unexpected phone call, or hear about someone from out of the's the weird psychic thing that goes on in my family perhaps..I dunno..

If you see a penny, DON'T pick it up, unless the head is facing up. I just heard this morning, and I find it very interesting... I remember one particular day I picked up a penny, and I had a really unlucky day. I promised myself never to pick up a penny again. I don't remember if the face was facing up or not... Hmm....

If a black cat crosses the street in front of you, repeat "bread and butter" three times to confuse bad spirits. Hmm..never tried it, but I don't think black cats are bad luck--I think they are beautiful--and I'm not a witch.

If you are busy cleaning, and you happen to be thinking of someone in particular, and you drop the cloth you are cleaning with, something bad will happen to that person. Of course, this is another Portuguese wives tale. I try not to think of ANYONE when I clean because of it.

If you dream of rising water, and you are trying to cross a body of water, someone is trying to reach you to report bad news. I do believe this..only because it's happened to me far too many times to not believe it. (Yeah, it's also another Portuguese wives tale.)

If you dream of a wedding, someone is going to have a baby. I do believe this as well.

If you have a dream of a dead animal, or raw meat, someone has died. Unfortunately, I've had a few of these dreams..

If you dream of black bulls chasing you, an argument or disagreement of a loved one is pending. Yes, it's another one of those ole' Portuguese tales, but, I've had plenty of bulls chasing me at night. Funny, after divorcing the ex-husband, I seem never to have them anymore. Can someone explain this?

Never whistle at night--it summons the devil. I never whistle at night, and I have no real desire to.

If your palms feel itchy, you will be getting unexpected money soon. I welcome itchy palms, but I have yet to win the lottery.

Oh, and here is yet another--one I have been experiencing a lot recently, I call it "juggling". If you pick something up, but have it fall out of your hand, but catch it before it falls to the ground, but it slips again and falls on the ground, it means that someone has been trying to contact you, but is having a hard time doing so.

If you drop a spoon or a fork, company is coming!! Yep, they usually do!

Yes, here are just a few... If you have any others, please share. :)