Whew... Is it only Wednesday?! I've been having a strange week. I am running on a short fuse.
Well.. Monday my son called me from school claiming that his back was killing him. Naturally, I was a bit concerned--but not so much because I know he has been playing a lot of basketball and just finished flag football recently..etc.. Plus, add to fact that it has been pretty cold lately, and the boy refuses to put on a pair of pants. He insists on wearing shorts everyday to school. He is in denial that summer is over, and it is really getting on everyone's nerves--especially my mothers.
So, yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of driving back home with the kids and mom home after work. The journey involved listening to Andrew whining about his back, and how he thinks if he doesn't see a doctor as soon as possible that he will never play basketball again, and end up using a wheel chair, (no I'm not kidding), and my mother arguing back that if it happens it will because he refuses to wear pants and sweatshirts to school.... Yadda..yadda..yadda...
Well, I took my son to the doctor's early this morning, and after she checked his back, and bones, she concluded that my son had a case of third stage puberty, "growing pains." Yes, it's a real occurrence apparently. Add that to his improper shoe support--(he does not lace his shoes up), and the fact that he plays a lot of basketball on asphalt, and likes to sulk--play video games late into the night...etc..etc.. So, all this I guess is a stage he is going through; a stage of growing pains. I will have to say it was a relief to hear a professional say this to ease my son's concern--and mine as well. Andrew felt a little embarrassed by the doctor's diagnosis, but was feeling better already; not to mention the prospect of new basketball shoes. Did you know that arch support in an athletic shoe is null after three months? I did not know this. For awhile I wasn't quite sure if the doctor worked for Footlocker, and sold athletic shoes on the side. I had no idea. Oh well, you learn something everyday, hey?
And so we do.. Why just last night I solved a mystery. For some reason the screens to a few windows in our home have been found taken out and left on the roof or at the side of the house. Now I know why. Apparently we have an escape artist living at home. Don't even get me started on this one... :SIGH:
I also learned another "fascinating fact". Apparently there are "no" drive thrus on the East Coast?!?! I was waiting in line at the Burger King drive thru, leaving a space behind the yellow line for cross traffic. I noticed this one car driving up, and waiting to the left of me. After a few moments, the car decided to just cut in front of me. Excuse me?! I honked my little horn. The car then backed out of line and the weird woman driving, who looked like a client at work comes up to my window and tells me:
"I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally cut in front of you. I'm visiting from Boston, and I don't know the international laws of this state because we don't have drive thrus..."
Okay. Is this true? I didn't realize that California was another country with it's own international laws. Interesting. I just nodded at the lady and pointed to the yellow line. Honestly, I just closed my window and wished her away--she really looked like she was on crack or something.
My neck and back are sore from being in front of the computer all night for two nights in a row. I've been busy creating slide shows with the pictures I took last summer. I learned how to add music, and finally got them burned on discs. I will be sending them to relatives overseas as gifts. A family friend will be bringing them personally for me, and I was under the impression that he was leaving Friday--but I was wrong--he wrote me back to tell me that he has yet another week until he leaves! All that stress to get it done NOW was unnecessary.. It took awhile to discover that my computer will not burn discs using a vhr disc. And of course I only had two of them at home, and 200 vhr discs. So frustrating!! Oh well...at least they are done now...
I'm having a bit of stressed week-can you tell?! My body feels like it's on overdrive, and I consumed what I'm guessing almost 4 cups of coffee today, and I NEVER do that. I went shopping with my mom and the kids last night at the mall. Nicholas was getting a little out of hand for awhile until I convinced to sit in a shopping cart at Target. We went to various stores to help mom with her shopping. Are you familiar with the Hollister clothing store? It's pretty popular here on the west coast, and apparently, I have nieces that will absolutely wearing nothing but Hollister clothes which totally confuses me, because the clothes in my opinion is nothing special. I guess it's that seagull emblem that is stitched on all their clothes--I guess that is cool or something? You go in there, and it is so dark inside. I'm guessing that's on purpose so you don't see the outrageous prices on the tags. The music is loud and crappy, with overstuffed chairs, stairs in unexpected places (great for older people and children--yeah, right) with surf boards and beach items decorated all over the store and the ceiling-not a place to be in an earthquake, okay?! I don't understand why they call it Hollister either. It's not like Hollister is a beach town of any sort. It's a mostly rural country town about a hour away from the ocean that prides itself being "Artichoke Capital Of The World." Marilyn Monroe was crowned "Artichoke Queen" there at a festival years and years ago. I don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon. My mom didn't know what to buy, so we ended up buying gift cards with half naked couples on the them. Lovely gift for grand-daughters, huh? I'm sure they will love them though.
Yeah..I'm in a bitchy mood...can you tell? Dammit, where is my chocolate?!?!
Other than that..that's all. I think I'm due for a nice foot bath today. Avon carries GREAT products for the feet. FOOT WORKS! Pamper yourself and get some today for all that holiday shopping at the malls! (Insert shameless plug here:)
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