Friday, October 15, 2004

It's Friday

It's Friday, and all I can say is Praise the LORD!  It's been a yucky week.  I'm still exhausted from that reunion thingy, and I have finally gave back all ties to the party.  The 13 vases have been returned to the rich aunt, the pictures have been recovered and dropped off, and the collages that I slaved oer for weeks are safe and sound in the garage.  The other stuff is in my trunk, put away until next time.  Next time however, I'll step back and let someone else handle it.  I'm done!  All I need to do is throw away all the carnations/flowers..they are wilting. 

This free jornal is a good thing..I just forget about it sometimes because I keep another free journal at Diaryland, and I don't even know if people read this.  If you do read it, could you let me know?  I mean, I really don't care if anyone reads this or not.  If nobody does, maybe I can write down extremely private things.  Okay, now, you are not going to let me know if you are reading this in hopes I will disclose some awful secret stuff, hey?  Oh forget it, nevermind. 

I love this bunny picture.  It's me and my hubby.  Aren't we just adorable?  It was taken during our early years.  Of course, I didn't know my hubby back then.  Ho hum...  Unfortunately we were with other people at the time.  Do I wish that wasn't so?  Yes, sometimes..  But, who knows if we would be together today if it wasn't for those "other people".  Right?   Looking back is just a waste of time---today is all that matters.  Our past makes us what we are, and if we are more the better person--then it's something that needs to be celebrated.  Learn from past misfortune, but live with what is now and be happy--move on.

Poor Margaret.  Maybe Jody and I should call her up and see if she needs a support group while she goes to trial.  I can't get over how someone so intelligent can make such a silly mistake.  No one's perfect. 







Saturday, August 21, 2004



It's another hot day in the city..  The perfect day to take a drive somewhere and just drive and drive...  But where to?  Hmm...  How about Vegas? 

I've only flown to Vegas once.  While in Vegas, someone asked if I wanted to drive back to California.  Let's just say, for a few minutes there I was almost considering it.  Vegas can be a dangerous place; never go to Vegas alone--stay with a bunch of friends that are able to adjust your mental state if it should become any way altered! 

 "You look like a Greek goddess!"  There are a lot of Greek statues in and about Vegas.  Without further explanation...what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  While waiting for my plane to arrive, there was a priest, reading his newspaper at my gate.  I almost wanted to come up to him and confess my sins.  Pretty bad, hey?  Oh the guilt!  Sometimes I feel guilty for even thinking of something bad I could have/would have done.  Minha culpa..minha culpa...  My Catholic, Portugese girl in me comes out now and then and keeps me in line.  It's like having a Portuguese grandmother, sitting on my shoulder wearing a disapproving grin, with a shawl over her head. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Cell Phone Chatter

"I've never had that happen from an online relationship, but obviously, you have." 

I'm strolling the local Target store with baby, and as I'm looking at the row of baby formula, (by the way, Target is the best place to buy baby formula), when I hear this girly girl from the next aisle having a very personal phone conversation with whom I presume to be a "boyfriend" while looking at the shaving cream. 

When I hear the line "online relationship", of course, my interest grows.  It just gets better afterwards...

"Well, I never had a relationship in another state, and never had to run away from a wife and a kid.  I did go out with a guy who had to go to jail, but I guess that is different."

It is just unbelievable how some people have no problem whatsoever telling the whole world about their personal life-no matter how embarrassing or disfunctional it may sound. 

I kept running into this girl, in the black skirt set and clinkie heels, and the phone never left her right ear.  It was like it was surgically glued to her hand.  Each time I saw her, she continued talking with this person, and at each turn of the aisle, the conversation reversed from the "woman scorned" talk, of, "I don't care about you anymore, you've done me wrong," to the "You just don't want to try anymore?"  For God's sake woman, get a clue---even I can tell the person you are talking to is a loser---open your eyes!

By the time I was at checkout, guess who was behind me?  "So, are you saying that you don't want to wait until I get back fom Idaho to talk?  Do you just want to end it now?" 

The games people play...  I think this one deserves the guy.





Monday, July 19, 2004

Take A Lookie

As Forrest Gump reminds us, you can tell a lot about someone by his or her shoes.  You can also do the same if you look into a woman’s purse.  I am looking down into my purse right now, and all I can do is sigh.  From my chair I see a receipt from Longs, a receipt from Burger King (my kids were hungry), a 6 ounce empty baby bottle and bottle cap, cherry flavored chap stick, a doctor appointment reminder card, a dentist appointment card, a camera, checkbook, my wallet, my son’s wallet, a hair tie, a hair brush, my cosmetic bag, (lipstick, mascara, powder, concealer, moisturizer sample from Mary Kay), a small address book, a cell phone, a piece of paper of registration requirements for my daughter’s new school, and 3 stray pennies.  If you are curious about the shoes I am wearing, they are my black, low, open toed sandals, from, you guessed it-Payless.  Now, what does this all tell you?