Friday, October 15, 2004

It's Friday

It's Friday, and all I can say is Praise the LORD!  It's been a yucky week.  I'm still exhausted from that reunion thingy, and I have finally gave back all ties to the party.  The 13 vases have been returned to the rich aunt, the pictures have been recovered and dropped off, and the collages that I slaved oer for weeks are safe and sound in the garage.  The other stuff is in my trunk, put away until next time.  Next time however, I'll step back and let someone else handle it.  I'm done!  All I need to do is throw away all the carnations/flowers..they are wilting. 

This free jornal is a good thing..I just forget about it sometimes because I keep another free journal at Diaryland, and I don't even know if people read this.  If you do read it, could you let me know?  I mean, I really don't care if anyone reads this or not.  If nobody does, maybe I can write down extremely private things.  Okay, now, you are not going to let me know if you are reading this in hopes I will disclose some awful secret stuff, hey?  Oh forget it, nevermind. 

I love this bunny picture.  It's me and my hubby.  Aren't we just adorable?  It was taken during our early years.  Of course, I didn't know my hubby back then.  Ho hum...  Unfortunately we were with other people at the time.  Do I wish that wasn't so?  Yes, sometimes..  But, who knows if we would be together today if it wasn't for those "other people".  Right?   Looking back is just a waste of time---today is all that matters.  Our past makes us what we are, and if we are more the better person--then it's something that needs to be celebrated.  Learn from past misfortune, but live with what is now and be happy--move on.

Poor Margaret.  Maybe Jody and I should call her up and see if she needs a support group while she goes to trial.  I can't get over how someone so intelligent can make such a silly mistake.  No one's perfect. 







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