Friday, July 1, 2005

My Haiku

Haiku Assignment: 

Okay, here is my 4th of July Haiku.  My inspiration comes from the American flag.  I bought an American flag for my father recently from the 4th of July display area at Longs.  Tomorrow would have been his birthday party; and I remembered how annoyed he (a Korean War veteran) would get every Memorial Day and 4th of July when there weren't enough flags out on display for the veterans at the cemetary.  I noticed this year on Memorial Day the same lack of flags, and I shared his past disappointment; especially when I came to my Uncle John, a WWII veteran, without a flag; it made me want to cry.  Today I went to Longs again and got a flag for Uncle John.  This "Haiku"--- is for them both:



Striped Flag

Your Memory Stands;

Stars that never Fade

P.S.  Another reason why my Daddy loved the 4th of July:  The Portuguese festival of the Holy Ghost is celebrated the first weekend of July.  If you are in the Santa Cruz area this weekend, look for the Portuguese Hall and have some sopa & carne and join in on a "chamaritta" (traditional Azorean dance)! 

Happy Holiday!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cool...enjoy the 4th....Sandi