Thursday, December 1, 2005

Good New Days

The Blogfather, John Scalzi writes:  "Taking a page off my long ramble about technology yesterday, a Weekend Assignment to make you glad you're alive right this moment:

Weekend Assignment #88: Talk about something people have today that you wished you had when you were a kid.  

Julie answers:    Gee..  There are just so MANY things my kids have now, that I would have LOVED to have when I was their age.  I would have to say however that I would have KILLED for my own computer!    When I was a kid, I had very sore fingers, mainly because I wrote a lot.  Writing was my escape from the every day, boring school days of my childhood.  I would write stories and distribute them to my friends.  I also even had a Potato Man Newsletter I used to write.  (Okay, you can say I was the geeky girl at school.  Think of that old show "Square Pegs"...that was me--I LOVED that show.)            


 I would usually use ink and binder paper to write my stories, and sometimes I even used to use my brother's ole' manual (yes, manual) typewriter.  Ironically enough, it was a Brother Typewriter.  I cannot tell you how many times I would have to go to the library or the copy shop to make copies of what I typed.  Imagine how easy it would have been to have been able to type my little stories, and print them all at home!  Aww..those were those lovely awkard nerdy days of my youth... I can only dream of all the creative things I could have done back then with a computer and Google!   


 Extra Credit: Rocket or Robot Butler?   Robot Butler of course!!!  I have a house full of kids-including a 2 year old!!  Although it is very tempting to escape and take off on a rocket to the moon, I really prefer living with the humans.  I'll let Tom Cruise and George Bush deal with the aliens.



Anonymous said...

You freakin' geek! Potato Man Newsletter? Can I get a subcription to that? I dare you to change the name of your blog to The Potato Man Newsletter.....I bet your readership will go up in a flash just cuz people would want to know what the heck a potato man has to say! I bet the county government would love to see all the shit you write on their time too! Isn't that the real reason why you you can write in peace and quiet, away from your kids, and get paid too? Love :)Tee

Anonymous said...

Ssssh...!!!  Gosh Teresa, can't you give a gal a break?!  Yes, when I was 12 I had a Potato Man newsletter.  I wish I still had a copy so I could scan to you.  I still remember the little Potato Man I drew.  He wore a bow tie.  Please don't tell anyone at work about this...  I love my job!!  I confess, I am a geek, ok?  I also confess that I almost peed my pants after reading your comment.  

Anonymous said...

Potato man huh..ok, did he really have hair or are those eyes growing out the top of his head....ok I'm not pissing in my pants like you, but I am crying from laughing so hard...or as my daughter would say, sweating out my eyes. If I knew you when I was a kid I wouldn't be your friend. I probably would have called you Spud Girl and you would have run home crying....and then you probably would have sat down and wrote more Potato Head news because nobody liked you. See it's all a vicious cycle, SPUD GIRL!

Anonymous said...

Teresa, you are sooo mean.  BUT, I made you laugh!!!  My mission for the day is done.  I hope I made some other people laugh as well...

Anonymous said...

I hear that Potato Head News is really biased when covering stories emanating from Idaho.