Weekend Assignment 92: Do you Have New Year's Resolutions for 2006? If so, share one (or more, if you like).
Extra Credit: How did you do on your resolutions for 2005?
Mr. Scalzi wants us to write down our resolutions for the new year... Here are mine:
1. Eat more like a RABBIT!! I need to eat more fruits and especially more vegetables.. I have gone astray the last month. Eating chocolates that resemble veggies and fruit don't count!
2. Walk, walk, walk WALK!!! I need to promise myself to go take a walk at least once a day.
3. GET ORGANIZED!! I need to go through my closet of boxes and get all my important documents together. This means getting all the birth certificates, immunization records in order..etc..etc.. I also need to do another closet over haul with clothes I don't wear anymore and things in the garage that are just sitting there for no particular reason other than taking valuble space!!
4. Get the baby potty trained!!! YIPEEE!!! I can't wait until I can finally throw out that diaper genie!!
5. Lose those last 10 lbs. to 15lbs. I'm hoping that #1 & #2 on my list will get me there. Yeah, I think so.
6. Go on a NICE LONG vacation.
7. I vow never to postpone time with the ones I truly love.
8. I will try and think twice before saying "yes". I have to stop being "Ms. People Pleaser."
9. Use body moisturizer--not just on my face
10. I will try to stop stressing over the stupid stuff and people I deal with in my life.
Okay, there is 10 things.
Extra Credit: I DON'T REMEMBER what my resolutions were in 2005!!! Sorry! I am pretty sure I kept may be one of them, but I honestly don't think I thought of any! I'm just finally comfortable in my life right now. Life is good for the most part.
Ummm...and? LOL ;) C. http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies
I'm getting married this year and my resolution is to try to stay sane! LOL
Wait - maybe I mean to regain my sanity? LOL
Julie, shame on you for not keeping your important papers, like birth certificates, in a fire-proof locking box...now, go buy one and do it! And get a good moisturizer too! Happy New Year, from your dry-skinned friend(who has a safe box), Teresa
Happy New Year!
I could add quite a few of these to my own list!
Happy New Year Year Julie!
Tilly x
Get the baby potty trained...he's what 6 now? Julie, stop breast feeding him too, ok.
What's with all you people setting such a high bar for the rest of us. Mrs. L
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