'Tis the season to find oneself in aisles and aisles of different department stores, scurring about and wondering what to buy... Am I the only person out there that is going crazy?
I have so many things to do. I have cards to send, I have presents to wrap, I have a tree to decorate, and halls to deck, and a Christmas Eve dinner to plan.. Costco, here I come!!!
Challenge: How to do this with a 2 year old, 3 other children and a sometimes grumpy hubby who is trying to quit smoking... Eeek.... Poor guy. Smoking is BAD---please don't even think about starting. Bah Humbug.... :) Well, at least we are recovering from our very bad colds we got hit with last week.
Christmas isn't suppossed to be so stressful. As I look at the yards of many of my neighbors who have already decked out their front lawns and homes (yes, I am a little envious that these people have NO LIVES) with Christmas lights, and plastic snowmen, santas, reindeer, oversized Christmas snowing globes....etc... Did Santa just throw up?
I'm wondering to myself--what is this anyway? Have we all went a little over-board with this? It doesn't snow in San Jose, California! What is this with the artificial snowmen?! Did it even snow in Jerusalem? I don't think so. Is there room at the inn for someone whom we may have forgotten AGAIN this year? Just a thought.
I'm looking forward in decorating for this holiday, but, God please don't let me get caught in the Christmas vaccuum of overboard shopping and useless tinsel!
There is an outside decoration I want but can't afford. It is Santa kneeling by the manger. That always brings a tear to my eyes.
I have only seen it in a card...but you are right; it is a very touching vision--that is one light up decoration I wouldn't mind putting out on my lawn!
Simply remember and focus on the reason for the season.
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