Tuesday, December 6, 2005

'Tis the Season...

'Tis the season to find oneself in aisles and aisles of different department stores, scurring about and wondering what to buy...  Am I the only person out there that is going crazy? 

I have so many things to do.  I have cards to send, I have presents to wrap, I have a tree to decorate, and halls to deck, and a Christmas Eve dinner to plan..  Costco, here I come!!! 

Challenge:  How to do this with a 2 year old, 3 other children and a sometimes grumpy hubby who is trying to quit smoking...  Eeek.... Poor guy.  Smoking is BAD---please don't even think about starting.   Bah Humbug....  :)  Well, at least we are recovering from our very bad colds we got hit with last week. 

Christmas isn't suppossed to be so stressful.  As I look at the yards of many of my neighbors who have already decked out their front lawns and homes (yes, I am a little envious that these people have NO LIVES) with Christmas lights, and plastic snowmen, santas, reindeer, oversized Christmas snowing globes....etc... Did Santa just throw up? 

Free christmas clip art manger

 I'm wondering to myself--what is this anyway?  Have we all went a little over-board with this?  It doesn't snow in San Jose, California!  What is this with the artificial snowmen?!  Did it even snow in Jerusalem?  I don't think so.  Is there room at the inn for someone whom we may have forgotten AGAIN this year?  Just a thought. 

Free christmas clip art wise men

I'm looking forward in decorating for this holiday, but, God please don't let me get caught in the Christmas vaccuum of overboard shopping and useless tinsel! 




Anonymous said...

There is an outside decoration I want but can't afford. It is Santa kneeling by the manger. That always brings a tear to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I have only seen it in a card...but you are right; it is a very touching vision--that is one light up decoration I wouldn't mind putting out on my lawn!  

Anonymous said...

Simply remember and focus on the reason for the season.


