Thursday, December 8, 2005

What I really want this Christmas...Weekend Assignment #89

Weekend Assignment #89: Money is no object: What do you really want for Christmas/Hanukkah/The Seasonal Celebration of Your Choice? Shoot for the moon, here folks. Share the thing you'd want to get if everyone you knew was a billionaire and wanted to spend money on you. One caveat: Don't ask to get celebrities of other people for the purposes of, well, you know. We're trying to keep things PG around here. Also: wishing for world peace is all very nice, but come on. Treat yourself.

I don't know what it is, but I would really like to own a jaguar.  Each time I see one on the road, I just breathe a heavy sigh and smile.  I know it is really an unpratical gift for someone like myself---I mean, where would I put the kids?  I would have to drive it like ALONE!'s getting to sound better and better already... ha ha ha..

Extra Credit: Seriously, what would you do if someone got you that thing?

Seriously, I'd probably pee my pants.  After driving it for a few days, the pratical person inside of me would probably have it driven to the nearest luxury car dealership and trade it in, and use the money to buy a pool with a hot tub, diapers, and money for college.  Damn, I could even quit my job...


Anonymous said...

wo-hhooo! I'd like a test drive when you get it!
Gem :-D

Anonymous said...

You're always pissing in your pants! I'm buying you Depends for Christmas...don't want you soiling the driver seat in that car! TEE

Anonymous said...

You can't get laid IN one... but you get laid....

Anonymous said...

Really, you can't?  I did not know this.  Good to know...ha!