Without getting too descriptive of what I do in the county government office that I work in, I will just say that at times I have to come face to face with our actual "clients"--you know the "charming" men and women of our criminal system. When this happens, I am left feeling that I just don't get paid enough for what I do. It doesn't happen too often, but I just got back from our lobby after dealing with a client, who was obviously lying through his teeth with his little girlfriend. Playing "dumb" just doesn't work with me. I am constantly surprised how many times people think they can just play with the system and thinking they can get away with it. Criminals are so manipulative and cunning when they want to be; I guess that is what makes them criminals, hey? Oh well, they are keeping me employed, and I really shouldn't complain, but honestly; sometimes they make me want to spit!!
You know what else I really can't stand? When significant others, for example, mothers, and wives, girlfriends, etc. call on the client's behalf. Time to cut the cord ladies! Your son is an adult---have him call in for himself--I don't care if he is working, or not feeling well. He isn't in elementary school anymore!! What I find even more irritating is when these female "victims" call in for their men. I just want to slap these women! If he hits you, just leave--come on--you had courage enough to call the police when he hit you, why can't you just pack your bags and get out already? I know I may be generalizing right now, but speaking from personal experience, men like that rarely change their behavior, unless they are willing to undergo some serious therapy!!
Not too long ago we had this one "gentleman" trying to transfer his case from another state. He had met a woman here in California (via the internet), and wanted to transfer his case over here, so he could live with her. This guy was on probation for a domestic violence case (naturally). He was really upset when the transfer was denied, but probably not as upset as he is now. He now has a case in this county on another domestic violence. case with guess who? Yeah, you guessed it, his internet love! Isn't that romantic? Word to the wise: DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A FELON!!!
Is it really that hard to comprehend? Yeah, sure he might be cute.. (are most handsome clients are on the d.v. caseload)...but come on girls--can't we set our standards a little higher?
Interestingly enough I rarely get calls from men or boyfriends in general calling for our female clients.
Okay, I've vented now.
"Okay, I've vented now. .."
whew..good for you. If I do what you do..I'd be furious & vent too. I don't even work and I'm already furious as to why some stays. It takes courage and self-confidence I believe.
And you have good reason to vent - it must be a tough job. I'll have to be honest with you; I don't understand these people and if I did -- I'd be scared!!!
Julie, you certainly have a good point. Do you think that woman are by nature just so nurturing that they don't turn away from helping even their worst enemy? You know yourself that men can much more easily turn their backs on their families. Let me quote you " men like that rarely change their behavior, unless they are willing to undergo some serious therapy! " See, even you are suggest giving these guys a second chance. Now, how often do you hear a man suggest therapy, for himself or someone close to him....almost never. Now some woman just totally puzzle me, like the woman who married one of the Menendez brothers. Who needs the therapy in that relationship?
Yeah, sometimes therapy doesn't work--ok, who am I kidding...rarely does therapy work. Bottom line, nothing works unless the person going through therapy-no matter what it is for, drug abuse, alcoholism...etc...admits they have a problem. Why would a woman marry a Melendez brother? Well, I don't know--maybe she has a thing for men in confined places, like behind bars. I do think woman possess that nurturing/maternal gene---too bad it can sometimes screw us over.
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