Thursday, August 10, 2006

What If?

The other day I took my two boys to the beach.  It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon; the weather was nice, warm and sunny, and there I was driving my van down towards the ocean, when suddenly up ahead I saw a man struggling with his bicycle on the sidewalk. 

Lucky for him, I saw him.  And, lucky for me there was minimal traffic for a Tuesday afternoon.  Seconds away, as I looked at him struggling up ahead, I wondered to myself:  "Okay, is he going to get back on  his bike, or is the bicycle going to send him over the curb?"  I swerved away just before he fell head first over the curb and onto the street.  Lovely..just lovely. 

Frightened, catching my breath after a yelp of fear, I saw the guy getting up from the street in my rearview mirror.  Apparently, it is very difficult to get on a bike while holding a bottle of whiskey at the same time.  It was a miracle however that his paper bag wasn't soaked with alcohol after this fall.  (Nope, it wasn't Mel.) 

For the rest of the afternoon I was haunted with the thought of me actually running over the guy.  If I hadn't noticed him as quickly as I had, that may have happened.  Walking later on the beach that afternoon, I was able to forget the whole incident for a little while, but afterwards, the thought came back again, and it made me feel just a little still does in fact.  The guy on the bike, probably didn't think twice about it.  He probably just went on his merry way, wondering why he had a new bruise on his knee..  And here I am wondering "what if?" 

Grrrrr...  This reminds me of another situation I found myself in. 

On another beautiful, summer day, I was taking a nice long walk on my favorite walking path on East Cliff, Santa Cruz near the ocean cliffs.  On the walking path, a older woman waved towards me from her wheelchair.  Thinking that she needed some sort of asistance, I walked up to her and asked her if she needed help. 

<---painting of East Cliff, Santa Cruz

"Yes, young lady, could you take me out nearer to the cliffs so I can see the ocean?"

My first gut feeling, was NOOOO!!!  Don't wheel this old woman near the cliffs!  She'll fall off!!  But, there was a large walking area in front of the cliffs, and I felt it would be okay, so I obliged, and slowly wheeled her closer to the cliffs.  She was now right in front of the ice plants, and a good 12 feet away from any danger. 

"Oh thank you dear, but can you bring me a little closer?"

"Are you sure?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"Oh yes, don't worry, I have been that close before."

"But how will you get out?" I asked with even more concern in my voice.

"Oh, I always find someone to help me out."

Okay, by now my gut is screaming at me:  CRAZY!!!  This woman is CRAZY!!  Don't do it!!!  But, against my better judgement, I found myself taking this old woman's wheelchair and wheeling her to the middle of the iceplants to only 6 feet away from the cliff's edge.  As I'm doing this, I am well aware of what passing traffic may be thinking:  "Oh my God, that lady is wheeling that old woman off the edge of the cliffs!" 

        <---ice plants near East Cliff, Santa Cruz

After many thank yous from the elderly woman, I left her there in the middle of the ice plants, just as she had requested, and went on my way walk path.  Now, instead of just thinking of my day, I was left with the responsibility of knowing, that I just left a defenseless old woman in a wheelchair in the middle of a huge ice plant near a ocean cliff.  Lovely.  Would she ever flag someone down to rescue her?  Would she accidently turn off the brake, and skid down the cliffs to a rocky and watery grave?! 

Eventually, when I passed her again, I saw her still there, smiling and enjoying the view, but, I still today, years after am still haunted by "what if"....  

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