I've decided to change my journal a bit.
I don't know what is wrong, but in previous entries, my margins
all off!!!
It's driving me insane!!
Oh well, how do you like my new pretty colors?
Well, it's finally Friday! After work I promised my daughter I
would go shopping with her for school clothes--she starts her first
day of jr. college on Monday! I also have to go shopping for a
little, black, thin tie for Rich for tomorrow night for "prom". Poor
guy.. "Just tell me what to wear, and I'll wear it.."
"Anything?! You mean, you'll wear ANYTHING I ask?"
Suddenly, I'm envisioning a Miami Vice outfit, for hubby..all in
"Um, honey..no...not ANYTHING..."
Poor guy. He is such a sweetheart-I wuv him so..
Have a good weekend! It's finally here..yahooo!! I hope to
have some pictures posted from prom night later..
Have fun in the 80's! Don't stay there, it's bad for your hair. Take some photo's.
Lovely overhaul ... I think I am long due for the same thing. Yup, your hubby sounds like an agreeable guy, which is the best kind of hubby to have. Yes, post pictures, please ! Tina
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