Thursday, September 7, 2006

Two Words Only


You can only type 2 less.

From Brenda  at  Brenda's Way , by way of Princess Aurora!

1.yourself: giggle/silly

2. your husband: serious/entertained

3. your hair: too long

4. your mother: helpful grandma

5. your father: miss him

6. your favorite item: pen, paper

7. your dream last night: don't remember

8. your favorite drink:  iced tea

9. your car: jaguar convertible (i'm dreaming, ok?)

10. the room you are in: cold office

11. your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: time wasted

12. your fear: sickness/loss

13. where you want to be in 10 years:  world traveler (hee, hee)

14. what you're not: superwoman

15. your best friends: Denise, Maria

16. one of your wish list items: clean carpet

17. the last thing you did: file searching

18. what are you wearing: denim dress

19. your favorite weather: sunny cool

20. your favorite zoo animals? bears/tigers

21. your thought for the day? quit job

22. your favorite book: too many

23. last thing you ate: cinnamon scone

24. your life: circus tent

25. your mood: reflective/cool

26. your body: long walk

27. what are you thinking about right now: date night

28. your crush: forgot name

29. what are you doing at the moment: taking break

30. your summer schedule: it's over!

Come on... give it a try!


Anonymous said...

Excellent!  Thanks for sharing!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

i love the TIME WASTED

excellent choice of words.
HUGS, lisa