Friday, September 1, 2006

Weekend Assignment #127: "Goodbye Summer" Haiku

Weekend Assignment #127: "Goodbye Summer" Haiku :

Weekend Assignment #127: Write a haiku saying farewell to summer. A haiku, as many of you know, is a poem of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five again in the third. Simple and fun, and anyone can do 'em. You can do more than one if you want. As a bonus, technically speaking haiku are supposed to feature seasonal imagery, so we've got that going for us this time around.

Extra Credit: A picture of a fun summer activity you're saying goodbye to for another year.

Okay, here is a Haiku for you:


Summer at the beach

Sandy shoes, and suntanned feet

Fall moon sets on tide

It's getting chilly

Where has my summer sun gone?

My ice cream cone melts

Labor Day Weekend is always celebrated at our house in a big way.  This year will mark the 18th anniversary that I was in labor with my first born:  Elizabeth.  (She's the girl in the pictures sporting the rainbow afro wig.)  She was a good baby, and was born right on her due date!  We won't be at the beach this year.  This year were doing it at home with a Jump House--yes, that is what she wanted. 

Have a good holiday!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my page :) I hope you get those riches to live here.. I'd write the summer haiku but I don't get a goodbye summer here!

Anonymous said...

My goodbye to summer was when I left Florida, all my sunshine went in more ways than one.
Thanks for sharing your goodbye summer Haiku. I love autumn, but i've never had an autumn with my love so its tinged with lonliness!

Shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

Very well done!  Your haiku have more imagery than most. - Karen

Anonymous said...

I wear sandals too much, so I have tan lines on my feet.

Anonymous said...

olá! cheguei aqui por acaso, através do blog do possidónio cachapa, e gostei do que vi. o que mais me chamou a atenção, confesso, foram a referências aos açores de onde acabo de chegar de umas férias maravilhosas e o haiku assignment (fiquei com vontade de tentar!). parabéns pelo blog, se quiseres conhecer o meu és bem-vinda.

papel químico
I had to add this...he couldn't add it on because he doesn't have aol...  :)