Weekend Assignment #129: It Just Doesn't Make Sense! :
Weekend Assignment #129: Write about something that makes absolutely no sense to you, or that you find almost impossibly ironic. This covers a lot of ground so let me make it simpler: Write about something you just don't get. You've rolled it around in your brain, you've thought about it, and it just doesn't add up. Yeah. Tell us about that thing. From the enduring popularity of talentless celebrities to people who put mayonnaise on their french fries (yes, I'm looking at you, Belgium), there's got to be something out there that makes you go, "huh?" Or, for the kids, something that makes you go "WTF?"
Extra Credit: There's a song playing in your head right now. Tell us what it is.
While out to dinner the other night, my husband announced that he thought he had another cavity. Oh no!! But that is okay, because he has his routine dental appointment next month. My gripe is with dentists!!
We both hate going to the dentist, but we go..with cement feet through the dental office's door. What we both don't understand is why can't a dentist somewhere, out there in our big ole' world of dentistry invent some sort of sealant for our adult teeth that can prevent tooth decay?!?! I have had my children's teeth "sealed", why can't dentists SEAL adult teeth?! Is there some sort of conspiracy going on or what?! I mean, there must be more that can be done! Thank GOD we have dental insurance!
Yes, I have a dental appointment myself on Saturday. I'm actually dreading the weekend because of it, BUT, I shouldn't complain. My new dentist is very gentle and nice, and has small hands. Nothing worse than having a dentist with big hands and bad breath, and extra nose hair... Eww..
By the way--I've tried mayo on french fries, and it isn't that bad John.. It's actually yummy, and very European-tres chic! (It's a wonder how/why Europeans are so much thinner.)
Extra Credit: For some reason, that song, Saturday In The Park..by Chicago is ringing in my ear. I think it's because I woke up with that song playing on the radio. It's anoldie, andI like the lyrics.. Here they are:
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For Saturday
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People talking, really smiling
A man playing his guitar
And singing for us all
Will you help him change the world
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For today
Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day
A bronze man still can tell stories his own way
Listen children all is not lost
All is not lost, oh no, no
Funny days in the park
And every day's the Fourth of July
Funny days in the park
Every day's the Fourth of July
People reaching, people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all
If we want it, really want it
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For the day
As for me, I won't be at the park.. I'll be at the dentist to finish my root canal. Oh JOY!
i hate dentists....have always felt they were the nerds everyone hated in high school and their revenge is to be a dentist. They dont want to put sealent on adults teeth because then they would not make any money. Try to enjoy your day at the dentist!
hugs, lisa
Agreed......yucky to the dentist. I can agree with the whole sealents for big people concept....I had the ones in my mouth put in ages ago, and it took them almost 12 years for them to fall out. If adult sealents had that kind of life expectency, sign me up!!! Great song choice!!
LOL... Dentists... were sadists work to be legit!! lol
be well,
ps... love Chicago
Hey, if they could prevent cavities, we wouldn't have to pay them to fill 'em and then refill 'em twenty years later, and so on...
I don't know how good your street connections are, but the dentist hurts a lot less if you take a few Percs before you go in.
Pix are not showing. BTW...my dad just retired from Dentistry after almost 43 yrs! He does not do the sealant on kids. Says it is not worth it. You actually etch the teeth (means take enamel OFF!) & then after chewing the sealant slowly comes off with leaves the tooth susceptible to have a cavity!!! This is why it doesn't make sense for adults either. Now it they could come up with a sealant that did not come off then you would have something.
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