Wednesday, February 28, 2007


This morning, when I woke up, I was hoping to turn on the T.V. and hear that the Hwy was shut down from the winter storm, and snow in the mountains; but no luck.  I finally dragged myself into the shower and hurried out of the house.  Nicholas seemed to be just fine this morning, but I got a call from my mom at work informing me that he had been screaming since 9 am, and she wasn't able to reach me over the phone because her phone was "not working."  I'm not sure if Andrew left the phone off the hook and got the battery to die, or if my mom thought the phone was the remote control again, but anyhoo, it looks like Nicholas has another ear ache again.  I swear, he has never been so sick since he started pre-school.  If he didn't like it so much, I swear I'm tempted to get him out..  BUT, I don't think my mother will ever be ready to have my little terror full time again.  I had to wait until Andrew got out of school, before we could go home--thank God it was his early day today.  If Nick doesn't feel better, I may have to stay home tomorrow.  Life would be so much easier if I worked in the same town I lived in... :SIGH:  I haven't heard from that test yet, but I did apply for something else yesterday.  It will happen, but it will take some time. 

Well, the receptionist was not in today again...BIG surprise.  Yesterday I overheard my boss lady talk to my boss man on the phone.  Apparently, this woman called the boss lady 3 times.  Once at 8pm to tell her she wasn't feeling well, then again at midnight, saying that she was calling to say she was sick, and wasn't sure she had called earlier, and then again at 6 am to announce that she really doesn't feel well, and won't be in.  Today both boss lady and boss man was out, so we don't know what her excuse is for today.  Hmm... 

When I said I thought she may be a vampire "clubber", these are the reasons that support my idea:    Not only is this woman quite pale looking, she refuses to open the light in her office.  She reminds me of one of my mother's older aunts--the one that was afraid of electricity.  She says it's because the light glares on her computer screen too much, but I beg to differ.  She NEVER opens the shades on her windows.  Each time we have to cover her desk when she isn't there-which is quite often, we have to bring in a small garbage can.  She leaves receipts all over the floor, and the janitor can't go into the office to clean it because she keeps the door locked.  If we forget to take the waste paper basket out of the office the next day before she comes in the morning, she has been known to kick it out of the office.  I witnessed this first hand myself.  In her office, she has a library of books--good books, I should add.  Not only does she appear to be very well read, you would think she was a fashionista by the stacks and stacks of expensive fashion magazines she keeps in that office.   I find this a little odd since she always come in dressed in long skirts, sweaters, and scarves with tennis shoes.  She also keeps a collection of half full Canada Dry Soda cans.  She has 7 of them--all half full.  Does anyone know why someone would keep 7 cans of half full club soda cans?  Okay, she is either a vampire or a binge drinker..  What is your take?

Okay, I think I've wasted quite a bit on the receptionist right now.  Poor thing.  I do feel sorry for her, but what she does is so unfair to the woman who primarily has to sit in for her when she is gone.  She never complains about covering the desk, and no one in management is taking this very seriously.  Sometimes I wonder who are the real flakes in the office, the receptionist, or management?  It might be a toss up. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Electric Dreams--(I loved that song..)


My youngest son woke up screaming this morning exclaiming:


“I don’t want to read the mail!  I want to play my game!”


My youngest is 3 years old. 


Apparently he was having a dream about the computer.  After we put in broadband, the older boys use their computer upstairs in their room.  Lizzy uses her laptop in her room, and Rich uses the computer he has in the garage.  Nicholas and I share the computer in the living room.  You would think that sharing a computer with a 3 year old wouldn't’t be that hard, but think again.  He LOVES playing his multitude of CD Rom games, and Playhouse Disney, Nick Jr., and  We almost fight over the computer sometimes.  When I want to check my email, he’ll sit on my lap, and sometimes X me out of AOL; or if I’ve just completed an entry in my the journal, he’ll X out the screen.  It can be a little frustrating at times.  This morning, I guess he had a dream of me checking my email in the middle of his SpongeBob game.  How dare I want to check my mail and interrupt this game!


“It’s okay, Nick you are just having a bad dream.”  I try to explain to my frantic 3 year old.


“I want to go back to my bad dream!”  He sobs, “I want to go back to my game!” 


Is this a little too extreme or what?


After a few moments, the crying stopped, and he was back in dream land, computer world. 


I had a few dreams last night myself.   Of course, unfortunately I don’t remember the whole dream entirely.  I don’t remember exactly where I am in the dream, but my ex-sister-in-law is in it, and she is in what I think is supposed to be my house in the kitchen.  In the dream, the ex-husband calls, and speaks to her, and the whole conversation is being recorded on my answering machine.  He, of course in unhappy with something about me (what else) and is just going on and on about my trip to the Azores this summer..etc.. 


I got the notarized letter for Andrew’s passport that I sent to the ex-husband in the mail yesterday.  I don’t know why I was expecting to see money in the envelope as well—I guess it was wishful thinking on my part.  He did say that he would help with the cost since his kids were going to see his two sisters and two brothers that the kids haven’t seen in seven years…  Hmm..  How dare I think he would be good on his word, huh?  Well, I sent him an email asking if he still intended in sending some money to help.  After this dream of hearing him yell on the phone, I just knew he must have just read his email early this morning.  Sure enough, 4:15 am my time he did—yeah sometimes I known to be just a little psychic/psychotic/psycho. 


The weather over here in my part of the world is a bit crazy.  It was pouring rain early this morning when hubby left for work, and by the time I left, the sky was blue, and sunny with everything outside wet as could be, with only a few dark clouds looming to the South.  My drive was wet, but clear.  By this afternoon, however, they say it will rain, with thunder storms, hail and even snow at elevations of 2,000 feet.  It’s Strange, strange weather for this part of the state.  I may even catch some snow in the mountains on my way home tonight.  I will admit to you that I purposively turned on the news as soon as I woke up, hoping that it would tell me that Hwy 17 was closed.  My boss lady, says it may happen tomorrow; her husband is a fireman and knows all this road closure/weather stuff. 


Surprisingly, the receptionist was here yesterday, but she didn't come after lunch.  She went to her mom’s house and got “sick” during lunch because of something she “ate," but, she told us she’d be back today.  Nope, she isn’t here today.  I haven’t heard why yet, but I’m sure it will be entertaining.  Last week, she was here two days.  Wednesday she didn't come in because she was feeling “ill,” Thursday she had to go to her mom’s home because the fence “was missing”, and then she called in Friday to say that she “found the fence” but she had to clean the gutters at her mom’s house under the rain, and because of experience, she was just so exhausted, she just couldn't come in to work that morning.  We can only speculate what she is doing at this moment.  My friend Maria and I think she lives a double life.  We think she goes out clubbing with vampires, or she is involved in an internet love affair. 

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, Monday....

Whew.. It's Monday, and my head is hurts like a bitch..  I never hardly swear, so that just shows you that I'm really hurting... I feel that "special time" of the month approaching...oh joy!

Where did the weekend go anyhoo?

I hardly have time to sit down and write an entry because I'm just too busy to take the time to write anything worth writing about.  My weekends are spent basically doing my grocery shopping, cleaning the house--(I love having a clean house) and trying to spend as much quality time with my family as much as possible. 

Saturday I took a test for courtroom clerk.  I made sure I was there early, and I ended up sitting there amoung about 30 other people.  Unlike most of the people there, I didn't know anyone there.  From their conversations, they all mostly work for the county already.  I should have brought a book, instead of pretending not to overhear the fat guy across from me go on and on about so and so to this other lady, and their former co-worker who was in jail for his 3rd DUI...  There was a sheriff's baliff in the room, for some unknown reason.  Is that really necessary?  Strange.  The very large man sitting at my table across from me kept on making mistakes on his answer sheet.  As he made each correction, the table just shook, and shook..  Very annoying.  I finished the test pretty quickly and left while the majority of the people were still there.  I'm not quite sure if that is good or bad.  It wasn't that hard of a test.  We shall see.  It pays $30 a hour by the way.  Damn, that is good money. 

I made my daughter babysit Saturday, and me and hubby finally went out together alone.  This doesn't happen very often, so it's always a treat.  We went to see Number 23.  It wasn't up to our expectations.  It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either--kind of a let down actually.  I don't recommend it unless you are a big Jim Carey fan.  He is much better in comedies, although he did have a few lines that were comical in the movie.  Afterwards, Rich and I were sorry we went with our better judgement, and not see 911 Miami.  Yeah, the movie was that disappointing..  Afterwards we went out to dinner, and the food wasn't that great either.  The restaurant was loud, and my black bean hamburger made me nauseous.  Oh well... 

Yesterday I put all the kids in the van and drove over to Kinkos to get our passport pictures.  Of course my daughter the diva's passport picture screams, DIVA.  Andrew's pictures says:  I just woke up, and I don't want to go on this trip. Nick's picture looks fine because he is watching me make a complete fool of myself as I jump up and down behind the kinko man with the camera.  When it was my turn to take mine, it took me 6 takes before I got a decent picture without my eyes closed.  Anyone else have that problem?  I looked like I was on drugs in each photo.  The poor guy had to put a new battery in.  I finally got one with my eyes open, and you can tell in the photo that I'm making a point of keeping them open, because I'm doing that "Spock" one raised eyebrow look, as if I'm saying:  "Very un logical Capt."  Oh well.  I like my old passport picture a lot better, but it has my old last name on it.  I could use it, but  it would mean carrying my marriage certificate with me for the whole trip to prove who I am. 

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who has been in an verbally abusive relationship for the last year.  Life just isn't long enough to live that way.  I'm urging her to move out.  No positive changes are going to happen until she makes that first step.  She isn't married (thank God) nor does she have any children--nothing to hold her back.  I hope she's out soon.  I wouldn't wish that situation to my worse enemy; been there, done that; I'm still around and the bruises inside have healed; thank God again. 

My head is pounding, and I have work to do..  Ta, ta for now!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

10 Foods I Hate

Leave it to Dawn at Carpe Diem - Seize the Day to give me an idea of what to write about today!  I'm still feeling a little LOOPY--not yet 100%

Here is my list!

1.  Cottage Cheese-the texture makes me gag.

2.  Marcella Tea (Cha Marcella)--the taste makes me gag even worse.  (It's an herb tea my mom makes out of dried little daisies.  It's supposed to help stomaches.  It only takes 1 sip to make me want to hurl.) 

3.  Fish.  ANY fish with bones in it; especially sardines...yuck..  The only way I will even THINK about eating fish is if there are absolutely NO BONES.

4.  Shellfish.  I refuse to put anything in my mouth that is still alive.  (My Portuguese ancestors are now rolling in their graves.)

5.  Liver, or any organ, or any left over part of an animal that normally cannot be found on a menu--like Bull testicles for example.  No way..  Don't even ask me to try some Menudo!  I like Ricky Martin, but that is about it. 

6.  Grape Nuts Cereal.  If I want to get that texture in a cereal, I can always get me a bowl of rocks and cover it with milk.  No thanks. 

7.  I will NEVER eat a rabbit.  I don't care if it tastes like chicken.  That goes for squirrel and possum as well.  Ewww.. 

8.  Octopus/Squid.  YUCKO!!  Let's just say the ONLY thing I will eat from the sea is shrimp and crab.  I love crab cakes. 

9.  Egg Nog.  Even with liquor it's hard to drink. 

10.  Sweet & Sour Soup.  EEewww...  The taste stays in my mouth for hours, and it's too thick and rich.  I always get a stomach ache. 

Notice I have not ONE vegetable on my list?!  I'm a good Rabbit (Coelha)...I eat my veggies, and my chocolate. 


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Terca Feira Gorda--Fat Tuesday


I've been feeling so lousy, I forgot tell you what I did Friday night.  Well, I went out again with my friend Angela, her daughter, and my mom to see more Dancas do Carnaval.  It was a big treat for my mother--she hadn't been to one in years.  I had gone a few weeks ago with Angela, but I was only able to stay for a short time.  It was pretty entertaining. 

I'm sure, most of you, if not all of you don't have the slightest of what I'm talking about.  I know my husband didn't.  He finally asked me on Friday night what kind of "dance" I was going to.  For the longest time, he actually thought I was going to a dance to "dance" with people.  I had gone the week previous, with Angela, and I guess he thought that I just went out dancing...  You see how much this guy trusts me?!  When he noticed I was taking my mother this time, I guess he realized that he misunderstood, and finally asked me:  "What kind of dance is this?" 

"Dancas" pronounced DAN SAS is a celebration of music and dancing that is done before the start of lent.  Mardi Gras a la Portuguese style.  It involves bright costumes, and stories--done all in rhymes, ..kinda of like rap music gone old school.  It is a little hard to describe.  The musical instruments are guitar, madeline, trumpets, saxophone--typical marching band music.  The tradition of Carnaval has been in my family for many years, and I'm proud to say my grandfather used to write stories/music and was very well known for it.  The street that my mother stands on, back in the Azores is named after him.  There have been books written about him, and when he migrated to California, he had left his dances and music here before he returned to his homeland.  He passed away at a very young age, and he left behind my grandmother and my mother when she was still yet an infant.  My mother grew up participating in Carnaval ever since she was a young child, constantly hearing of what a brilliant man her father was.  Sadly, she never knew him. 

On the side bar, you can see the web site I created for him months ago.  Feel free to check it out, and visit the Carnaval web page that is there. 

Anyways...  It's Fat Tuesday.  Party on...  I'm just going to try and get a nap in and try and feel better.. My head is pounding.  What am I going to "let go" for Lent.  Hmmm...  Perhaps CHOCOLATE!!!  Hey, I've got about a dozen more candies in that huge box of candy hubby gave me...  I may just throw it up later though. 


Travel Questionnaire


This is from Dawn's site:  Questionairre about Travel

I'm so drained, I can't think, so thanks Dawn...  :)

1. What is the one place take out-of-town guests when they visit? (you can be vague to preserve your anonymity if you like)

I like to take people to San Francisco--specifically Pier 39, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate, and the lovely town of Sausilito.

In town, (San Jose) I like taking people to Santana Row--it's an outside mall with some exculsive shops and restaurants.  I don't really shop there, but it's fun to see how the half live.   Taking people to downtown San Jose, is fun too.  There are some nice museums, and there is always the Children's Discovery Museum that I have yet to visit myself!

Of course, I like to take people to my hometown of Santa Cruz, and go to the beach, and the Boardwalk.  I walk down the the downtown area is always fun as well.  Visitors are usually struck by the strange people that hang out downtown, and I like to see their reactions. 

My favorite place however near the ocean is Monterey.  It's just beautiful there--everywhere you go. 

2. When visiting another city or town, do you try to cram as much in as possible, or take it slow and easy?

Depending on the time we are there, I like to see as much as possible, but I also like to take a few days just to breathe it all in.  When I went to Maui the women I went with had been there before, and they were more interested in getting their nails done, and shopping for toe rings.  I enjoyed going to the beach; even if I went alone.  It was so beautiful there.  I want to go back-this time however with my husband. 

3. When traveling, where are you most likely to be; strolling through a museum, checking out the local shopping, or doing something else?

Hmm..  I do go to museums; it depends where I go.  I tend to go places where family live, so I do a lot of visiting, but what I enjoy most is being outside, and taking pictures.  I try to capture as much as I can on camera so I can enjoy later after the vacation.  Vacations always seem to whiz by--don't they?  I do like souvenirs, but the best ones are the pictures and the memories of people I've met through the years. 

4. Do you like organized tours and/or carefully planned itineraries, or would you rather 'wing it' and just see what happens?

I make plans--sometimes they just don't pan out.  Usually, when I just "wing it" things go just fine.  I like doing things in the spur of the moment. 

We were to board a cruise ship in the Azores at one time.  We went to the agency, paid the fare, and we even took sea sick medication.  As we tried to board the boat, we were told by the captain we couldn't board on.  The travel agent alerted him to tell us not to board.  Apparently, the cruise ship was to take a unscheduled extended stop at one of the islands for a soccer game, and if we boarded we would miss our plane back to the states.  What a let down that was..  It was awfully sad. 

5. After a trip, what do you find yourself craving most about home?

My bed, and believe it or not, my kitchen. 

As for my travel plans this summer, I paid for them yesterday.  I'm looking forward to the vacation, but at the same time I'm dreading leaving my better half behind... :SIGH:

I'm home feeling, sickly...

I've been away for awhile..  Gee, it's been almost a week since my last entry.. Damn!

I've been pretty busy at work, and I'm working on a story on the side.  Dawn, have you been working on yours?  I've been pretty busy this weekend with my mother over, and we did some shopping, but yesterday morning I woke up feeling ill.  I should have listened to my instincts, and just stay home, and not venture out there to do more shopping with mother, but alas, I went against my better judgment, and did more shopping, and took her home late yesterday afternoon.  I felt nauseous.  Perhaps all that chocolate from my previous sugar high got up to me.  My younger son Nicholas was throwing up on Friday night; may be I caught his bug, whatever it was, there I was, driving on a curvy highway, in the woods..on my way home feeling really car sick.

Sorry, for being a little graphic in this entry, but you know that taste in your mouth that you get, just before you are just about to lose your cookies?  That sour, disgusting lump that comes up to your throat?  I can't describe to you how horrid it is when you are behind the wheel, with no place to stop on the side of the road, and with a sleeping child in the backseat.  I'm sure, it would have been worse if he was awake and saw it all, but I felt I was trapped in my car, in front of wheel.  Not just once, or twice, but three times-----  In the words of my dear hubby that cleaned the van afterwards, "Honey, it looks like you exploded."  Oh it was awful.  I was drinking a lot of liquids hoping it would relieve the stomach ache, and help me at least burp a little, but oh Lord, it was just awful.  I'm not going to describe it anymore because I just am recently able to eat something, and I don't want to lose my tea and toast right now. 

Thank God no one paid witness to my episode.  This isn't the first time it's happened to me.  The last time was when I Nick was a baby.  I felt like crying--my God I was filthy.  I somehow got a hold of my purse and grab my cell phone.

  "Lizzy, when you hear the garage door open, I want you to grab my pink bathrobe, and bring two plastic trash bags.  I just threw up on myself." 

Thank God, Lizzy was home.  Basically I undressed in the garage and my clothes were put in a trash bag.  I have no idea where my clothes are.  I bet you anything my daughter threw them away. 

I'm feeling better, but decided to just stay home today.  I hope you are all feeling well, and sorry for the disgusting entry.  I haven't been reading my alerts lately, so forgive me..  I will try and read them all soon.  Take care! 

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm HIGH on Chocolate


I got the following at this website:

The History of Valentine's Day

"Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.

According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France."

Why must stories like these always have such a sad, and tragic ending?  Why can't people just live happily every after with a milk chocolate, Cadbury, Roast Almond candy bar?  :SIGH:  Yes, I'm high on chocolate, thanks to my pal, Maria who handed me this 4,000 calorie chocolate bar.  "You can eat a square a day,"  she explained to me with a giggle.  Right..  I'm so sure Maria!  It's gone, woman!!!  Gone, gone, gone, gone!! 

I wasn't going to enter another entry today, but I got so many cute graphics, I didn't want to wait until next year to use them all!! 

So far, my day has been a little hectic.  The check I left at the travel agency for my mother was not found early this morning, until later by the cleaning crew of the building.  The building front door was not left open, like I was told, and my daughter had to slip it under the front door.  Thank God that is over with.  In other news, the receptionist here at work has been gone all week due to her shoulder.  We don't know the details, or how or why she hurt her shoulder.  We can only speculate that she fell in another one of those evil gopher holes she keeps falling into.  The key to the closet door that always has to be remained locked is now broken.  Under federal law, this closet needs to be locked  when the CII Clets machine is not in use.  Of course, there is no spare key.  Hmm..  Lovely. 


Whoohooo..  I think Nick is going to have to sleep in his own bed tonight..

Hope you are having a good one!!


Okay..  It's 1 a.m.  I've finally decorated all my cookies, the valentines...etc..etc.. and here I am in front of the computer?!?  Husband, is probably wonderng..  "Where is my wife?"  Yeah, I'm going whacko. 

I don't think I'll be able to post an entry later today, so here goes:

I hope you all get spoiled silly with flowers, candy, hugs and kisses...etc..etc..  If not, I hope you go spoil yourself and do something nice for YOU. single people out there:  I hope cupid finds you and pins you down good with one of those extra damaging love pistol arrows!! 

Kissy, kissy, kiss..and all that mushy stuff for all of you... 






Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lizzy's Got a Bone To Pick With Nelly ..

Here is Nelly Furtado, enjoying an authentic PORTUGUESE meal. 

Did you see the Grammy's last night?  Well, Azoreans everywhere were watching the tube to see Nelly Furtado.  Yes, she is Canadian, but her parents come from the Azores, so it is a very true that Nelly is VERY POPULAR in all of Portugal.  My daughter is a fan of hers as well.

I didn't see it, but my daughter told me last night that Nelly appeared on the tube during an after party, where Justin Timberlake asked her who was babysitting her baby daughter.  Her reply went something like this:

"I have cousins to watch my baby...  We don't do day care, we are Hispanic, we are Portuguese!"

I'm not quite sure WHY my daughter found it so appalling... Okay, she called herself Hispanic.  Lizzy has a bone to pick with Nelly now. 

"But she ISN'T Hispanic, mom!!  Nelly Furtado doesn't know what she is!" 

My daughter has many Hispanic friends, who tell her she ISN'T Hispanic.

"When I see her again, I'm going to give it to her straight."  Lizzy exclaims. 

My daughter met Nelly a few years ago after a concert in San Francisco.  I guess she plans on seeing her again. 

  His·pan·ic (hÄ­-spăn'Ä­k) pronunciation

  1. Of or relating to Spain or Spanish-speaking Latin America.
  2. Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture.


  1. A Spanish-speaking person.
  2. A U.S. citizen or resident of Latin-American or Spanish descent.

Note to Nelly:  You aren't Spanish, but we still love you. 

I've got 4 tickets to paradise..


A long, long, time ago, I actually took a vocational college course to be a travel agent.  When I found out how little a travel agent actually got paid, I decided to just stay at my county job-mostly because it paid more.  I’m feeling kind of like a travel agent at the moment though…


Well, guess who is going to the Azores this summer?!  My mom, my brother and his entire family, and….  ME—(and 3 kids)! 


I am happy, but, it’s kind of bittersweet because my husband, and his son can’t go.  Three weeks without my Valentine.  It will be hard.  I could go for longer, but…  I really don’t want to!   I’m a little sad over this.  Hopefully one day he can go with me in the future. 


My husband won’t be alone, he’ll be with his son, and he promised he wouldn't’t grow a beard, or eat extremely badly or anything while I’m gone… :SIGH:   At least my cousins have internet access!  I can email him everyday, and may be even type some entries in my blog, and post some pictures of this beautiful place.  I hope to do a lot of days at the beach however. 


I just got off the phone with the travel agent I’ve been working with.  I’ve booked everyone’s ticket, but I have to drop off the payments like, ASAP by tomorrow morning Azores time in order to keep my brother’s reservations.  Apparently, he is leaving on a very popular flight.  According to the travelagent, a wedding party cancelled, and she got them all in at the last minute.  But there is already a waiting list!  See?!  The conspiracy is working!  There is only ONE airline that flies to the Azores as a prime destination:  Azores Express/Tap—Transportes Aereos Portuguesa—known as also:  Air Portugal, or Take Another Plane.  (Actually, TAP has really nice and comfy planes.)  See why it’s so important to book months ahead!?  They are going in June, and there is already a waiting list!  Reservations went out only a week ago!  Apparently, the flight is going to be taking a lot of bull fighters to the islands.  Lovely..  I’m kind of glad I’m not going on this flight.  Imagine sitting in a plane full of bull fighters all dressed up in those little tight sequined outfits…  HA HA HA…  (Note:  In Portugal, bulls are NEVER killed in a bull fight.  They only kill them in Spain and Mexico.)    


Tonight after my brother drops by with his money.. (poor guy is going to be spending a fortune on this trip), I will go out and drop off his and my mother’s check at the closed travel agency, in the dark, and in the rain.  It shall be another adventure.  I have until next week to pay for my flight.  Yes, EX says he is pitching in some money for the trip for the kids.  This will help greatly.  It will be “guilt money” but money is money, right? 


Monday, February 12, 2007

A peek into my weekend


Well, I didn’t come back yesterday to blog about my Saturday like I promised, so it’s Monday, and I will blog about my weekend today. 


Today is a rainy, Lincoln’s birthday, so this means that there is no school, nor are there court proceedings today, so this means work is going to be a little slow.  The court rooms are BLACK.


Saturday morning I was in a mad rush to downtown in order to take my test.  I used Mapquest for directions, and naturally, they didn’t help me.  I ended up passing the building twice, until I decided to stop and park, and ask some county Saturday working people if I was in the right area.  Of course, it was in the very professional looking building across the street.  I was a bit surprised because I was looking for an older building; county buildings never looked too professional, and usually they are run down.  I guess I’ve been working for the wrong county all these years.  Anyhow, luckily for me I wasn’t late, and still had 15 minutes to run off and take my test.  I met up with another woman in front of the room the test was being held, only to discover the glass doors locked.  We re-read our letters, and yes, we were in the right place and it was not 11 yet, but nothing to indicate the test was being done today; no flyer to announce cancellation, NOTHING.  We had both noticed a few other women leaving the building... But still, you would think they would post something up to announce it was cancelled.  How very rude!  One would expect a county office to be a bit more professional, huh?  When I got home, I left a message with the human resources office inquiring if another date for testing was being held.  I was nice on the phone, and didn’t sound mad or anything, but I was a little upset.  The poor girl that was in the building with me had to call in sick at her other employment just to take the test.  I guess I’m lucky I have the weekends off, but this morning I was in a rush at the grocery store just so I would make it on time to take this test.  Oh well.  I have another test for job this evening.  I hope it’s not cancelled too. 


Although Friday was a very BUSY day for me, I had a nice time at the Portuguese hall with my new friend Angela.  Angela is my cousin Tania’ boyfriend’s aunt.  We met when Tania was here visiting.  She’s been living in San Jose about 8 years, and she knows all about the events happening at the hall, and I was curious if she knew a few people that I have known through the years but lost touch.  Of course she knew one woman in particular:  Aurora.  (Not to be confused in any way to Princess Aurora, aka: Dawn.) 



A LONG, LONG, time ago when I was married to my ex-husband, he met up with a friend who used to be his childhood neighbor back in the Azores, and it wasn’t long until hehired him to do sheet rock.  The first day I met this guy’s wife, Aurora, she sat me down on her couch and basically told me all of the problems in her marriage.  To say the least, it was a bit uncomfortable.  I had just met this woman, and there she was spilling her tragic, unhappy life into my lap.  I felt sorry for her, and figured that she must not have many friends to talk to.  Well, it wasn’t if I had a choice either.  My husband had just left me there and went to work, and I had to stay there until he got back.  So, for the first few hours, she went on and on recounting her life with her terrible husband, while  her son, who must have been may be 10, sat there with us, nodding his head the whole entire time.  Well, this son of hers is already in his 20’s, married, and has a small child that is my youngest son’s age.  To see him there, all grown up with a child of his own, was very odd.  Aurora looked the same however, but this time she wasn’t complaining about her husband, but rather her now ex-husband and his new wife.  Some people just never change.  Apparently, her ex-husband likes to make appearances at all of the Portuguese functions and makes a point of sitting very close to her.  No, they aren’t on friendly terms either, and of course, his new wife, in Aurora’s words is a “F… Bitch”.  For a moment there, I felt like I was sitting in the audience of a Jerry Springer show, because Aurora just went on and on in the crowded hall telling me and Angela, and an innocent older woman the details of why his new wife was so bitchy, all the while, her ex-husband kept on walking back in forth in front of us.  I don’t think he recognized me, but I was afraid to look at him.  I hated that man when my ex was working for him.  I won't go into detail of all the reasons why, but let's just say it involved a lot of sleepless nights, and hours of looking out the window for the guy to make it home.  


Aurora gave me her number.  Apparently, she got the house in the divorce, and has the same phone number.  I honestly do not remember where she lived, but we exchanged phone numbers.  I may have coffee with her one day, but I will have to be in a special mood for it; it will have to be a Jerry Springer kind of mood; which is not quite often.  Oh the drama! 




Well, I need to take a test..  Ate logo! 

Saturday, February 10, 2007

So ready for the weekend...

Praise the Lord...  It's Saturday!!  I'm pooped from yesterday....just POOPED!!  I can now almost understand why that psycho astronaut woman decided to where a Depends diaper on her way to supposedly kill "the other woman"....  I  REPEAT, I said, I can almost understand.  (That whole story just creeps me out.)


Yesterday was a LONG day.  It started taking the boys to school, and an early morning doctor's appointment with mom, going to work to move boxes of files for criminals that bench warranted for 2004 & 2005 & 2006---(there are a lot of criminals out there on the run--it's scary!!), running to the pharmacy, getting my oldest out of school, and going back to work for a few more hours, and then picking up the youngest from pre-school, and then driving back to my mom's to pick up my son, and then homeward bound-over the hill and through the woods from Santa Cruz to San Jose..

But; it doesn't end there.. 

After work, I met up with a friend to watch some Carnaval Dancing at the Portuguese Hall.  I only caught one dance--the children's dance, and couldn't stay to see the whole show, but I did meet up with a very old acquaintance of mine whom I hadn't seen in, like almost 17 years.  (I will have to write more about this and the Carnaval Dancing in another entry--it was pretty interesting.)  By the time I left the hall, it was almost past 9:30, and I had to get going and go up to San Francisco to meet up with my daughter and her boyfriend.  My daughter had to sit at a recital for her theatre class for a review she had to write up due on Monday. 

I've driven to San Francisco many times before, so it wasn't much of a big deal.  My daughter printed out the instructions so I would know exactly where to find her.  I had it with me in the car, but it wasn't until I was on the road in downtown San Jose did I realize I had misplaced it!  I was busily talking to my friend Angela, that I totally blanked out and didn't know where the hell I put that piece of paper I printed out for Mapquest.  So, in between lights (that always turned green by the way--why does it never turn red when a person NEEDS to stop driving and look for something in the car?!) I'm trying to search for my piece of paper, under my seat with one hand, in my purse, the back seat..etc; and I must have looked a little nutty, because someone else was noticing my dilemma. 

I look up, and I see this guy looking down at me from the driver's side of his very large white shiny truck.  Omg, I'm thinking to myself, this guy wants to pick me up or what?  He is looking down at me with his sunglasses half down (by the way, this happened at night).  I'm naturally quite annoyed, and just stare at him and quickly point to they light.  "Pay attention to the light signal you moron!"  I explained, but of course he can't hear me from my car.  So I proceed down the street, and he is just driving at my side the whole entire time giving me that "come hither look".  OMG, I think to myself again.  This guy may have been thinking I was telling him to pull over to the side to talk to him when he say me pointing in front of me.  At this point, I'm a little frightened, so I decide to just ignore the man in the white truck, and only look directly ahead of me.  I think he got the message. 

I need to take a highway exit, and I still did not find this piece of paper, so I decide to go to the bus depot up ahead, and stop the car and find this paper.  Naturally I was a little scared that the white truck would follow me, so I was careful I wasn't followed, but the anxiety was still with me.  I heard a door slam, and I jumped out of my seat.  And then that is when I remembered.  Guess where the paper was?  In the pocket door of my car, where I put it.  I should have known--it was the same place my ATM card "bounced" mysteriously in the following week. 

Ever have one of those days when you just want to scream? 

Well, I finally got to San Francisco, picked up the daughter and boyfriend, (who wasn't wearing a dress today), and got home at midnight--just like Cinderella--200 miles later..  Good thing I wasn't driving a coach, hey?   

I swear, sometimes I think I was born to be trucker.  Do truckers sometimes wear Depends as well? 

I'll tell you about my day TODAY, tomorrow.  This bunny is pooped!


Friday, February 9, 2007

Weekend Assignment #151-Valentine's Day; Genuine or Commerical Money Pit?

Weekend Assignment #151: Is Valentine's Day a genuinely romantic day? Or just a big commercial money pit into which romantic people fall? Go on, share how you really feel about the day -- whether you enjoy it, or feel like it's forced on you by greeting card companies, or fall somewhere in between those two poles.

Extra credit: Suggest a nice romantic movie

From John Scalzi's Journal

Hmm..  In school I remember Valentines Day fondly.  I loved making valentines, and I loved getting them at school.  I remember our teachers having us make our own "Valentine Drop Off" with pink and red construction paper.  On the big day, we would take our bag of valentines, and drop them in each other's Valentine drop off...  It was fun to get them from the classmates--especially when candy was taped on to them...  I don't know why, all Valentine candy have a certain "smell" that I love..  Hell, all candy smells good!

In Jr. High, Valentines was more serious business.  Instead of dropping off valentines, you could purchase red, pink and white carnations, and send them to your friends, or boyfriend/girlfriend.  I didn't have a boyfriend in Jr. High, so, sadly, I hardly got any.  It was kind of a let down to tell you the truth.  The "popular pretty girls" always ended up with at least a half a dozen of them, and you'd see them parading down the hall exclaiming:  "Oh, all these carnations are so hard to carry...  Where am I going to put them all?"  Poor things.  I had little sympathy for them. 

In high school, Valentines were nonexistent. It was totally uncool to get any.  Some people got flowers, and balloons, but they were more than a nuisance to carry around class.  People went on dates on that day, and we would hear stories about their dates afterwards---usually the stories were pretty embellished.  Some girls got jewelry.  I didn't--but of course, I didn't have a REAL boyfriend in high school either. 

I got married once on Valentines Day.  My ex-husband got me a flowered plant.  I can still see him running from the grocery store, holding the plant so proudly.  You'd think he just got me 24 long stem roses.  In the spirit of the Valentine season, I'm going to refrain from re-telling that story.

I love the Valentines gifts I have been given from my children--handmade cards--very sweet.  I never really got flowers or candy or roses until I met my second husband.  He spoils me and sends me roses and candy to work every year, which really irritates some of the women here--I can tell.  They don't say anything, but I know it kind of agitates them--especially the single women at the office--there are quite a few.  But, that is okay..  I sometimes feel embarrassed by it all, because let's just say through my years of being married the first time, I hardly got any flowers, and I know what a let down it is to not get any, so I guess my husband is just spoiling me now to make up for lost time.  I love the attention; don't get me wrong. 

I do think florists do make a killing this time of year, as well as jewelry stores.  We all see the commercials..  "Show someone you love them by buying this...etc..etc.."  Personally, if these commercials pressure you to buy something expensive for your loved one, I think what you REALLY need to do, is step back, and start appreciating your significant other more!  Tell them you love them a little more-not just on Valentines, but every day..  You don't have to spend a lot of money on someone.  A hug, or an I love you once in awhile is worth more than a piece of jewelry.  At least, that is my opinion. 

Extra Credit:  My romantic movie suggestion is "Love Actually" 



Thursday, February 8, 2007

Mixed Bag of Nuts


Early this morning, a knock was at the door, and it was my daughter’s boyfriend, who was wearing a dress.  You can imagine my double take this morning, when I saw my mother’s dress going up the stairs.  It’s not everyday you see your daughter’s boyfriend wearing your mother’s dress, is it?  So happens today is “cross-dresser” day at the boyfriend’s high school, and naturally Lizzy volunteered to fix his make up.  I let him borrow my red beret to compliment his red jacket and blue and white polka dot dress.  Yes, this boy is totally okay with his feminine side.  I just hope he doesn't’t get beat up or anything.   


The high school is only a few blocks away from my house, and if given the chance, I know my daughter would love to go back there.  She started there in her junior year, and basically did a complete turn around in her grades.  She loved her last years of high school, and her teachers, and still remains to have many friends still there attending; including her boyfriend.  Sometimes I think she is with him just so she will still have a link to her beloved high school.  Of course, she doesn't’t like it when I say it, but she’ll be attending the next Sadies (a dance where the girl gets to ask the boy to the dance) school dance on Saturday at the high school. 


“I can’t let some other girl at his school ask him out to the dance!”  Lizzy exclaimed.


Yes, my daughter’s boyfriend is a few years younger than her, and still in high school.  He doesn't’t drive yet, and he is still a minor.  I often wonder—is it better this way, or not?  Would I rather have my daughter date someone older who had a license?  Honestly, I don’t know if it would be better or not.  Yes—I do have to be the “taxi mother” on a number of occasions, but again, would I feel more comfortable if she was out there with a guy in a car alone driving on the busy streets? 


Anyway, I found out the prices for airline tickets for the Azores this summer.  Surprisingly, the flights are cheaper than what they were last year—so that is good!  However, they are still a little expensive.  I will be asking the ex-husband if he’ll be willing to chip in some extra money for the trip—I mean, I intend to be seeing his side of the family while I’m there.  Lizzy and Andrew have two aunts and two uncles there, plus a half a dozen first cousins.  I know they will want to see the kids; and it will be good for them.  I still like his family; it’s not their fault their brother turned out to be such an idiot. Okay, I must not call someone who I’m asking for funds an idiot.  I will try to be nice now.  Anyways, wish me luck.  


 You know, when it comes to the Azores and airline tickets there is a major conspiracy going on in my opinion.  Basically, the only people who travel to the Azores are either in the military, or they are going there to visit family.  The Azores is not a prime vacation destination, in fact, in most instances, when I tell someone that I’m going to be in the Azores, I get blank stares and confused looks.  This is the reaction I often get:


“Where in the hell is that?” 


(I have a link on my side bar if you are interested to see where I'm talking about.)



Basically, if you aren't’t from there, and if you aren't’t familiar with European navigation, or geography, chances are you don’t know where it is.  The Airlines know this, and they know that the average Portuguese person will pay just about anything to go back and visit relatives there—even if it means they have to scrimp and save for months-or years, take on a 3rd job, or use a credit card.  Sure, I could go to Italy for 3 weeks for half the fair that I have to pay to go to the Azores!  It just doesn't’t seem fair.  This is partly the reason why I haven’t visited for over 8 years.  Oh well, at least my youngest faire is $200 less—better go now before he is 10, before he is considered an “adult”!  It’s a conspiracy I tell you!! 

Monday, February 5, 2007

Haircut For Nicholas!


Sunday morning, it was haircut day for my two boys, Andrew & Nicholas.  Of course, it didn’t go without a protest.


“How about next weekend, Mom?!  Not this weekend, please?!”  Andrew whined.


“No!  This weekend!”  I answered back. 


For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been hoping to get both them to get a haircut, and I wasn’t going to give in again this time.  I didn’t care if it was Super Bowl Weekend!  The main reason why I’ve been letting it slide was due to the fact Nicholas wasn’t feeling well, and he just doesn’t didn’t do well with haircuts, period.  It’s a thing I dread actually.  The last time he had a haircut was late last summer when my cousin Tania was here visiting.  She was so excited, and brought her camera to take pictures.  Tania obviously did not know it wasn’t going to be a Kodak Moment.  Nicholas screamed and protested the entire time, and he had to be held down by me, while he sat on my lap.  Let’s just say Tania didn’t take any pictures.  


I wish she was here yesterday though.


When I told Nicholas about getting the haircut, he announced that he wasn’t going to sit on my lap.  I was a bit surprised.  Okay.  This sounds too good to be true; for a moment there I envisioned he was actually going to sit there by himself, and let the lady cut his hair—whoa, no way!  He still seemed a little nervous about it, so I told him we would go to McDonalds afterwards if he promised to be a good boy.  Yes, I bribed him.   


When we got to the shop, he bravely followed me to his chair without protest.  The lady got his booster seat, and he jumped right on it, right next to his older brother in the next chair.  This was a very proud moment for both of us.  I did have to hold his head a few times during the whole procedure, because he didn’t feel comfortable with the cutting shear near his ears, but other than that, not a whimper or a cry, or a kick of protest!!!  And of course, did I remember to bring my camera?!  NO…  Of course not!!!  I was bummed.  I will have to write something down in his Baby Book this week, and get a picture of him with his new haircut!  This is a milestone of is Baby Years..  Sadly, I don’t think he is a baby anymore..  


Last night my daughter took out some old videos, and found one when she was 11 months old, during a trip with my parents to San Diego.  Oooh I cannot tell you how amazing it was to see her again asa baby, so small.  She was such an adorable little girl.  My parents are in the video, and to see my dad sitting with her, and carrying her on his shoulders… Yes, the waterworks started.  Of course, I look TERRIBLE in this video!!  I have bangs!  (I SWEAR NEVER TO HAVE BANGS AGAIN), and I’m overweight, and in this particular video my ex-husband took he is constantly filming me from behind, and of course my butt looks HUGE!  During the whole video, you can tell that I’m irritated, and I don’t look very happy at all.  Gee…  I wonder why.  Anyway, Nicholas didn’t like the fact that I was focusing, and fussing over Lizzy (the baby) at all.  He finally sat on my lap, put my arm around his belly and told Lizzy quite frankly:


 “Lizzy, you are not the baby anymore!” 


I thought that was pretty funny. 


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thankful Thursday


It is time again for Thankful Thursday, from Dawn at: Carpe Diem - Seize the Day, who got it from: Gretchen.

1.      I am grateful to have done my commute without an accident, a sick child throwing up in the backseat, or a rude motorist on my bumper.

2.     I am thankful we didn't have to wait too long for my mother's doctor's appointment.

3.     I am thankful that I found my ATM card that had magically reappeared after many desperate searches inside my vehicle this morning.

4.     I am thankful that Nicholas let me finish eating my breakfast this morning at the restaurant.

5.     I am thankful that my mother is starting to complain and nag about my son's clothing choices...  This means she is back to ole' self again.

6.  I am thankful that I have a good, loving husband, despite the fact I think sometimes he thinks I'm a little nutty. 


I could go on and on about this week, but may be I will refrain.  There is just too much to write about, and I've written it all,  only to discover that it was got "lost in cyber space" somewhere..  I really don't want to type it all again...

Let's see...  For a quick breakdown:  Youngest still isn't over a cold, got into a minor accident--(the guy behind me at the traffic light was a little anxious, and the light just didn't turn green fast enough), errands, doctor appointments, missed work, countless calls to insurance and Medicare for mother, more doctor appointments, late nights of being a taxi driver for my oldest...(the girl needs a driver's license)  Oh, and this is the best one: 


This morning, as I was rushing down the street towards the gas station, I decided to take out my ATM card before I stopped the car.  Well, I was holding it with my right hand, and with my left I leaned down near the side of my chair to release the gas lever.  As soon as I did this, my ATM card fell out of my hand and under my seat. 

My mad search for my ATM card began.  I reached under my seat, but it wasn't there.  I got out of the car, got on my knees and looked for it under the seat.  Not there!  I checked under the mat..  Not there!  I checked in under the seat again from the back where the kids were sitting...  NO CARD!!

I thought I was going crazy.  I kept on having visions of that card falling out of my hand, under the seat...directly in front of me!!!

Well, I was running late, so since this particular gas station only took cash at ATM, I had to find another gas station that took the credit card, and of course the nearest one near the highway was the most expensive. 

During my whole 35 minute commute, all I could think about was that ATM card.  Where could it be?  It was dropped before I even opened my car door.  IT JUST HAD TO BE IN THIS CAR!!!  It just haunted me the whole entire drive. 

After dropping off my older son at school, I stopped and picked up my mother for her lab appointment.  Of course, I looked under the seat again in front of her house.  NO CARD. 

"Why don't you check the door!  May be it fell in the compartmenton the door."  My mother suggested.

There would be no way it could have fallen in there!  I explained to my mother that it had fallen out of my hands in front of me, as I was sitting down.  If fell down between my legs under my seat--how could it possibly "jump" under the chair, up into a compartment on my door?!  It would be impossible!!!

After her appointment at the clinic, I checked again under my seat in vain.  I pulled the chair out as far as possible, and checked AGAIN.  Nothing I tell you!!  I found nothing!!  Only a very dirty carpet (remind me to vacuum soon!).

At this point, after going through my purse another time.  I was convinced that I was either "seeing things" or just going crazy.  I decided, what the hell..  I'll check that side pocket on the door just to disprove that there is no way possible it could have jumped up from under the seat.

Guess what was there?

Yeah, my mother was right.  IT WAS THERE!!!

I am still is disbelief.  I do not understand how it could have gone there.  I can still see that ATM card falling from my hand.  This is sooo bizarre, I cannot tell you how freaky this is. 

To celebrate the miraculous return of my ATM card, we went across the street for pancakes.  I told my mother that it seems like "someone" is playing a trick with me.  Some evil spirited elf was trying to drive me completely insane. 

"You should just be thankful you found it!"  Mother says..

Yeah, I'm thankful, but it is STILL bothering me.  I spooked my mother, and starting telling this "spirit" to just leave me alone!!! 

Yes, I think my mom thinks I may be going a little psycho. 

Has anything like this ever happen to you?  Please let me know.