This morning, when I woke up, I was hoping to turn on the T.V. and hear that the Hwy was shut down from the winter storm, and snow in the mountains; but no luck. I finally dragged myself into the shower and hurried out of the house. Nicholas seemed to be just fine this morning, but I got a call from my mom at work informing me that he had been screaming since 9 am, and she wasn't able to reach me over the phone because her phone was "not working." I'm not sure if Andrew left the phone off the hook and got the battery to die, or if my mom thought the phone was the remote control again, but anyhoo, it looks like Nicholas has another ear ache again. I swear, he has never been so sick since he started pre-school. If he didn't like it so much, I swear I'm tempted to get him out.. BUT, I don't think my mother will ever be ready to have my little terror full time again. I had to wait until Andrew got out of school, before we could go home--thank God it was his early day today. If Nick doesn't feel better, I may have to stay home tomorrow. Life would be so much easier if I worked in the same town I lived in... :SIGH: I haven't heard from that test yet, but I did apply for something else yesterday. It will happen, but it will take some time.
Well, the receptionist was not in today again...BIG surprise. Yesterday I overheard my boss lady talk to my boss man on the phone. Apparently, this woman called the boss lady 3 times. Once at 8pm to tell her she wasn't feeling well, then again at midnight, saying that she was calling to say she was sick, and wasn't sure she had called earlier, and then again at 6 am to announce that she really doesn't feel well, and won't be in. Today both boss lady and boss man was out, so we don't know what her excuse is for today. Hmm...
When I said I thought she may be a vampire "clubber", these are the reasons that support my idea: Not only is this woman quite pale looking, she refuses to open the light in her office. She reminds me of one of my mother's older aunts--the one that was afraid of electricity. She says it's because the light glares on her computer screen too much, but I beg to differ. She NEVER opens the shades on her windows. Each time we have to cover her desk when she isn't there-which is quite often, we have to bring in a small garbage can. She leaves receipts all over the floor, and the janitor can't go into the office to clean it because she keeps the door locked. If we forget to take the waste paper basket out of the office the next day before she comes in the morning, she has been known to kick it out of the office. I witnessed this first hand myself. In her office, she has a library of books--good books, I should add. Not only does she appear to be very well read, you would think she was a fashionista by the stacks and stacks of expensive fashion magazines she keeps in that office. I find this a little odd since she always come in dressed in long skirts, sweaters, and scarves with tennis shoes. She also keeps a collection of half full Canada Dry Soda cans. She has 7 of them--all half full. Does anyone know why someone would keep 7 cans of half full club soda cans? Okay, she is either a vampire or a binge drinker.. What is your take?
Okay, I think I've wasted quite a bit on the receptionist right now. Poor thing. I do feel sorry for her, but what she does is so unfair to the woman who primarily has to sit in for her when she is gone. She never complains about covering the desk, and no one in management is taking this very seriously. Sometimes I wonder who are the real flakes in the office, the receptionist, or management? It might be a toss up.