Monday, February 5, 2007

Haircut For Nicholas!


Sunday morning, it was haircut day for my two boys, Andrew & Nicholas.  Of course, it didn’t go without a protest.


“How about next weekend, Mom?!  Not this weekend, please?!”  Andrew whined.


“No!  This weekend!”  I answered back. 


For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been hoping to get both them to get a haircut, and I wasn’t going to give in again this time.  I didn’t care if it was Super Bowl Weekend!  The main reason why I’ve been letting it slide was due to the fact Nicholas wasn’t feeling well, and he just doesn’t didn’t do well with haircuts, period.  It’s a thing I dread actually.  The last time he had a haircut was late last summer when my cousin Tania was here visiting.  She was so excited, and brought her camera to take pictures.  Tania obviously did not know it wasn’t going to be a Kodak Moment.  Nicholas screamed and protested the entire time, and he had to be held down by me, while he sat on my lap.  Let’s just say Tania didn’t take any pictures.  


I wish she was here yesterday though.


When I told Nicholas about getting the haircut, he announced that he wasn’t going to sit on my lap.  I was a bit surprised.  Okay.  This sounds too good to be true; for a moment there I envisioned he was actually going to sit there by himself, and let the lady cut his hair—whoa, no way!  He still seemed a little nervous about it, so I told him we would go to McDonalds afterwards if he promised to be a good boy.  Yes, I bribed him.   


When we got to the shop, he bravely followed me to his chair without protest.  The lady got his booster seat, and he jumped right on it, right next to his older brother in the next chair.  This was a very proud moment for both of us.  I did have to hold his head a few times during the whole procedure, because he didn’t feel comfortable with the cutting shear near his ears, but other than that, not a whimper or a cry, or a kick of protest!!!  And of course, did I remember to bring my camera?!  NO…  Of course not!!!  I was bummed.  I will have to write something down in his Baby Book this week, and get a picture of him with his new haircut!  This is a milestone of is Baby Years..  Sadly, I don’t think he is a baby anymore..  


Last night my daughter took out some old videos, and found one when she was 11 months old, during a trip with my parents to San Diego.  Oooh I cannot tell you how amazing it was to see her again asa baby, so small.  She was such an adorable little girl.  My parents are in the video, and to see my dad sitting with her, and carrying her on his shoulders… Yes, the waterworks started.  Of course, I look TERRIBLE in this video!!  I have bangs!  (I SWEAR NEVER TO HAVE BANGS AGAIN), and I’m overweight, and in this particular video my ex-husband took he is constantly filming me from behind, and of course my butt looks HUGE!  During the whole video, you can tell that I’m irritated, and I don’t look very happy at all.  Gee…  I wonder why.  Anyway, Nicholas didn’t like the fact that I was focusing, and fussing over Lizzy (the baby) at all.  He finally sat on my lap, put my arm around his belly and told Lizzy quite frankly:


 “Lizzy, you are not the baby anymore!” 


I thought that was pretty funny. 



Anonymous said...

Oh!  What a big boy!!!  I remember that moment with my middle one... he hated haircuts too... Such milestones... I have no pic either!  

How adorable... Lizzie better not forget it... Nicholas is THE baby!

be well,

Anonymous said...

 I remember those haircuts and how cute he decided to be a good boy and sit there.  Kids say the cutest things.


Anonymous said...

He's the baby...awwwww, that is so cute.--Cin

Anonymous said...

(laughs) aw, that's just so cute. guess he told Lizzy and you, he's the only baby in your life! lol! Still, i'm sure when it suits him he believes himself to be much, much older! lol!

Shermeen xx

Ps, next time, no fogetting the camera. perhaps you can post some shots of his new hair doo!

Anonymous said...

I always seem to miss those Kodak moments, too.  But you do have that good memory to hang on to !  And what is it about men filming our bottoms?  The last time we were out on a sailboat, quite a few years back, my husband got some great shots of my backside, and it looked like the back end of a Buick.  Unfortunately, the videocam belonged to my mother in law, so there wasn't much I could do.  If it was MY  video, I'd have burned it long ago.  =)   Tina