Tuesday, April 24, 2007

10 Things I Like To Do Alone Meme

"Ten Things You Like to Do Alone" Meme

"Hey Dawn, here's a meme you can do to take your mind off "The Waiting": Ten Things You Like to Do Alone" (from http://www.yaknowwhatimean.com/tuesday/)... 

I copied this from Cin.  We are waiting all this together :)

1.  Walk.  Yes, I walk alone.  I'm a fast walker, and I find that if I'm walking with someone it else, it breaks my stride.  Boy, that sounds really stuck up, huh?  If you can't keep up with me..get lost.  Husband and I did a lot of walking over the weekend--now that was nice, though--but, generally, when I walk for exercise I like doing it alone. 

2.  Write.  When I am in the mood to write, I must be alone.  I can't have distractions.  It sometimes is a struggle to find some "alone" time, so unfortunately, I just haven't had the time to write seriously for a very long time.  Sometimes when work is slow, and I'm alone in the office, I will write.  I used to write a lot of poetry during my post divorce years--it was very therapeutic.  My best writing comes from that time; do I miss it though?  No, not a bit.

3.  Cook.  I like cooking alone.  Sure, I will ask husband to cut a tomato (I can't do it), or cut the ham, carve the turkey (I'm terrible with knives) but I like cooking alone.  The kitchen never seems big enough, no matter how big your kitchen is for me.  Too many cooks spoil the stew ya' know.

4.  Work.  Sure I like the interaction of my co-workers from time to tome, but I enjoy doing my own thing alone in my little corner of the office.  If I need socialization, I will go bother my friend Maria in the next room, or turn on the radio, or take a walk and talk to the bums outside or in the lobby.  I think there is an "information" sign floating over my head with flashing lights that certain people see.  Yes, I like to hide away from it all. 

5.  I like singing alone in the car during my commute.  The kids won't let me sing when they are in the car with me.  I sing loud, with Ricky Martin on my occasions, and NO, I am not ashamed. 

6.  I like using the bathroom alone.  Sounds easy and simple, right?  Not too much to ask?  Think again.  Sometimes it is a problem to get alone time in there.  My 3 year old just doesn't understand. 

7.  Use the computer.  3 year old doesn't understand this one either.  It really is hard to type with a 3 year old on my lap who constantly likes pressing the "moon" buttton, and deletes my entries before I can press the save button.

8.  Read.  When I get that RARE moment where I can sit down and read a magazine or a book, I like being alone.  This hasn't happened for a very long time.  I know, it's sad.

9.  Shop.  I like shopping alone especially at the grocery store.  Shopping for clothes--depending who I'm shopping for.  If it's for me, I like being alone.  Stores just aren't stroller friendly. 

10.  Clean.  Don't laugh, but NO ONE likes to clean with me...so I clean alone whether I like it or not.

Damn, after reading this I feel such like the loner.  Feel free to participate! 

It's past 11 pm, time for me to hit the hay!! 


Anonymous said...

#6 for certain. Unfortunately, the kid and the cat follow me into there, too. (sigh) --Cin

Anonymous said...

I am going to do it... and Karyl sent me a lovely gardening meme...

be well,