Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Fab Weekend :)

I’m back from a fun-filled weekend spent alone with the husband.  It was fun!  I'm feeling still a bit tierd from it, and I have pink eye now, but...it was hella fun!  


The weather was very cooperative.  It was supposed to rain all weekend, but it didn’t.  Ha ha ha weather man!  You were wrong! 


(Pacific Grove) 


I don’t know of any of you are familiar with Monterey Bay, but it’s a beautiful place to visit.  There is a house right there near Asilomar State Beach that I want to buy one day.  It will have to wait however until we retire and have a whole lot of money.  This house is right in front of the beach where hubby and I took our vows.  We stopped there and took a whole bunch of pictures on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning in hopes of capturing the perfect picture for our living room to sit above our fireplace.  I found a few that I hope to BLOW UP. 


We did a lot of walking around in search of a nice painting to replace the mirror clock that is currently hanging above the fireplace.  We really couldn’t find anything we liked.  We found a lot of overpriced, bowls of fruit and flowers.  We ate at some nice places, strolled around at a street fair, took in a movie, went to a dance/comedy club owned by a little man who looked a lot like Mr. Bean.  I’m not kidding.  We stayed for the comedy show and saw a few comedians who weren’t very funny, but I was laughing the whole entire time simply because the owner and main singer of the club looked like Mr. Bean.  We were seated by a young guy who looked a lot like Pee Wee Herman, so in between him and Mr. Bean, and my Chocolate Monkey (yummy) martini combined with the rather large strawberry margarita that was consumed at the Mexican restaurant across the street, everything was funny to me. 



 All and all, it was a nice time spent alone with just the two of us.  Our hotel did not really meet the expectations of what I saw online when I booked the place, but we found a Hilton that served an awesome breakfast buffet. 


It was a great getaway.  Must do it again, soon; ain’t waiting another 4 years for this!   


It’s a beautiful day outside!  I got a tan from the weekend, but my left eye is puffy and pretty nasty looking.  It’s all gunky (is that a word?), and I could barely open my eye this morning.  Eeew…nasty I tell you.  Came to work, looked in the mirror and found some more white gunk in the corner of my eye..  Yucko!!  But you know, it’s another work week anyway!  The working week struggles onward, while the weekends just seem to fly by a little too quickly…  SIGH.. 


Anonymous said...

Wow... awesome... Your weekend sounds like heaven.... Isn't it just the best to be alone with no demands on each other?  I am so glad that the weather behaved for you, too!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow... awesome... Your weekend sounds like heaven.... Isn't it just the best to be alone with no demands on each other?  I am so glad that the weather behaved for you, too!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Such a great weekend is worth a little pink eye, right? Yes, do not wait another 4 years ot do it again. --Cin

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got away and had such a good time but hate to hear you brought pink eye home. I hope it doesnt itch.
LOVE, lisa jo