Thursday, May 31, 2007

C'est Jeudi!


No, I'm not French, but it's Thursday! Yippee..  One more day closer to Friday..  Hurrah! 

I've been waking up a little too late in the mornings.  I hate being in a rush.  I am lucky if I can manage to have time to brush my hair in a pony tail before I head out of the door for work lately.  I don't know why it's such a chore to get out of bed.  It must be the birds..  Yeah, that's why.  I'll blame it on those pesky, chirpy, squacky birds!  We suspect that there is a humming bird nest in our orange tree now, as well as another bird's nest in a tree right above our bedroom window.  The humming birds don't bother me, but it's weird to see one being territorial with another bird.  I've never seen that before.  Anyways, I'm happy to report there are no new blood stains or bird feathers appearing anywhere.  This is good. 

It's Thankful Thursday once more.  I cannot believe that tomorrow will be the first day of June.  Half the year is gone!  Unbelievable.  My son Andrew has 10 more days of school left, and yes, he is feeling very content as of lately.  He will also be celebrating his birthday in June too--the big 13.  It seems like yesterday he was the age of my youngest.  The years are just slipping away...sigh. 

Today I'm leaving early so I can attend my niece's graduation.  She goes to a Catholic private school, and there will be church mass.  First off, we (me, mom and my two boys) are headed to the mall to shop for a present.  It promises to be a fun event.  Not really...but nothing that a Happy Meal at the mall can't fix!

Heres a few things I'm thankful for:

1.  I'm thankful for the life I lead today versus the one I had lived 10 years ago.

2.  I'm thankful I have a nice house.  It fits the people that make it a home. 

3.  I'm thankful for the friends and family that make me smile and laugh.

4.  I'm thankful for my health.

5. I'm thankful that I will soon have my lunch hour back once school is out.

6.  I'm thankful for the nice weather outside.

7.  I'm thankful that the slimy, talkative, scary man that used to work at the gas station at the corner doesn't work there anymore.  I'm no longer afraid to get my coffee in the mornings.

8.  I'm thankful for Yoplait yogurt.  It's the only yogurt in my opinion that tastes good. 

9.  I'm thankful that our cat hasn't left any new "kill" at my front doorstep.  It's gross and it scares the mailman I'm sure.

10.  I'm thankful that I'm leaving early today.  Even though it involves what might be a long shopping trip with mother.  I need to buy socks!



Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For The Birds!

I posted a rather long entry yesterday, but AOL "tricked me" and made me delete the whole thing.  It left me in a sour mood.  I had spent so much time on the darn thing, and added pictures....urrrg...  Sometimes AOL really pisses me off!


I caught sight of something very funny yesterday afternoon.  I was driving to my  mother's house to pick up my youngest, when I happened to notice a college aged young man walking down sidewalk, by the side of the road.  He was barefoot, sporting a lovely pair of leopard and rose print pajamas.  I don't know what was more distracting; his very white bare feet on the cement or those bright abnoxious pink roses with the leopard background pajama pants.  Hmmm...  Looks like he was wearing his mother's pajama pants.  I think I'm safe to assume that he may have lost his pants and shoes somehow.  Perhaps he partied a little too much on Monday and was left with someone's pajama pants.  He made no eye contact with me as I passed by.  I just had to giggle. 

Have you ever been in that situation?  I can't say that I have, but it isn't the first time I've come across people wearing odd clothes on my way to work early in the morning.  Years ago at a stop light I saw an old neighbor of mine running by on the crosswalk, holding up a very large pair of jeans at her waist.  She wasn't wearing shoes either.  Hmmm...

Lately, my cat has been harrassed by a number of birds.  Apparently a family of birds have chosen to make a home in one of the trees we have in our backyard.  This happens every year, and I cannot tell you how annoying those birds can be-especially when the cat is in the backyard.  They swoop, tease and fly by our poor cat, and squack all day long.  It's enough where we have taken turns going outside to scare the birds away.  Our cat is older, and for the most part tries to ignore the constant squacking..but even he has his limits.  The other day when Lizzy the Clown left for the parade she informed me of the blood stained stairs in the front yard.  It wasn't until later, my husband noticed a bunch of feathers in between some bushes in the front yard.

  I know it's sad, but these birds are driving me crazy!!!  This morning I woke up again at 5 am to the sound of the squacking!!  Eeek..  This morning from my kitchen window, I noticed another little bird sitting our the deck, and along comes this humming bird flying around, darting and circling the little black bird.  Is it mating bird season, or what?! All the birds in the neighborhood seem to be in heat; even the black crows!   I don't know what is going on with the birds in my backyard, but if it doesn't stop soon, I think the cat is going to go crazy, and more blood and feathers will fall--if not from the cat, from me.  I'm just joking.  I could never kill a bird, honestly; but they are really testing my nerves!!  Urrrg!! 

Yes, birds are cute and everything, but when they are mad there is nothing scarier!  Remember Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"?  The seagulls (rats with wings) around town just love my car--they have left evidence of it all over my car.  There is nothing more humilating than driving up to a stop sign or a stoplight with a big bird turd on your driver's window.   

Yes, above is a picture of me in a former life with my favorite bird.  Has anyone seen Pirates of the Caribbean 3 yet? 

Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend Assignment #167: Bad TV You Loved as a Kid

Weekend Assignment #167: Bad TV You Loved as a Kid :

Now, this doesn't mean you realized at the time it was bad. Just now, in the fullness of time, you recognized that your viewing choices left something to be desired. For the purposes of this assignment, try to stick with shows that were aimed at kids, although if you can't think of any, prime time shows are okay as well.

Extra Credit: How much TV did you watch when you were a kid? A lot? A little?

T.V.  Wow..  In the 70's I watched a lot of T.V.:  The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family...etc..etc..  I watched a lot of re-run shows; but one of my ultimate favorite, mindless show would have to be :  The Monkees!!  Sure; by the time I was watching it; it was re-runs, but it was great fun to watch.  My favorite Monkee was Peter. 


Other favorite mentionables include:  Alice & Mama's Family.  Come on people, admit it---Mama's Family was addictive in a weird sorta way.  Who can resist Mama and Clint, and Eunice?  Funny 1/2 hour of mindless T.V.  Oh, and Alice---"Mel..  Kiss my grits!"  My parents let us watch these shows because they were "family friendly" back then.  Another favorite of mine was Laverne & Shirley.  I really didn't get into Happy Days at all, but I liked Laverne & Shirley..  Remember Lenny and Squiggy?  Oh.. and I LOVE LUCY is still a favorite.  Whenever I see it on T.V. I have to stop and watch it.  I think I've seen all the episodes, but it's so classic---I'm never get sick of watching it!



SOLID GOLD takes the cake.  I used to LOVE watching that show!  Dionne Warwick, Marilyn McCoo, and Andy Gibb giving out the top ten songs of the week, with the Solid Gold Dancers dancing on the stage!  My mom used to hate that show.  There was one dancer in particular that she did not like us watching.  She called her the "diaba" (devil woman).  I guess she though I would one day want to be a Solid Gold dancer so I could dance half naked with a big pony tail and high heels.  Mom knew me more than I knew myself back then..   


Extra Credit:  I think I watched a little too much T.V. when I was younger; my parents kept us in the house--lots of dateless nights for this teenager. 

Send In The Clowns.. Don't bother, they're here...

Nicholas with Daddy, waving at the parade!

Marching band was a little too fast for me!!

Here comes Lizzy and friends!

Clown love!

Happy Memorial Day!


Oooh..  So nice to sleep in until 8 am today! 

 I woke up to see two clowns sitting in the living room.  Today my daughter will be participating in the Memorial Day parade.  She and her boyfriend will be clowns.  Pictures to come later!

Yesterday I washed all three of my bathroom floors, the entry way, and the kitchen.  I'm feeling a little sore right now.  Breakfast is cooking; must get to that.  Later, after the parade, will have a barbecue; followed by some shopping at the mall.  Yipppee!!


Today take time to remember the men and women who have fought for freedom for this country; in our nation's past and present.  They need our support and prayers.  Let's hope that our children and our children's children have a world of peace.  Today the world is in turmoil--let's hope for the better for our nation's children, as well as the children of the world. 


Today I will be thinking of my dad, who served in the U.S Army in the Korean War, as well as my Uncle John who served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and my niece Kassandra who is in the U.S. Air Force currently stationed in Italy at Aviano Base.  Oh, and I must not forget my own veteran sitting on the couch, my husband Rich-Navy veteran. 


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Another Meme..why not?

 I got this from Dawn, who got from Ross at Inner and Outer Demons

1. My uncle once: was in active duty in the U.S. Army during World War II in Germany.  He was in in his early 20's at the time and returned as a totally different person-from what I have heard.  He unfortunately died years before I was born. 

2. Never in my life: will I dress in the dark again.  It has lead to many embarrassing moments in my life that I would discuss. 

3. When I was five: I went to Portugal for the first time.  I was afraid of the bulls, and all the old women dressed in black who would hug and kiss me.  (My grandmother had just died, and my mother's aunts were all in mourning.  I was told by an elder sibling they were all witches.)  I was quite traumatized. 

4. High School was: Strange and uneventful. 

5. I will never forget: throwing the banana peel during lunch.  It landed squarely and perfectly on the shoulder of a woman walking by the school. Unrehearsed, but a perfect throw.  It was intended to hit my friend, Anne Marie, but she dodged it. We all held our breaths until the woman walked up the stairs into the school, with the banana peel sitting there unnoticed sitting on her shoulder. 

6. I once met: a guy online.  Let's just say it didn't work out. 

7. There’s this person I know who: can twist a cherry stem with her tongue in her mouth.  It is quite amazing.

8. Once, at a bar: a guy about 10 years my junior pled for me to take him home with me.  I was flattered, but I turned him down.  (This was a long time ago.) 

9. By noon, I’m usually: on the road en route to my mom's house to pick up my youngest for preschool.

10. Last night: I watched the Last 40 yr Old Virgin.  I didn't see the ending..too many kids in the house.

11. If I only had: enough money, I would quit my job and only work part time and stay home with my youngest. 

12. Next time I go to church: will be Wednesday.  My niece will be graduating from the 8th grade. 

13. Terry Schiavo: was someone we knew from the media.  Her sad story touched millions, but only a few can say they actually knew her.  Her parent's could not let go of hope; or strong enough to let go.  She had a beautiful smile.

14. What worries me most: welfare of family. I want to be around for as long as I can; especially for my kids.  I'm a mama hen. 

15. When I turn my head left, I see: the kitchen fan, the kitchen table, the living room, and my husband's socked feet resting on the bunk.  Pictures on the wall, and my son's little round face. (He's sitting on my lap.)

16. When I turn my head right, the printer, pictures on the wall, my lace curtains and my front yard through the window.

17. You know I’m lying when: I laugh too much. I'm a terrible faker.

18. What I miss most about the eighties: my innocence, my youth, the music, and the sense of security in the world!

19. If I was a character in Shakespeare: Juliet of course; I'm a hopeless romantic, but like Dawn I would change the ending as well. Killing yourself really sucks.

20. By this time next year: I hope to be working somewhere else, with a pool in the backyard.  Oh my youngest will be in the first grade!  No more preschool--kind of sad!

21. A better name for me would be: Softy. Just ask my husband. It's hard to say "no" especially when it comes to my kids.

22. I have a hard time understanding: Mean people.

23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: learn to become a psychiatrist.

24. You know I like you if: I talk to you and look you in the eye.  I'll also laugh at your jokes even if they aren't funny.

25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: my family, husband... God..

26. Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro:  A group of people that may seem quite different, but share similar interests?  I dunno! 

27. Take my advice, never: buy a cheap suit, eat too many beans on a date, or go on a blind date without a cell phone; or leave a mountain bar with a guy.   

28. My ideal breakfast is: yummy pancakes or waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.. Yummy!

29. A song I love, but do not own is: Never Again by Kelly Clarkson.  I don't own any of her albums.  Sad, I know.

30. If you visit my town, I suggest: you go shopping, and the water slides up here.  Very fun!

31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: Umm...  I have no idea how to answer this question. 

32. Why won’t people: realize that life is too short to waste?

33. If you spend the night at my house: you'll leave with a full stomach; smiling--I guarantee it. You'll also never want to have children.  (Just kidding..)  

34. I’d stop my wedding for: NOTHING.

35. The world could do without: WAR!

36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Lick the belly of an alligator. ???

37. My favorite blonde is: BLONDIE!

38. Paper clips are more useful than: tape.  I hate paper clips!  I get so many paperclips from other people at my desk at work, I have to constantly envelope them and send them away.  I hate it when they fall in floor especially!

39. If I do anything well, it’s: a good wife (so I've been told) and a good mom.

40. And by the way: I promised my youngest I would go take a walk with him tonight after dinner.  I must go!!  TA TA! 

Meme Time; Courtesy of Dawn :)

 Early Saturday morning, and my youngest got me out of bed at 7am so he can play his SpongeBob GameCube game.  Yes, he is only 3 years old, and plays GameCube.  This is what happens when you are the youngest with older siblings that range from 18 to 12.  For God sakes I can't even play any of these games, and he his on the 2nd level already---whatever that means. 

Oh well, he is on the potty, and I've got my coffee here and was pleasantly surprised to find a Meme from the wonderful Dawn in her entry: Talking In Your Sleep .  Feel free to play along!


Do you snore while you're sleeping?

I've been told that I do...  But I've never heard myself, so of course I don't know! 

How many pillows do you use?

It used to be only one, but husband likes 2; so now I have two.  Sometimes I take one away, but other times I sleep with two.   

How do you sleep? Side? Back? Stomach?

Usually it's on my side.  I NEVER sleep on my stomach; I don't know why. 

How comfortable is your mattress?

Very comfortable. 

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?

Lately, it's been as soon as I hit my head on the pillow!

Do you fall asleep in front of the TV?

Sometimes, but I usually am the one who has to reach over to my husband's side to find the remote control.  I think he does that on purpose though just so I'm reaching over him..  :) 

How many times do you wake up in the middle of the night?

Usually only if one of the kids wakes me up.  If it's notmy oldest calling on the phone to get a ride home from work, it's my youngest.  "Mommy!"  When ever I hear that call, I am on automatic MOM PILOT, and I'm up from bed on duty.  I usually go into my son's room and lay with him for awhile until he falls asleep.  I usually fall asleep with him in his bed.  Then my husband will wake up and notice I'm gone.  He then will call out "Mommy!", and believe it or not, my maternal extincts kick in again, and I get up and retrieve to our bed.  "Hey, it works!" he said one early morning... 

What kind of bed do you have?

California King.  I used to sleep on a double bed before I was married.  You can imagine how BIG of a difference this was.  Hard to get used to in the beginning, but a King is surprisingly easier to make the bed. 

Have you ever fallen off the bed while you were sleeping?

Hmm...  I don't remember.  I think I used to this when I was younger.  I've woke up before actually falling out of the bed a few times. 

How close is the alarm clock to your bed?

On my husband's side of the bed.  He gets up very early in the morning.  When he gets up for his shower, I scoot all the way to his side near the alarm.

How many times you hit the snooze button on your alarm?

At least one time; sometimes 2.

What's the first thing you think of when you open your eyes?

Urrg..  Work; I have to get the kids ready for school.  What am I going to wear?  The frenzy begins. 

Have you ever had the infamous 'falling' dream?

Yes..  Haven't we all? 

Ever had a nightmare so bad it woke you up?

Yes.  And I wake up with my heart beating. And then I realize it was only a dream; and I have that sense of relief come over me.

Do you need any medication to help you get to sleep?


Do you count sheep?

No.  That just keeps me up all night.

Do you like your mattress soft or hard?

Somewhere in between.  I like sleeping in new sheets too. 

Do you roll around a lot in bed or do you normally sleep in one spot the whole time?

I usually stay in one place, but I am usually sunk down in the bed with both of my feet hanging out of the edge.  Strange, I know. 

Ever listen to music to fall asleep?

HA ha ha..  We used to listen to music while in bed..  :)

What's the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep?

I once dosed off at a casino in Reno, Nevada once.  This was years ago; I was just a kid.  We got there on a weekend, of we couldn't find a motel/hotel, so we spent the entire night at a casino until the next morning.  It's illegal in Nevada to fall asleep in a casino by the way.  An officer had to warn my mother.  "You can't do that here, lady." the security officer said to my mom as she sat there at the restaurant with her eyes closed.  You would have thought my mom was selling drugs or something by the tone of her voice.  She was very offended and embarrassed.  Oh those were the days... 

What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep?

24 - 30 hours.  When I travel overseas I can't sleep on planes.  It takes me at least a day to get over my jet lag.

Have you ever fallen asleep in school or at work?


How about in the car?

Yes.  Only if I'm a passenger though.  If youget sleepy while driving, NEVER turn on the radio.  This will only make you sleepier.  Open the window, and stop somewhere and SLEEP!  If you can't get some caffeine!  I had a friend whose father would fall asleep behind the wheel.  He would usually wake up in a ditch on the side of the road.  Scary. 

Is this survey putting you to sleep?

No.  It is actually helping me to wake up!

Do you still take naps?

Oh.  I would love to take a nap one day!

At what times?

Best time is early afternoon. 

Do you wish you could go back to having naps at work/school like you did in preschool?

No.  I wouldn't want to take naps at work.  I am imagining my co-workers and I sharing a large room with mats on the floor taking naps.  Not a pretty picture.  Let's not go there, okay?!

Are you going to sleep now that this survey's over?

No way man!  I have stuff to do, groceries to buy, breakfast to  Hubby and I are going to shop for new windows and countertops for our kitchen!  :) 

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stupid is, what Stupid does..

I can't believe what I just had to do. 

Never in a million years would I have thought I would have to write an email to the ex-husband telling him to lower his child support payments.  Unbelievable I tell you.

For some reason, he can't get it across his thick skull that he no longer has to pay child support for his 18 year old daughter.  She is 18; classified as an adult.  Note to husband:  You no longer have to pay for her support.  Sure, she is still living at my house, but she is a full time student that needs to be at home.  There is no way she can live on her own at this time, BUT, you are no longer responsible.  IF YOU WANT to pay, send her money directly.  You aren't paying for her education, her STEP-FATHER is. 

Because my EX is paying more than what he has to (still paying for his daughter), NJ Child Support (I would just LOVE to knock on their office building right now) has been "crediting" his balance, thinking that California is going to pay me.  Excuse me?  Basically because my ex is sending more than he has to, they have been sending his checks back to him.  No..  It doesn't make sense; but Child Support has never made sense to me.  The ONLY reason why I have gotten ANY child support is based on the fact that I found out where my Ex ran off to on MY OWN.  Child support agencies simply do not have time to FIND parents that just leave the state trying to avoid paying for their children.  I had to be my own investigator.  I had to track my ex by mail I found in the garbage, email, and old neglected phone bills I  had to seek out from Ma Belle on my own.  The reason why they even sent it to me was because I WAS STILL on his account, and he left with it UNPAID.

NOW, because two child support agencies don't know how to work with each other, or know each others' state laws, I will get no support for this month.  My Ex already paid twice this month.  Yes, he is paying, but NJ is just giving it back to him.  Yes, this is the same state that threatened him jail time, and at the same time took his handwritten payroll slips. "We can't prove this aren't his real wages." Whatever.  Drive by to two of the radiator shops and ask WHO is the owner.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist people!!  Crazy. 

Now the measly amount that I get for my one son is not why I'm so angry.  It's a car payment; I can make do without it this month.  I am more angry because I remember, years ago when I was working at this job, and my part time at the department store, and my other 3rd weekend job solicitation over the phone.  I remember a time where I lived from pay check to pay check, alone with my two children, juggling bills, pre posting checks while at the same time wondering when my child support check would roll in.  I remember trading in music CD's for cash so I could buy groceries.  I am no longer in that situation, thank God; but I know there are so many parents out there that are in that same situation. 

So I write a letter to the EX telling him to send less.  I call the EX and tell him to pay less.  He apparently doesn't know what is going on.  He is clueless.  "I sent two checks already this month!"  Okay, I believe that one because according to what I saw on the NJ website, he did.  "I was never told to pay less.."  Okay, that is a lie.  He actually "offered" to continue to pay more if I "dropped the case."  Can you believe that crap? 

Oh well. 

It's Friday.  Memorial Weekend!  YAHOO..  Things to do:  Relax.  Count my blessings.  Write that book:  What To Do IF You Ex Moves Out Of State To Avoid Paying Child Support. 

Have a happy weekend!!  I intend to!    

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday--  Most of the working week is over!! Hallelujah! 

Happily, this week is not as hectic as last week; things are pretty much back to normal.  Yesterday I had this awful headache.  I should know better not to leave the house with wet hair, in such a tightly done braid.  I woke up a little too late, and rushed out of the house; got everyone where they needed to be on time, but my head was throbbing.  My eye is not crying anymore, but these allergies--I've never had the problem before. My legs are sore too.  Damn..  I must be getting old.  I need to start an exercise class or something.  I have to start taking walks after work--yeah, that is my plan.  Either after work, or during my lunch break at work.  I am counting the days until Andrew gets out of school---I'll finally have an actual lunch break like normal people.  I don't care how boring that may sound, but sometimes being NORMAL is a good thing!  I don't know when was the last time I had a normal schedule at work; I really don't--it's been years. 

So here is my Thankful List for the week:

1.  I'm thankful that my husband doesn't expect me to come home after work and make a big meal afterwards, EVERY NIGHT.  (Thank you for being the total opposite of my first husband--you two have NOTHING in common, and I am so very grateful!) 

2.  Summer vacation is coming-school is almost out!!  YIPPEE!! 

3.  My work/job/Boss Lady:  For letting me work the flexible, and weird schedule that I have. 

4.  My family/kids--  I honestly don't know of a better way to occupy my time; without them I would completely be lost. 

5.  Target.  Yes, I mean the store-Target.  They have the BEST priced clothes for kids.  Where else can you buy 8 adorable summer outfits and swimming trunks for a 3 yr old all under the price of $35?!  They also sell those Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies...  


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm on a roll..

Did I mention how I love the updated picture installer that AOL put on here?!  It's so easy; even I can do it! 

So, because of that, and the fact that I now know how to burn pictures from my camera to a CD, I'm going a little picture happy!  Here are some pictures that I have taken recently, but never posted.  They include my daughter's boyfriend's prom (she had her hair straightened in them..her hair is so much longer when she does) and some Easter pictures. 

Okay, now no one can say I don't post enough pictures.  By the end of this week, I'll be hearing, enough already! 


Hello, Wednesday

In front of the hall.. :)  I realized that I didn't include any pictures of the marching band or the Portuguese I had to add this one!

Me and my mom in front of the crown..  I look so tierd.  I always blink when I get photographed-no I didn't drink too much wine before I took this picture. 

Andrew, Mom & Lizzy

My brother and my son and nephew

This one is my favorite picture (below) ...  can anyone say Soprano? 

My youngest with his dad in the parade--he would not let me take any pictures of him that day!!

My Uncle Ed, cousin Tom, and his family :) 

My mom, and my two aunts: Adeline & Cecilia

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hello, Monday

Well, it's Monday!  I've had a busy week, to say the least.  Yesterday a good portion of the day was spent at the ole' Portuguese Hall, and as promised, I've included some pictures!  These were actually sent by my brother; who apparently had more time than I did last night to download his pictures..  I'll include some more later tonight. 

My son Andrew, is to the left, my brother, Eddy is in the middle, and his son Brett is wearing the hat.  The small procession entered the hall through the parking lot.

Another picture of my son and nephews.  Aren't they handsome?

Blessing of the Crowns..  Someone forgot to tell them to kneel unfortunately... 

Leaving the Hall to the kitchen, another parade.


I think they are happy that church is over.  Now it's time to eat!

Each year there is a festa do Sao Jorge-a festival done in the tradition of the people from the island of Sao Jorge (St. George)-an island in the Azores.  There are nine islands; our family happens to be from the island of Terceira.  Anyhoo, during this festa of the Holy Spirit, my mother was able to contribute and make good to her "promesa" to the Holy Spirit for answering her prayers for my father, years ago when he was ill.  It was a traditional celebration, with a small parade, followed by church mass, and another parade to the dining hall where lunch was served.  It was a very big lunch.  We left stuffed of the traditonal "Sopa do Espirito Santo" which consisted of home made bread, potatoes, wine, and carne asada which my mother contributed in--and don't forget the sweet bread & rice pudding! 

It was a nice day.  My two aunts from San Francisco were able to attend, and it was really nice to see them again.  Of course, when I saw them together, I really felt my father's spirit in the room, and emotional me, felt the tears welling up from my throat.  It took a lot during mass at one point to keep it together, but it was a good family time. 

I will share some more pictures with you later.