Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pirate for a Day


I just realized I've been wearing one large hoop earring all day.  Just one.  I forgot to put the other one on my ear.  When I'm stressed; things like this happen to me.  First the shirt tucked in the underwear incident at the grocery store, and now this.  Did anyone mention or say, "Gee, looks like you are missing an earring!"  Nope. 

Oh least my shoes were matching. 

I accomplished a lot today, and I'm glad I took the day off.  If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to do half the stuff I did today.  The house is completely clean, and I even planted flowers in the backyard (with the help of Nicholas), and also flowers in the empty pots I had in the front yard.  They were empty because the previous flowers died.  I'm terrible about watering flowers sometimes.  It gets really hot here, and I need to remember to  water them daily. 

I saw the Carson Daly episode my daughter went to--and I of course they didn't film the audience.  Lizzy was right-Carson does look sickly and orange.  He was a bit more healthier looking when he did MTV/VH1.  She is on her way home as I type this; hopefully before 9 pm.  She missed her bus of course.  Tania should be arriving around this time as well.  I was going to make cookies, but I was at Target earlier with my one earring on, and I bought boxed donuts.  I don't want to wash another dish pan, spoon, or bowl thank you. 

I'm really tired--happy that I accomplished everything I set out to do, but my head is throbbing now, and I'm just pooped!  It is hitting me that I'll be leaving in approximately 1 week and a half.  Just thinking about that makes me tired and weary.  August is finally here.  Tomorrow I'm picking up my mom's meds.  Her check for them has been sitting in my wallet since mid-June.  Everytime I see it, it stresses me out.  Finally I can just get them, and pack them in a suitcase---FINALLY.  This passport thing--for some reason, sometimes, no matter how far ahead you plan things, sometimes things just don't run smoothly as expected.   When we brought in our applications I was told by the clerk that I would receive them "plenty of time" before my trip.  Normally passports take 6 weeks to process.  Our passports have been "sitting there" for 14 weeks!  Unbelievable.  I'm not the only one in this situation.  Apparently, hundreds of people will get them within days even hours before their trip.  Hopefully, after Friday, the stress over the passports will be over with and I can just mentally "get ready" for this trip.  My excitement has just about fizzed out if you want to know the truth. 

Okay, Nicholas just ran to get a chair to find the boxed donuts..go to run!



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a productive day and thatyou have your little helper, Nicholas, when the flowers need planting and the donuts need eating. --Cin

Anonymous said...

LOL.  My sister and I worked together for 5 yrs. in a drs. office.  She had seveal pairs of the same shoes.  About 3 hrs. before she was going to get off work, I noticed she was wearing 2 left shoes.  She said, "No wonder my feet hurt."  She is hilarious.  She has driven to work in her PJ's and gotten dressed while driving, put on makeup, got pulled over a couple times for speeding to work and talked herself out of a ticket even in her PJ's!  Now that is multi-tasking!

Anonymous said...

I've done the earring thing myself! LOL

Anonymous said...

Uh oh... toddler homing in on massive donut consumption!!!  Hang in there Julie!!!!  {{{{ hugs and love }}}}  

be well,

Anonymous said...

I almost wonder if some govt employee doesn't sit there and play games and decide randomly who to screw over and send the passports at the last moment and who to mail them to early. You are going to have so much fun on this vacation and i will miss you desperately.