I will honestly tell you, it took all my integrity and strength to get out of my warm and cozy bed this morning. It has 32 degrees each morning - I know that you Non-Californians may think that's nothing, but it is just too damn cold for me. It may reach 55 degrees over here.. Brrrr... I wish it would snow or something, sheesh. At least make it look pretty! Actually, the sky is blue, it's just soooo cold!!!
I checked my email at work, and I got two comments from a very old entry of mine by two questionable screen-names. I don't know their precise names, but I think one of them was "Diirtydenise" and "Rubmesoftly".. Lovely. They left their links on my comments. I am so sure. Ewww... I feel so violated right now!! (I'm just kidding--there is enough Jland drama as it is.)
Today I went over next door to the ghetto to get my vanilla coffee and I stopped in my tracks to see some furry thing in the dirt. I take a short cut through this little dirty path behind the bus bench. Never again. Nothing like starting a new work week with a dead rat in your path. Eewww.. I quickly turned around and walked on the side walk It was grey, big and fat and dead. Eeeww!! It makes me quiver just thinking about it still.
Have you finished your Christmas shopping?
I haven't really--but I'm almost there. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I went to the mall this weekend. What a zoo!! I was sooo thankful I didn't have my youngest with me-he stayed home with Daddy. I cannot tell you what a difference it is shopping alone without constantly worrying if Nicholas will stay in the cart, or get up and run away.. Sometimes he will hold my hand and is a compelte angel, but other times, he just gets so cranky I cannot think let alone shop. I saw a lot of little toddlers and babies at the mall, with very tierd and frustrated parents. I sympathized with them. If you are ever at the mall...please be nice to these poor people. Don't give them dirty looks, or say stupid and rude things like: "Those kids should have stayed at home!" or "Those brats need to be controlled." I heard one old lady say this to this poor woman with two kids, and I almost said something equally as rude to the old bag, but I didn't. You are at a mall at Christmas time. There will be children there. If you can't deal with it---don't shop at the mall during the day--go late at night! Or....shop at my online website at:
Under coupon code, type in REPSS for free shipping for a $15 or more order!!
(Ha ha ha... I bet you thought I was going to not put in my shameless plug, huh?)
I just got a call from my son--he isn't feeling well. :SIGH:
I am sorry that you had to go to work! LOL It is hard shopping with little ones, and when people cop and attitude it is worse!!!
be well,
That was an awesome lead-in to your shameless plug...hee hee. I ordered something yesterday. Something that's gonna take YEARS off my face. I think I'll rub it on my butt, too.
;-) Cin
no , i am not done with the gift buying....that dead rat story is EWWW....did it stink?
It is raining here.....snowed all last week....i have a terrible cough and headache....bah freakin' humbug!
I hope your son feels better!
love, lisa
I've still got that "Oh no...its Monday" feeling. I'm under the weather.
I love the plug! You're coming up with more creative ways of bringing into the conversation...almost making me wanna click the link! lol!
I'm with you on being considerate to parents out with kids, its not easy. But i'm not considerate to those parents who loose their temper and/or fly off the handle and start yelling, cursing, smacking their kids.
Dead rat...nice, remind me not to ever visit your work place.
Hope the rest of your week gets better,
Shermeen xx
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