Thursday, July 17, 2008

Office Politics....breaking up is hard to do..

This video has nothing to do with the subject of this entry..  I just have always liked this song.  It reminds me of the summer of 1981, and a guy named Conhe.  I love Bob Segar's voice. 

Anyway, yet another person has announced their retirement at work.  This will make the 5th person so far within two years-kind of weird how they are all just dropping like flies.  This person has held this particular clerical position for over 35 years.  Can you imagine that?  Working at the same desk, doing the same job that long?!  Well, it happens.  This person is the ONLY person who knows this particular job.  What she does is similar to what I do, but for juvenile clients, not adults, and the system is set up totally different.  We both set up cases, but neither one of us knows what the other does, and of course there is no manual, and of course, through the years she has been hestitant to show and train anyone to do what she does.  I guess it's called "job security".  Well, when she goes, a wealth of information will be leaving with her, and someone is going to be holding the bag.  This unfortunate soul is going to be thrown in the lake to either swim or sink.'s not going to me.  I'm basically the only person who knows what I do. 

But today I got some news at work.  Not bad news really.  I am being moved from my office into another office across the hall.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I like my supervisor, and I'm going to miss her.  I wasn't too excited when the old supervisor I grew fond of retired and left.  I was dreading the arrival of this new supervisor, but now I'm so used to her, I know it's not going to be the same.  She came in and said to me this afternoon. 

"Julie, we need to break up."

Sigh... There are going to be changes in the department, and someone's duties is going to be added so another position who is going to need to work closely with my supervisor.  So, sadly, I'll be moving next door and sharing an office with the new guy that I'm not too fond of.  I call him "Lolly" because he reminds me of the little munchkin (the one holding the lollipop)  from the Wizard Of Oz, the head of the Lollipop Guild.   

Serves me right to have to share an office with Lolly after thinking that way, huh?  Well, you know, after looking at my new office, I must may be worth it.  It's cleaner, with modular furniture, and it's a lot nicer!  The person who was working there held a high end position, and things were made new and better for her; but then she left.  I'm actually kind of excited to be moving there-it's like a NEW office-helps me forget the building that it's in.  In fact, my supervisor saw the twinkle in my eye, and I think I hurt her feelings when I expressed my desire to pack up soon. 

"At least shed one tear, Julie.  I just told you today, and now you are ready to leave?"

I felt kind of badly.  I will hold off for another week, and slowly take things off the wall. 

All of this reminds me of a old co-worker I used to know.  Her name was Lupe, and she was quite the character.  She told the office that she was going to leave her husband.  We didn't ask her why, but she volunteered to tell us that he was just too controling for her, and she was too much of a free spirit to stay in the relationship.  She told us that she would be taking longer lunches for the next few weeks so she could start slowly taking things out of the house into storage.  I was very curious on how long it was going to take her husband to figure out why or how pieces of furniture were slowly disappearing from the apartment.  I mean, isn't he going to notice one day that the couch is gone?  I don't know how she did it, but she got it all out into storage, and then proceeded to drive he Lincoln all the way to her parent's home in L.A. in 4 hours flat without even stopping to pee.  What a woman!  I could write a whole book on her.  Just visualize, a full-figured woman, in a leopard print dress, perfect makeup, a beautiful face and big red lips, and spikey 3 inch heels...  That was Lupe. 

Yes, it's the Monkees..  Flashback!  Davy looks like he is in pain when he is singing, and Pete is as cute as ever. 



Anonymous said...

So what happened to Lupe? Did she divorce? What was her DH's reaction? I love that Segar song!!! It is a sad one....i had never seen the video either. LMAO at the Lolly video.....will the crazy people who come there to talk with the workers still be able to see you and talk with you or will you be in an area where they can not get to you? I cant' wait to hear all about this new office.

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves office gossip! LOL
You need to sneak a picture of Lolly.  I've been trying to come up with a picture of him in my mind! LOL

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that things are getting shaken up at work... that stinks... I love Seger by the way!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Drama and intrigue at the office - always good fodder eh?  Love looking at your sidebars, I'm too lazy to dress mine up lol.  Woa Bob Seger, far out - and the Monkees?  You could never admit it to your hip pals but yes, you listened to and of course, Mike was always the sour-face lol.  But oh that Davie! xo CATHY i'm 58 so I remember it all lol