Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday...and I'm stuck here..

I am bored beyond reason...

These 10 hour days at work sometime go on forever.  It wouldn't be so bad if I had more work to do, but because I'm here so long, I'm all caught up with my work!  Now you know why I was so excited with the prospect of moving to a new desk---hey, I will be busy moving things around!  (It doesn't take much to excite me, does it?)  Well, boss lady told us yesterday that there is "no hurry" to move at the moment-the move won't happen for another 3 weeks.  Damn.  Oh well, I did go through my desk and cleaned it up some, and I did throw a lot of stuff out.  It's a great opportunity to get stuff I don't need out.  I am staring at these various "toys" I've accumulated over the years, and I'm seriously thinking of tossing them out and start anew... 

When I say, toys I mean those that come in those happy meals that I keep thinking some child of mine will want to play with.  Unlike most children his age, including his siblings, Nicholas doesn't like happy meal toys.  I don't understand why; he just doesn't like them for some reason.  It surprises most people.  When they ask if the meal is for a boy or a girl, I sometimes tell them a girl because my daughter (yes she is almost 20) likes them.  When I say, "it doesn't matter, my son doesn't like the toy" I get a lot of odd looks.  One guy even asked, "Is he not having a good day?"  Anyway, I might as well throw them out.  When Nicholas is at work with me he is more interested in the typewriter and the crayons. 

I have a question to ask.  I have a few videos I filmed over the weekend that I wanted to share, but the MB's are too big.  How do I condense a video?  Please let me know if you know.  Thanks..

I found some forgotten writings that I've stuffed in the drawers (this was before this blog), kept away, hidden throughout  the years.  I've been sitting at this desk for 8 years-unbelievable.  That's a long time.  The papers found were written during some odd, and hard times in my life.  I always write better when I'm going through some kind of crisis-I haven't written any profound things in years. As I read it,  I got a flashbacks of how my life was back when it was written.  It made me sad,but happy at the same time.  Life right now is good, and for that I am very grateful.  Sometimes you have to go through a bunch of really awful times to appreciate the good-there are no short cuts. 

There is a woman here at work that I've written about before.  She's the one that wakes up at 5 am and makes banana bread to take to the office, or she will come and bring in donuts, or throw candy at my desk.  She is going through a real frustrating time at the moment.  She and her husband have been trying to have a baby for the last two years.  She see drug addicted clients everyday who complain every so often that they are "pregnant again" or  need to make an appointment at the clinic to have an abortion.  If you have time today, please send this person a good thought or two, and if you do pray, please send a little prayer.  Her name is Alicia-she would make such an excellent mom-I have no doubts about it. 

Believe it or not, I have yet to see Mamma Mia on the big screen.  Since my husband won't be caught dead watching it at the movie theatre, I may have to take some time on Thursday afternoon and watch it myself.  I so want to see Colin Firth singing Our Last Summer.  Saturday, husband and I took Nicholas to see Journey To The Center Of The Earth.  We didn't see the film in 3D, but it was a cute movie. 

I took Nicholas for a pee pee break during the movie, and of course, I could hear Dancing Queen blaring out of the theatre next door.  Sigh..  That was hard, but it was my husband's birthday-I wasn't going to let him sit through that.  He still talks about the Julio Inglesis concert he had to sit through with me. 

Oh, I discovered my 2005 Wizard Of Oz calendar.  There is one picture of "Lolly" in there that I'm very tempted to hang up near his door.  Do you dare me to do it?


Anonymous said...

If you upload it to video you can cut the video to the length you want and you can cut out any part of it and add other videos to it also.  YOu can also add still photos and add it all together in one remix.  It's pretty coo.  Just go to photobucket (have to sign up for an account if you don't have one...it's free) and then click on choose files in blue (about middle of the screen) then find where your video is and upload it.  Then click on create remix and a bunch of your photos or videos will show up in little thumbnails.  Take your mouse and drag each photo/video you want into the allowed slots :)  Hope that helps :)

Anonymous said...

I want to see Mama Mia also, but Kevin wouldn't be caught in a movie theater to see that one.  I might have to take Nicci with me.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Mamma Mia but it will be a weekend for the girls because hubby and son won't dare go lol

Anonymous said...

Would you believe I tricked my male friend (O.K., boyfriend)
into going to see Mama Mia with me and he liked it.  He
usually asks "Now is this a chick-flick?"  We see musicals
on stage, a lot,  so I figured he wouldn't mind too much.  I,
of course, thought it was great.  A must see.   Pat

Anonymous said...

Wish I could share MY workload with you... LOL!!  But that should get better VERY soon.  You are SO lucky your son doesn't like the MickeyD toys... man, we had to get every one of them... LOL!!! I'm glad that you aren't keeping your writings to yourself anymore, now that you know we're here!!  My prayers are with Alicia, poor thing... that must be so depressing to work with people who just can't handle more kids.... tell her NOT to give up!!


Anonymous said...

Do it, i dare you.
You could always donate those toys to Goodwill.....trust me, grownups collect McDonald toys.
I have read that Mamma Mia is awful but those reviews were by MEN so WTH do they know. Alicia has my prayers.....i hope she gets pregnant real soon and then has her dream come true.

Anonymous said...

You know my daughter never really cared for Happy Meal Toys either.
I cannot wait to see Mama Mia at the theater!

Anonymous said...

i want to see mama mia too!