Sunday, August 3, 2008

Aftermath of Carl

Carl is gone, and I am glad.

He was here to "finish up" Friday.  He was supposed to call by 10, and of course he didn't.  Then he called at 2:00 pm, after husband called him, and said he would be there in a few minutes.  Well, he didn't show until a quarter to 3pm.  I left before he got here, because after being away on vacation for a week, I had grocery shopping to do, and errands to make.  When I get back, he sees me put away my groceries and says to me:

"Did you leave early so you didn't have to see me?" 

He said it jokingly, but, I'm so sure.  What a stupid thing to say!  I told him that I had too many things to do, and I didn't mention how late he was, and how I have the scrub the stains out of the carpet after he leaves..  Well, the idiot, (Carl) got paid, and although he left some stuff quite undone, for example:  the "forgot" to screw in the toilet in.  Gee, and you should have seen the little screws he attempted to use, and oh--forgot to put grout in around some tiles, and oh, he put in the bathroom door in wrong.  Now id does not close.  Lovely.  Oh well, at least he is gone...

Oh and he said something to my husband while we were away.  He said he saw a mouse in our garage.  This I find very unbelievable.  There is no evidence of any mouse life in the garage, but Rich put a trap in and put poison in just in case. Lizzy thinks he has a friend in the rodent extermination business, and he is trying to get his a friend a piece of the action at our place.  I wouldn't be surprised. 

It's really a shame this idiot did such a "Mickey Mouse" (no offense, Mickey)  job with us.  I mean, the tile is in, and it looks decent enough, but he was recommended by our real estate agent, Bill, whom we have grown to trust for years now.  Next time I hear from Bill, I'm going to let him know to NEVER recommend this guy to anyone. 

I am going to leave now and clean all the dust in my room...  It's unreal!! 

My alerts are not working...  Are yours? 



Anonymous said...

Don't talk about dust!  I wanted to get the house dusted this weekend, but it didn't happen.  I can write messages on the furniture! LOL

Anonymous said...

Every contractor I have ever hired is like that why ? is it a job requirement that is why I do it myself it is slower but it is done right . and cheaper ..

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to Carl!  Yikes!!!  I bet you are glad it is done though... hope you and Hubby can fix what needs to be!

be well,

Anonymous said...

  Carl sounds like a real winner.   My alerts either are not working well or no one is writing much.


Anonymous said...

someone thought that entry was bitchy? That is NOT are TOO nice...this POS would have fixed the door and anything else before he would have gotten paid.....i am sorry you had to put up with his incompetence.