Monday, August 4, 2008

Back To Routine

Well, it's Monday, and it's back to the ole' routine.  Vacation mode has been turned off for awhile.  Things are back to the normal summer schedule at work, and I have conquered a piles and piles that were surrounding my desk this morning.  Whew....  It's nice to be away from work, but it's a chore to come back and do catch up.  I'm taking a good earned break now. 

I can't believe summer is almost over!  Some things I would like to accomplish before summer ends: 

More walks

Cleaning out closets

Days at the beach

After the short visit to Venice, and Santa Monica, I realized how much I missed walking in the sand, and playing in the waves.  I really don't have to drive so far to enjoy that.  I live and work close to the ocean.  I must do a few more visits to the beach this summer before the kids are in school. 

I was told by a good Jlander friend, that I may have come across a little too "bitchy" about Carl.  Sorry, folks..  I am just irritated because I resented all that time Rich and I have had to spend cleaning after the man.  I will do say, that our bathroom is looking rather beautiful about now; thanks to my husband.  I think this remodeling has inspired him to do a lot more stuff on his own.  Yay!  I'm all for it.  If I had my way my whole house would be tiled and wooded..  Carpet is a pain to clean-especially when you have 4 kids.  This week hopefully we will have the bathroom completed, and I can put in a dent in all the extra cleaning of dust from the tile work.

Good news: My cousin (the graduate from Lisbon University) Tania will be arriving in a few days.  She'll be staying for awhile to get a feel of American life here in California.  She absolutely loves being here, and we enjoy her company.  It's like having another daughter around the house, and of course she is in love with the guy who lives just around the block, so you can't hinder young love, ya' know.. 

The end of the month Rich and I will be flying to Vegas to see  his brother.  I'm looking forward to spending some alone time with hubby guy.  He really DESERVES some time away from work and everything else.  I really missed him during the Disneyland trip! 

Okay, back to work! 

P.S.  Thanks Lisa Jo for the above tag...  My alerts are up again!  Yay!! 


Anonymous said...

I haven't done anything this summer!  It's pitiful!  Enjoy your night.

Anonymous said...

I forgot that you live so close to me!!  Hope you get some more beach time before school starts again!!


Anonymous said...

I am hoping to have at least another month of summer we don't get fall weather here til late september so I will have tons of things to do I just hope to take a break soon and enjoy summer a little ..

Anonymous said...

Be as bitchy as YOU want...this is YOUR journal.....i have to go read some entries i missed....i HATE going back to work and seeing all that was left for me to do too...ugh. If i had a beach within reach, i'd be there weekly. I am glad Tania is coming...i know it makes you happy to see her.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy every last moment of summer...make some time just to relax, though.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you were bitchy at all!  Happy Tuesday!

be well,