Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tidbits of thought

Nicholas is dancing in line to get on a ride on one of the Bug's Life rides at California Adventure.  You should have seen him in line waiting on Space Mountain ride.  He was so excited.  He kept on saying, "I'm so lucky!  I'm going into space!"  Well, he wasn't afraid UNTIL we got on the ride.  I think he hid his head under my arm during the complete duration.  When the ride ended, I looked down at him, and his eyes were still closed tight, and then he gave out a big breath of relief.  Poor guy..  I felt guilty, but no tears, just a stern comment from him to me.  "Mommy.  I don't like that ride."  Okay. 

Anyway, it's Wednesday, mid-week.  It started in a crazy way...

Nicholas slept in our bed last night, and obviously he did not go to the bathroom before bed like he said he had.  There is nothing worse than waking up in wet, cold sheets.  Lovely.  Then, as I was getting ready to get out of the door, I noticed my daughter's bedroom door was open.  I looked inside, and I saw Tania, but no Lizzy..  Hmm..  Her cell phone was in her room, her purse was in her room...  I looked downstairs to see if she had fallen asleep on the couch..  Nope, she wasn't there.  Now I was getting worried.  I checked the drive way to see if the car was there.  Yes, the car was there.  I called my husband at work (good thing he didn't answer or he would think I was crazy.)  Hmm..  Finally, I checked Nicholas' room, and sure enough, there was sleeping beauty in his bed.  Sigh of relief.  I don't know why I didn't check earlier. 

Out the door, and at work, this tall, and very thin odd looking-woman,  wearing a raincoat almost walks into me as I walk back to my office from the gas station with my coffee.  She has very short, short hair, dark sunglasses and a big ole' blue tooth attached to the side of her head.  I swear, she looked like a robot.  All she needed was a big rifle or gun under her arm and she could have passed as a female version of the Terminator! 

 Scary.  Speaking of Arnold, I learned some information about his wife, Maria through a co-worker of mine.  This co-worker is a retired speech writer for no other than the Kennedys.  Yeah, the Kennedys--America's royal family.  He told me that poor Maria was teased quite a bit as a child, because she was very, very chubby.  She lost her baby fat only when she got involved in sports, during her teenage years.  Okay, if you look at Maria today, she looks more like Skelatora to me.  My co-worker told me to look at her ankles the next time I happen to come across a picture of her.  Okay, I I'm curious. 


At work, I and my co-worker Dee have been working on the move.  Yes, the move to across the hall.  She is going to take my working space, and I am going to work near that guy, I refer to as Lolly.  Remember him?  He eventually is going to move, but not soon enough for me.  He said something to me and Dee that just made me want to hurl.  We were off cleaning out old file folders, and I found a file folder that I particularly liked and wanted to keep, and I was pretty happy about it.  He said something to the effect that "it doesn't take too much to make you happy," and this is I replied, "Sure, I like the simple things in life."

  He responded:  "Me too, that's why I settled and married my simple wife." 

After he said that, I cringed.  I looked at Dee, she cringed, and I don't know what I said after that-but that comment really was uncalled for.  Did he really thing that would be funny?  Imagine what his wife would feel if she heard him say something like that.  What an awful thing to say about your newlywed bride!  He has said other things in the past that have made my skin crawl.  He has said things in the past like, "This country needs to go back to 1950's."  or, "Single moms are the problem..."  I am not looking forward to sharing an office with this Lollyman. 

Now, can you really blame me? 


Anonymous said...

You know that Maria IS a Kennedy, right!!!  Blood relation.  Your little Nicholas is a DOLL!!!!  He's just so cute!!!


Anonymous said...

"Single moms are the problem..."  ????  OK, Now he makes MY skin crawl, too!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

thats a cute video lol

No wonder you don't want to share an office - yuck! thats really nasty what he said about his wife.

Hopefully he'll move out fast!


Anonymous said...

what was the deal with her ankles you got me curious? slap lolly for me will ya . and Moms single or other wise are what rocks this world .
hang in there I think I would being talking to hr..

Anonymous said...

Nicholas is so cute dancing in line! LOL

Anonymous said...

OK, never mind...i remember Lolly now. LimpDick Lolly to me. AH. I feel bad for his wife.
I think Maria is pretty but she is not a blonde bombshell, you know? I know quite a few chicks that are thin in all areas except their ankles.