Today I bought myself a lottery ticket, so I can win millions of dollars, and quit my job, so I can afford to write a book, and dig a hole in the back yard, so I can dip my feet in the “cement pond” any time I feel like it…
Wish me luck.
Seriously, if you won millions, what would you do?
Well, I couldn’t do anything too crazy, because I have kids. I can’t go off and travel all year long or anything, because they need to be in school. Kids keep you from doing fun and adventurous, or dangerous things—they keep you grounded-sometimes too much so. Oh, and yeah, they all need to go to college. There goes all the money!
But, seriously, I would welcome any amount of money. Instead of buying my Rice Crispy treat that I usually buy at the gas station, I bought a lottery ticket. I’ve invested a whole ONE dollar to the possibly millions someone will win. That someone could be me.. Who knows? I’ll keep you posted. If you don’t hear from me, anytime soon, (ha ha ha) I probably won. Chances are you will hear from me though.
A Winkie
In other news, I heard on the radio some interesting trivia on the movie the Wizard of Oz. The Wicked Witches’ soldiers were called the “Winkies”. I did not know they had names. You remember how they marched around, chanting in that very low and haunting march, that sounded like: Oh E Oh…Oh ee? Well, what they are really saying is: “How we loathe the old one.” (Referring to the witch.) Apparently, if you play the Pink Floyd version of Dark Side of The Moon, right after the 3rd roar of the Lion that appears right before the film, the song coincides with the film. I’ve never tried it, but always wanted to. Have anyone of you done this? I would love to see it at a theatre. I’ve seen the Wizard of Oz a number of times, and I think it would be interesting to see it.
Which brings to mind… Lolly the department munchkin is in a meeting at the moment. Thank God. I do still have my Wizard of Oz calendar. As soon as he is gone, I’ll hang up the munchkin picture for those who will miss him.
I am going to have to buy a lottery ticket. I want to retire and travel. I wouldn't buy anything special, just wouldn't worry about what I do buy, ya know. Maybe a couple of camera len's.
to do what I want to do would take more than millions I am afraid , we are talking probly trillions of dollars , free QUALITY health care for all, free QUALITY education for all , free gas for all , yep I think I need to buy more than 1 lottery ticket he he
If I won millions of dollars, I'd give a big chunk of it away to help fund research on diseases.
yes, yes, when i was high as a kite and a teenager a bunch of us did play Pink Floyd and heard what you're talking about and though i am sure it was a funny as hell moment i was so stoned i do not remember.
if i won a million i would probably hide it in a sock with the banks going down daily as they are and i would make sure Rick, the kids and i never worried about money, food, utilities or a running car again!! XOXO
LOL!! Will ANYONE miss him?!?! I'm a little late getting here, since you are still here, I guess you didn't win on your lottery ticket, huh... sorry, try again!! I didn't know 'winkies' even had a name, either!! Now, I'm off to listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon... = )
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