Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hubble Photo

Happy 15th birthday to the Hubble!  I found this picture at the "HubbleSite", and I was immediately drawn to it because it's "bootiful" Spring colors and it's uncanny resemblance to an Easter egg!  I love Spring and all of it's colors.  This reminds me that I really do need a new pair sandals.  I went to Macy's last weekend, and I was "seduced" by all the new pastel colors of the day--the purples, pinks and torquoise and green charteuse---same colors of Jupiter.  If only my wallet matched my shopping desire.  Sigh..    In celebration, here are the lyrics of one of my favorite songs by Train, Drops of Jupiter!

Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
With drops of jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there’s time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like june, hey, hey

Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking at yourself out there

Now that she’s back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there’s time to grow, hey, hey

Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
I’m afraid that she might think of me as plain ol’ jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the milky way
And tell me, did venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you’re wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the milky way



Friday, April 22, 2005

Year 2055

The World, Year 2055..


Firstly, I want to point out that I’m an optimist, who strongly believes that there is more good than evil in this world.  I want to believe that in the year 2055 the planet Earth will still be spinning, and people will still be standing for the moral good.  (I confess that I have been watching the series “Revelations” on T.V. mostly because of Richard (Bill Pullman--yum) but now I’m hoping that he and Sister Josepha will indeed SAVE us from the force of EVIL.)


In the year 2055 our cars will not be running on gas, but on electricity.  Electronic depot stations will replace gas stations.  You can bring in your vehicle for 1 minute “electronic charges” that will give you roughly 1,000 miles.  Not only will cars run differently but also they will look different.  They will be sleeker, longer and will be tireless.  We will be driving “hover vehicles”. 


Medical advances will be incredible.  Vaccines for cancer and other life threatening diseases are being introduced.  People will be living longer, but will be working longer hours and will be lazier than ever.  People will be turning to more virtual reality mechanical products for exercise.  Instead of jogging or talking a walk around the block, people will rely on their virtual reality glasses and take that walk around the block from their coach.  Yes, there still will be a weight problem, but there were also be advances in dietary products.  There will also be Doc In the Box Botox at every corner near every McDonalds. 


Virtual reality devices will play a major role in the entertainment department.  A family of four can enjoy 4 separate movies on the same couch by using their virtual reality movie glasses.  They can also enjoy music, and watch T.V., sporting events, and even play “online” poker, call a friend, and access the Internet via their virtual goggles.  People will find more entertainment in their home than ever before, but family time and actual communication with family members maybe more difficult. 


The work place will be a little different.  More companies will encourage employees to work at home, but computer or machine will replace many clerical positions.  There will be a heightened interest in public education, and more people will be going to college.


Food will be plentiful, but there will be a more consumption of “ready made” and “heat up” foods.  Organic foods will be more desired however, and there will be a heightened awareness of fruits and vegetables in our diets.  Consumption of meat and poultry will decline, but people will be dining out more frequently than dining at home.  Wendy’s will have served their 2 billionth bowl of chili.


World relations will have changed in 2055, but there is still unrest in the Middle East.  American troops finally have pulled out of the Middle East for more than 45 years.   Relations with world leaders have grown stronger and President Condie Rice, although in her late 90’s has strengthened relations with France, and the French have erected a new Lady of Liberty to replace the one that fell to decay 5 years previous.  Jenna Bush hopes to win the next election, but Chelsea Clinton’s son, Charlie has put his hat in the race as well.  King William and his wife, (my daughter) Elizabeth will welcome their 1st grandchild. (Okay, wishful thinking…) 


When one looks back to 2005, they will reminisce many things.  The rubber tire, the cell phone and the novelty of music CD’s.  But, they will still listen to Elvis and watch re run episodes of I Love Lucy, and wonder how in the world people lived that way, but at the same time, wish they could go back. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A "Visit" from Emily

This entry is about a number of books I’ve read on Emily Dickinson.   

I did my first biography on the poet Emily Dickinson in the 4th grade, and because it was easy, I chose to do my English biography assignments for my jr. high on the woman as well as in high school.  Call it boring and unchallenging, and redundant, but I soon learned much about Ms. Dickinson—may be a tad TOO MUCH! 

Emily, for the most part, lived her life as a recluse.  She rarely left her home, and lived quite out of sight of the public eye.  She loved a man who was unattainable, and wrote poetry that somehow rivaled her very private and lonely life.  She would often look out the window of her room and lower picnic baskets for the neighbor children who would often play below her window.  When company came to call, Emily ran upstairs to her room and hid away.  I found her strangeness interesting, and her writings very profound.  Unfortunately, her writings were not truly recognized until after the time of her death.  Perhaps that is how she would have wanted it; out of sight and kept away.   

I was writing yet another essay on this woman’s life late one evening.  In high school, when an essay was due, I was usually up all night the nightbefore, typing away on my brother’s manual typewriter until the early hours of the morning.  At my side, were a few books I had as reference for my paper.  One book in particular had the very few known pictures of Emily.  Ms. Dickinson did not like taking pictures, and there are even fewer of them where she is actually smiling.  There was one in particular that did nothing for her.  She looked tired, homely looking and seemed really annoyed with the fact that she was being photographed.  I thought to myself, “Gee, Emily, at least smile!” I went through the book to find a particular reference, when I found myself turning back to that one particular picture, over and over AGAIN.  It was strange and unexplainable to me why I was constantly turning to that particular page.  I looked at the picture again, and an odd feeling came over me.  I felt a heavy and strange presence in the room.  It was as if Emily was there staring at me from the pages of the book.  I moved away from the book quickly and looked around.  I was alone; wasn’t I?  The house was quiet and everyone was asleep.  It was very quiet; perhaps a little too quiet.  Why was I awake in this room with a picture of this dead poet staring up at me?!  Without turning off the light, I ran upstairs and crawled into bed.   

I never did another biography on Emily again. 

Friday, April 15, 2005

Fantasy Rebate

Fantasy Rebate


My FANTASY Rebate on my taxes would have to involve my transportation costs which would include, gas, mileage, wear and tear on my car, (brakes, tires, cleaning expenses) with a special gratuity for driving with children.  Have you ever tried to find a pacifier, or baby bottle in a baby bag that is sitting behind you, while looking at the road, with one hand on the steering wheel, and one foot on the gas, with the other hovering over the brake pedal while your child screams bloody murder?  I am a seasoned veteran—I call it the Helen Keller skill that some mothers of small children possess. 


I drive a very winding, wooded highway that is roughly a 35 minute drive each way, everyday to work.  Not only do I have to pay for the high costs of gasoline in this beautiful state of California, but also I have to deal with some really crazy drivers on the road that insist that they are on a Nascar Race.  I should be credited for not going beyond 5-10 miles over the speed limit, while these race drivers are driving over 20! 


Another claim I would like to see is a School Project Expense.  Example:  My son had a “Colonial Day” at school.  Not only did he have to dress like a boy during the colonial times—(ever try to make your son wear church shoes to school with short pants and long socks, with a long sleeved shirt?) but the entire lunch for school that day I could NOT include anything made of paper, or plastic.  No lunch meats either, or store bought cookies.  Ever try wrapping beef jerky in cloth along with corn muffins?  Yummy—what every 10 year old dreams of for lunch.  The school lunch had to be wrapped in another cloth or rag (lovely) and tie it on a stick.  A stick?  Did they expect me to go out and tear a limb off a tree or something?!  There should be an expense box titled “Silly school projects that drive parent/guardian insane costs”. 


Extra Credit--  I never do my taxes the last minute—I do them as soon as I get my W2 mostly because during recent years, I never had to pay.  When I was young and more poor I always had to pay, (I don’t get that either—doesn’t make sense, does it?) I waited until April. 

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Time Marches On...

First of all, obviously, I did not take this picture, but to me it represents a passage of time. 

It's a picture of Ronald Reagan in 1984 at McDonalds, marking it's first billion burger or some other outrageous number.  Reagan was president during my "informative" years, the 1980's, and when I see a picture of him, I remember my high school days, and my ideas, dreams and values of that time.  It was an innocent time for me, and one that I wish I could go back to sometimes.  I cried when he died, like when the Pope died--not because I was his "greatest fan", but mostly because he was part of an era that I was a part of--my childhood.  He also strikes an uncanny resemblance to my father who passed away a few years ago; and of course, when Ronnie died, it brought up memories of my own dad.  My dad always appreciated a good hamburger as well, but preferred Whoppers--sorry McDonalds! 


Friday, April 8, 2005

Pope John Paul II Funeral

''The entire world is here,'' said Sister Claudira Ribeira Santos, a Brazilian nun. ''John Paul managed to speak for all humanity in an era of wars and natural disasters, for peace and reconciliation. He tore down the walls of countries, of classes, of religions.''

The following was taken from the news today in regards to this morning's funeral--it says it all.  You is going to fill the shoes of this great man now? 



Thursday, April 7, 2005

Online Dating Advice

The following was just written on my other journal at Diaryland!  Gee...I must have been psychic.  The following may be words of wisdom to some people--I'll let you decide.  As for expecting my children to follow these rules?  Gee...I hope they never find themselves in that situation.  I would not wish online dating on anyone.  Let's just say that I am so HAPPY my husband found me when he did!!!

Here are some hints and helpful tips for those who choose online dating:

If you are looking at pictures of prospective dating material, remember that this person has voluntarily put this picture up for your viewing pleasure, and it is the BEST picture they can find of themselves. In other words: It don't get better than this!
Try and look for any tell tale hints of when the picture was taken---look at the hair style and clothing: Does this person have BIG hair, wearing polyester, or sporting a Dorthy Hamill haircut or the Achy Breaky Heart (squirming in my chair right now) the MULLET? Is he or she hiding behind a car? Can you see where the scissors cut out someone who he/she took the picture with? Most perplexing is if someone puts out a wedding picture of themselves--especially when you can still see hints of the bridal veil brushing against the tuxedo, or the shoulder of an unseen person wearing a tuxedo. Look also for a date the picture was taken on the side of the photo. If it's 5 years old--beware. Also, if you can't see the pupil of the eyes, there is a reason why the photo was taken faraway. Lastly, that may not be the person you THINK it is.

If you exchange phone numbers, and actually hear this person's voice; don't be fooled by the voice. True, you can learn a lot by speaking to someone on the phone--but don't be blown away by an exceptional English or Brazilian accent--that includes men who are named "Fabio", and people who borrow televisions from their neighbors when they want to rent a movie--(long story).

Be leary of someone who wants to know TOO MUCH about you. I once met this one guy who took out his briefcase and literally filled his electronic notebook with my likes and dislikes in front of me. I never saw this person again--too scary.

Just because this person claims he is a fireman, don't assume this guy is someone you can find in a Fireman Calendar. They aren't all that buffed. Some actually look pretty homely and spend their afternoons consuming endless plates of chocolate chip cookies while waiting for a fire call. "Would you like to see my scar from when I got bit my an Emu?" Again, never ASSUME!!

When meeting someone for the first time, NEVER agree to go out to dinner unless the restaurant you are going to have several descret exits, or a nice big window in the bathroom for an escape. Meet at a coffee house was there is little time commitment, and always stage a call for your cell phone. Have a friend or child call you at a certain time so you have a good excuse to end the "date".

Also, don't be too shy to flat out ask these people if they are married. Some people will disclose this information right away, or say the word "separated". What does that mean? Separated does not count. If they aren't divorced---they are still married. Just keep that for thought--if they treat their spouse that way, don't be suprised if they treat you any differently! Think about it--don't be suprised if you are lied too--they are trying to meet people online--how much more discret can you find other people? They can talk to you with their spouse just right down the hall from where they are sitting...think about it. Although there are many honest people online simply looking for that special someone who would rather be at home "shopping" instead of being at the bar with their loser friends--there are still the same amount of jerks out there fooling around.

Lastly---the best place to meet a person is offline. I know you've heard this all before, but from experience--it's the best route. Let's just say, although they were learning experiences, the percentage of success of my own "online "relationships" is about 5% -and I'm being kind. Be open to meeting new people out in the real world. I was told that you can meet a lot of people at church, grocery stores, and children events--but--I think that really only happens on T.V., or awful Lifetime for Women episodes. Be willing to be "fixed up"---meet people---get dressed up and go to a party where you know there will be other single people!

Okay, I'm done now; you have been warned.

A year older..a year wiser...(?)

Monday was my birthday...  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me...  When you turn 40, are you given permission to NOT celebrate birthdays?  I am not 40 YET, but I still feel older than dirt.  I found a magazine at work today, and I soon noticed that it was an over 40 magazine for women; it made me feel YOUNG, but gee--after reading it's contents, it got me really depressed.  I really have so MUCH to look forward to:  night sweats, mood swings, hormone imbalance... Gee, I can't wait. 

To my suprise, I got my journal highlighted in People Connections on AOL.  WOW.  I've noticed how my visitor monitor is going crazy----gee, people are really reading this?!  Oh my.  I better watch what I say on here...  Actually, it is quite flattering that I was chosen to be one of the journals highlighted.  I should feel proud.  I am just worried by some of the comments I've been receiving.  To set the record straight:  I am VERY HAPPILY married, and I am extremely HAPPY with a very loving and terrific family.  I am afraid some of you seemed to believe that I was in a very depressed state and I was looking for a man who I wanted to share a pizza with.  No, and I'm not married to an Eddie Van Halen type of man.  (That was in another life (marriage)).  I'm married to a guy who is quite the opposite.  (But, I'm not saying that Eddie is a jerk by all means...I don't know him, and I'm sure he is a good guy.  It's just life as a rock star is full of twists and turns..I know this because I was very good friends with a woman who was married to a rock star, (ever hear of Jefferson Airplane?) and I've heard the stories.)

Wheww...  Glad that is out of the way.  Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments...  I really do appreciate them, and I only deleted one of them.  (evil laugh).  P.S.  Yes, I know the Pope was a human being; thanks :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2005


This picture was taken at home last November on my son's first birthday.

The year following was bursting at the seams of new beginnings: a new marriage, family, home, and now a new baby.  We moved into our  home when I was still preggers with the little guy.  During that time, I found myself often looking out into the garden visualizing seeing the new little boy out there running in the backyard.

I confess, I staged this picture entirely.  If you look closely you'll see the very determined look on his face as he makes his way down the grass.  (Mom, why oh why are you making me do this?!  The grass is cold!!!)  He is actually running pretty fast (I had to lie on the grass upside down actually to capture this moment--what mothers will do for their children!)  This picture is one of my favorites--I love the way the sun is tapping him on the side of the head.  It's a picture of my little dream with muddy feet. 

Sunday, April 3, 2005

My Favorite Pope

The world at the moment seems a little more lost than usual.  The Shepard has gone and has left the flock alone to find their way.  The world as we know it seems a little more darker, lonlier, and questionable. 

Pope John Paul was the only Pope I really remember.  I used to have a postcard of him in his papal outfit on skis.  I thought he was the coolest guy on Earth.  He was a part of my childhood--he was the guy closet to the sky--to heaven.  We honored him every Sunday at church.  He was the coolest--he stood for everything good on this Earth--I still think so.  I miss the guy aleady; I wish I met him personally. 

Yes, I'm Catholic--but I'm not the perfect Catholic.  I'm divorced, but I still go to church, and I take my kids to church as often as I can get them there.  There are some things I question about my faith; I think that is truly natural because I'm a human being.  I don't think there is a such a thing has a perfect Christian or Catholic, Jew--no such thing in this world; but my Pope was pretty darn close to it. 

I am happy that he has reached his destiny--he is with his Master.  He has fullfilled his life and his mission; I feel privledged to know of his grace and hear his words, but I can't stop feeling the emptiness of losing an old friend.





Friday, April 1, 2005

Pizza Pranks

I did do a few pranks but they were not done on April Fools.  Both pranks involved pizza delivery.  


I felt sorry for poor Jim.  His wife Loretta just left him and took the kids with her.  He spent his evenings now alone.  It was a cold dreary night, so I decided to do him a favor and send him a pizza for dinner.  Of course, I didn’t pay for it, but I had it delivered to his door.  The look on his face at the door was priceless.  (I spied through the curtains).  The next morning, on my way to school, I saw the pizza box in his garbage can.  It felt good to know he enjoyed his unexpected pizza.


The other pizza prank was done out of spite.  I was dating this washed up surfer/painter bum, until I found out his house was part of a stopping ground for misplaced women.  He lived up in the woods, but there was a pizza delivery service near his wooded bungalo.  I decided to order him 4 large pineapple and ham pizzas under the name of Fred and Debbie.  I know this sounds silly and juvenile, but I wish I could have seen the look on his face when those pizzas came to his door.  I’m hope he and his “harem” enjoyed their dinner.  


I saw the Apprentice last night with Donald Trump.  I am so sure he eats Dominio Pizza!  I wish I could call in a delivery to his apartment of gold.  Does anyone have his number?   


It’s April Fools—expect a prank—but if you are smart—don’t do your prank today.  Do it tomorrow!