As previously written, one of the 7 things I would like to accomplish before I die, was to write a book.
What would my book be about? The book would be one about internet relationships, more specifically a story of my own experience of being the VICTIM. What kind of victim? What do you do when you find out your spouse is having an internet affair? I've recounted my own experiences to various people that I know, and I am often urged to write a book about it. I very much want to share the wealth of my knowledge of my ordeal to women and men out there who have found themselves in this situation, or, onthe other side.
Now, I'm not saying that my ex-husband's internet habits was the sole cause to our divorce. Nope..we had other serious underlying problems. The internet, I believe, served as a catalyst to what lay ahead. The fast internet connection only made in happen a lot faster. The experience didn't make things less painful however, and perhaps it made things look a whole lot worse.
Is there anyone out there who can relate? Any suggestions of where I should start? Please let me know! If you are an internet ex wife/husband let me know. I would be interested to hear what your experience was. Are you currently in an internet romance? Let me know! I don't expect people coming to me confessing that they are having an internet fling with someone married already, but if you are, let me know too. I won't judge ya'. :)
There is hope of course. After a lot of soul searching and forgiving on my part--mostly learning to forgive myself, I am happy to report that I am in a very meaningful, loving relationship with an awesome husband, along with a group of really happy kids. In a way, I have the internet, the same evil tool that caused such a mess in my life, to thank for. Ironic, hey?
Please let me know of your own experiences... Feel free to email me if you prefer not to leave a comment! Thanks!
This sounds like it would be an interesting book. Something, sadly, that is needed in the year 2005.
I think your book would be much more fasinating if written from the other perspective, not the victims. As a reader, I would rather like to hear about internet seduction from the mind of the seducer or the person who is looking for love on the internet and how the internet itself is so seducing. I am sure there are many people who never intended to get involved in a relationship via the web but do because they get so carried away.Show the seducer as a victim too, but not in a way that will make us feel sorry for them. More like a person with an addiction. With addictions come lots of lies, and so does the internet.
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