Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oh My Word!

Okay, this was copied from Teeisme57's journal:  Oh My Word!   This is assuming that I was single again, and that these men had an interest in me.  Ha..  I know, one can only dream.

Teresa writes:  "HATE, DATE or MATE  Let's play HATE, DATE or MATE! Copy and paste these fine looking hunks into your journal and tell us if you hate 'em, would date 'em or if you would mate 'em. Feel free to be as shallow as you want. If your journals not working play along in my comment area"


Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt's hairstyle is what happens when a 90s pretty boy starts receding his hairline.

Anonymous said...

Yep, even pretty boys recede!!  Julie :)

Anonymous said...

Well, it's obvious I'm a way bigger slut then you.