Monday, November 14, 2005

Reach Out and SKYPE someone...

Do you have relatives and friends who happen to live overseas?  Are you still friendly with these people?!  When was the last time you sat down and wrote an email, or better yet a letter, or call them on the phone just to say "hello"?  Well, thanks to my cousin, Jose Carlos (the fireman who has a lot of free time), I have enrolled in SKYPE.  I can call my dear cousin, and my other relatives..aunts, uncles, and cousins in the Azores for as little as 2 cents a minute.  That is pretty darn good. 

It gets better.  If you happen to be online at the same time, you can instant message eachother, and actually call eachother for FREE. 

It's pretty awesome.  All you need to do is prepay your calls with your credit card for 10 pounds---about $15 American dollars.  Just remember though, please remember that if you are calling overseas, be aware of the time change.  They may be hours ahead or hours behind your time, and if someone should get a call at 2 am in the morning; don't expect a very receptive conversation.  They may think someone just died or something. 

Do you have Skype?  I'm under, "juliecoelha"----what is your Skype name?

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