Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Photo Shoot: 80s!

Monday Photo Shoot: 80s! :

Monday Photo Shoot: Got something that screams the 1980s? Get it in picture form! This can include things you currently have around the house that are from the 80s era, or alternately, is a picture that is so very obviously from the 80s itself.
Here I am in the middle wearing my Thompson Twins inspired dress, with the neon yellow belt and matching socks--see my friend pointing to my feet?  I don't know what New Year it was, but I'm guessing 1985.  To the left of me is Denise, my best friend in high school, and to the left is Kris, my ex-sister inlaw (brother's first wife).  I'm under-age of course, but I had to hold the champagne, and of course we are celebrating the new year at where else, the Portuguese Hall---this one I believe was in San Jose. 

And below, there I am in the middle again, sitting in the chair dressed as Boy George.  This was taken in 1984, at my birthday party.  I asked everyone to dress up.  Yes, I was a bit weird.  There is Denise to my left pretending to be a tourist wearing those hideous tye at the knee pants, and to the left is Samantha--she didn't have a costume, so we had to find her my dad's old hat and my mom's scarf--but dig her corduroy mary janes--back in style!  Above Samantha is my friend Margaret dressed like a punked out cowboy (she is originally from Texas you see)  I let her borrow my Devo glasses for this picture.  Next to Margaret is Leslie.  Leslie is dressed as her favorite 80's guy, Harrison Ford. 

As you see, 3 of these women are wearing sunglasses---smart ladies..  They must have known that years after taking this picture it would be on display online.  My friend Denise isn't wearing glasses----what a true friend--the only friend really that I'm still in touch with from high school...  What a pal!


Building BREAK IN!!!

Well, whoever said it never rains in California lied. 

It is raining cats and dogs and elephants over here!!  Last weekend, I forgot to post that I actually drove through in SNOW!!  Yes, it was snowing on the summit in the Santa Cruz mountains on Hwy 17.  I was driving along, and I noticed, that the rain wasn't hitting my windowshield like normal, instead, it was falling it little splats...and then I noticed it was snow!  Whoa...that have never happened to me while on this highway.  My son Andrew was amazed.  The last time he saw snow first hand was when he was like 2, so of course he didn't remember.  We would have stopped on the summit like the other crazy people we saw to frolicking in the snow, but he was in shorts, without his jacket, so we went straight home.  No snow in San Jose; only on the moutain tops! 

  Picture courtesy of: Santa Cruz Sentinel

ANYWAYS...  I got to work this morning, after a hazardous trek through the mountains in the pouring rain, to find that and low and behold, the glass back door of my office building had been was shattered!!!  There was glass everywhere!  Lovely.  Good thing I remembered to wear my boots.  I had to make my way through the flooded parking lot to the front door of the building.  Apparently someone or some people broke into the building, broke into two offices in our department, the insurance company and the IRS offices.  As far as we know, they didn't take anything from our computers, printers..nada....  Who knows what they did to the IRS.  The IRS security system sent an alarm notice to Homeland Security, but they didn't bother to contact the police or the Sheriff's department (the jail is right near our building).  Lovely.  I feel sooo safe.  Anyways, they did come in later to dust for fingerprints.  How exciting is that?  All we need is a dead body, and we have an episode of CSI right here in Santa Cruz...  Our building is so ghetto already, the broken doors, shattered glass and ripped wallpaper just add that extra "je ne sais quoi" to our overall depressing atmosphere!  I've had to work the receptionist desk already this morning, and I could some clients snickering in delight already.  Damn criminals..  If it weren't for you I wouldn't have a job! 

Feel like some quail hunting?  Click below and have some fun!!


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sugar Daddy - Final Episode

These pictures of my very happy cousin in the Azores.  His a very happy fireman!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Weekend Assignment #100: Facts From the Future!

Weekend Assignment #100: Facts From the Future! :

Weekend Assignment #100: Share 10 facts about yourself -- from the next five years. Imagine what you see happening over the next half decade and then tell us about it, in interesting fact form. You can be serious, or silly, or somewhere inbetween. But give it some real thought and then take a stab at your future facts. If you find 10 facts too much, just do five. Either way it'll be fun.

Extra Credit: So, who's president in 2011?

    1. I discover that I’m one of the older mothers of my son Nicholas’ 2nd grade class, but heck, I’m the youngest mom attending my daughter’s college graduation!




    1. With my husband’s business BOOMING, I’ve said goodbye to my county job.  Good thing too--since my position has been "streamlined", I've been replaced by a computer they call Betty.  Finally I have more time for gardening and refining my breaststroke in the new backyard pool, as well as a proud member of the PTA.  I'm a stay at home mom at last! 



  1. I can decorate cookies that would put Martha Stewart to shame; too bad they sent her back to prison on more fraud charges. 



  1. I’m slowly shrinking.  My heels are becoming my two best friends. 




  1. I’m friends with some of the desperate housewives of my neighborhood, and we exchange recipes at the park, as well as complain about hot flashes, and the high cost of lypo suction.



  1. My husband and I are FINALLY taking that cruise to Hawaii this summer. 



  1. The boys are fighting about car privileges again.  Why can’t they just be happy with the 2005 Minivan?  Hell, if they are touching the Flying Ford X4 pickup! 




  1. Never forget to moisturize—and always wear a hat!  And furthermore, never trust a gnome! 



  1. I’ve finally finished my family Azorean memoirs; it’s so crazy Oprah might just endorse it!  


  1.  I’m looking forward to my daughter’s upcoming performance in Hairspray on Broadway next week. 



Extra Credit:  So, who’s president in 2011?  Well, Colorado was a an extreme disappointment, but I still went against my better judgment, and Arnold is now in office. 


My "Coach" Purse

I was amused this morning.  My "boss" came in asking if I could set aside my normal "morning duties" - (I don't know what he is referring to---I don't have specific morning duties; I do the same boring tasks everyday, every hour of the day) to for take a "treasure hunt" task this morning.  Okay, guy, it's 11 o'clock, morning and its going to be officially over in about a hour.  My boss is a nice guy, but I really think he tries too hard, and thinks too much.  "Treasure hunt" task?  What in the h_ll is that supposed to mean?  Is he calling it a Treasure Hunt to make it sound more exciting?  Give me a break already... 

Anyway, while I'm listening him talk away about this exciting "treasure hunt", I discover that this task involves me doing data entry on a spread sheet.  WOW..  I'm so excited now.  He turns to leave and looks over my partition (he is somewhat short--cute, but short), and asks if the purse on my desk is a Coach.  I can't stop laughing.... 

", it's not a Coach.  I don't spend money on purses."  I reply, between laughs.  In reality, I don't have money to buy a Coach purse, and if I did have money--I would think twice before spending a lot of  cash on one.  Again, how does he expect for me to have money to buy such a luxury, when I'm still presently employed at my low paying county job?!  HELLOOOO!!!!

<-----Coach Purse

"Oh, it sure looks like one!" he replies, "I bought one for Sylvia (his beautiful wife) and it fell apart already!" 

Okay!  At this point I am so very tempted to tell him that I bought mine at Payless Shoes, but instead I tell him that she should take it back and get a new one.  You know those purses are supposed to have a lifetime guarantee if I remember correctly.  (I used to work at a department store that used to sell those expensive purses). 

"Good idea!  I will tell her!" His little head pops up above the partition again, and he slowly leaves the office. 

I'm still amused.  Husband, if you are are reading this, you should be proud of me, and very thankful that I don't spend money on so-called "luxury items".  Sure, the purse I have is made in China as well, but I only spent $12 on mine...



Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monday Photo Shoot--Stars

John Scalzi writes: 

Get out the camera and show the rest of us pictures of stars -- either new pictures or old favorite pictures that fit the bill. Put them in your blog or journal and then come back to leave a link. I'm very excited to start seeing stars.

Okay here is a photo of my daughter the STAR, and one of her heros, Canadian/Azorean, Nelly Furtado.  This photo was taken after one of Nelly's concerts in San Francisco.  You may not know the name, but more than likely, you've heard her music.  I have her website on my favorite sites, check it out!

My daughter has other pictures of stars, one with her with Kevin from the BackStreet Boys taken at the back door from his Broadway performance of Chicago in San Francisco, but alas, I can't get that photo here at work.  She also has photos of Jason Mraz (of course)---she could have gotten a picture with James Blunt, BUT, noooo, she would have lost her spot near the stage at the Fillmore!  That is okay, James Blunt is not that cute in person--believe me---he looks better on the video, "Beautiful".  Oh, and we have pictures of Nick Carter, AND his little evil brother Aaron, but alas' I can't get to those...I'm sorry!!!  


Saturday, February 18, 2006

"You Ate My Pizza?!"

Awhile ago, when I was a single mom, raising two kids, working 2 1/2 jobs, I had an unfortunate evening at Straw Hat Pizza.

I believe it was sometime in November, during the Christmas rush when I was working my part time at Gottschalks Department store.  I believe it was Friday, because I was feeling particulary tierd.  I had been working a 12 hour day--8 hours at my regular county job, and four hours at the department store..  To put the icing on the cake, it was November during the pre-Christmas rush.  I had just called home during my break.  My parents were at home for the kids, but were going to leave soon with my son, and my niece who was older than my daughter was there to spend the night.  I quickly put in a call at the pizza place down the street--I had not eaten since 3, and according to my mother, "nao tem comida em casa.."  (no food at home).  I really didn't want to go to the grocery store.   

"Can I still order a pizza to be picked up at 9pm?" 

"Sure, no problem!"


After closing my cash register, and waiting for the evil manager to let us out of the store, I raced to my car.  It was 9:01 pm.  Damn, I thought...  It's so late!  I got to get to the pizza place before it closes.  The kids---they are alone--I have to hurry!  My stomach was grumbling..  I hadn't eaten since 2pm.  So I make my way racing down the street to the corner Straw Hat. 

I enter the place.  There are still a few customers chomping away on their pizza and guzzling down their pitchers of beer while watching some thing on the big screen.  I get to the register to find two young gentlemen standing above a large box, which I presume is my pizza. 

"Can I help you miss?"

"Yes, you can.  I'm here to pick up my pizza."


"Your pizza ma'am?"

"Yes, my pizza, I ordered it to be picked up."

At this time the two gentlemen are very quiet.  One is looking at the other, and the chunky one is looking at his shoes.  This is making me a tad nervous.

"Is there a problem with my pizza?"  I ask, jokingly.

"Uh, yes ma'am, there is.  Um, we didn't think you were going to show, so we had a few slices."

I was utterly speechless. 

"YOU ATE MY PIZZA?!"  I exclaimed.  I admit, the fatigue may have made my voice go up a few octives than usual. 

The two stood there motionless.  I looked at the chunky one, and swore I saw some tomato sauce on his lip.  The other one took the box and opened it in front of me slowly, as if he was expecting me to pounce on it. 

"Um, it's not completely eaten.  We only took a few slices." 

"YOU ATE MY PIZZA?!"  I was in complete shock at this point.  Suddenly there was utter silence.  It was if I cleared the entire joint.  I looked at the two young workers, and could almost swear I could smell the pepperoni still lingering on their lips. 

I could say no more.  I left, stomping my pumps out of the Straw Hat, and went up to the Burger King drive through, and headed for home. 




Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What's in the ICE?

I heard something quite disturbing this morning on the way to work.  I was listening to the radio morning show that I always tune into during my commute to work, and they were talking about a science fair project that was done by a little 7th grader down in Florida.  This 7th grader went into 4 different fast food establishments and tested the ice dispenser ice for levels of  possible bacteria.  She didn't stop there, no..she tested the toilet water at each of these establishments as well.  What were her findings?  Well, you may not want to know if you go the fast food route on a regular basis--you might lose your lunch.


The 7th grader concluded that 70% of the time, the bateria level in the toilet water was less than the bacteria level in the ice.  Lovely.  Of course, she could not disclose these fast food chain's names due to legal reasons, but it isn't hard to think of a few very popular fast food chains that more than likely she went to.  Something to think about before you go for a refill! 

A caller called into the radio station and reported that his sister found a large cochroach in a cube of ice.  She only noticed it when she went to get a refill.  YUCK..  What do you do now?  Ask for a soda with no ice?!  Most places fill the cup half with ice, half with soda.  I don't know if I can order soda any more at a fast food chain ever again without fear. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Office Smells like ROSES!!

Happy Valentines!!!    I've got roses and chocolates from my hubby..  Life is good.  All I need is a crown--no, on second thought, crowns are over-rated--they give me headaches!   Rich :)    

Monday, February 13, 2006

Love - Monday's Photo Shoot

  This is one of my favorite pictures: 


Like most siblings, these two fight a bit, but not too often.  Maybe it's the age difference; they are six years apart, but these two show their affection towards eachother often. 

This picture that was taken a few years ago.  It's my daughter Elizabeth with her younger brother, Andrew.  Elizabeth was all decked out for her first high school formal.  She was a freshman back then...sigh...she's a senior now.   



Bullfight, Azorean Style

In the summertime, toiros acorda, (translated, bull on a rope) is one of the biggest social events of the year on the island of Terceira.  Also, in the summertime, Terceira consumes more beer than all of the other 8 islands of the Azores combined.  Word to the wise:  If you plan on running with the bull, be mindful of your beer consumption!  As you can see from these photos, the guy in the blue T-shirt hopefully learned his lesson; if was sober enough to remember!

These photos were sent to me by my cousin, Joe... Thanks Joe!  Note:  Neither the bull or the man were killed.  (Portugal doesn't kill it's bulls)  The guy suffered some bruises and cuts however. 

Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday Funny

It's finally FRIDAY!!  YIPEEE!!  My energy level right now is pretty low.  I hope I'm not coming down with anything.  Perhaps it's just Spring Fever?!  Yeah, Spring..  It feels like it's in the 70's outside.  I love the Spring.  I'm sure I will be energized again as soon as I leave this office.  Things have been a brewing around the office, and unfortunately, my supervisor, and the people that go in there to talk don't feel the need to CLOSE THE DOOR!  I've been tempted to get up and close the door for them at times.  There are certain things I really don't want to know--especially if it's personal stuff, if you know what I mean... 

Anyways, I got the following in an email the other day...  It's pretty amusing--thought I would share!  Have a great weekend!

The Curtain Rods (This one has been around before, but worth reading again.)
She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. 
On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. 
On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room
table by candlelight, put on some soft background music and feasted on a pound
of shrimp, a jar of caviar and a bottle of Chardonnay. 
When she had finished, she went into each and every room and deposited a few
half-eaten shrimp dipped in caviar, into the hollow of the curtain rods. 
She then cleaned up the kitchen and left. 
When the husband returned with his new girlfriend, all was bliss for the first
few days. Then slowly, the house began to smell. They tried everything; cleaning, mopping and airing the place out
Vents were checked for dead rodents and carpets were steam cleaned. 

Air fresheners were hung everywhere. 
Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which they had
to move out for a few days, and in the end even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting. 
Nothing worked.
People stopped coming over to visit.
Repairmen refused to work in the house. 
The maid quit. 
Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided to move. 
A month later, even though they had cut their price in half, they could not find a buyer for their stinky house. Word got out and eventually even the local Realtors refused to return their calls. 
Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place. 
The ex-wife called the man and asked how
things were going. He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely and said that she missed her old home terribly, and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back. 
Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only if she were to sign the papers that very day. 
She agreed and within the hour his lawyers delivered the paperwork. 
A week later the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home.... 
.........including the curtain rods. 

DON'T YOU?????


Thursday, February 9, 2006

Baby Kisses

My youngest son is now being very demostrative of his love.  For the past few months, he has been giving me kisses, and it's the most adorable thing, as you probably must imagine. 

Lately, he has been wanting to sleep with Mommy & Daddy.  Usually, after he falls in deep sleep, I gather him in my arms and slowly make my way into his room to place him in his crib.  Last night, I was the one who fell into a deep sleep, and I didn't remember to take him into his room.  I do remember however been awaken in the middle of the night by a big ole' wet kiss on the lips.  No, it wasn't from my husband, it was from my son Nicholas.  I opened my eyes, and there he was, looking like a little angel smiling so sweetly at me.  After a few giggles, he then turned around and went back to sleep.  Moments like these are priceless---just thought I would share.  It really is great being a Mommy!  :) 

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Sunshiney Day!

Is it really February?!  Well, it's an unbelievable 78 degrees outside and it's 4:10 pm!

What am I doing here at work?!  It's the perfect "call in sick" kind of day.  Too bad I didn't realize this until just now.  I could really use a nice walk near the ocean right now---just thought I would share that thought with someone.  I'm all a cold office, counting the minutes until I can leave this dreary place...  Ho hum hum hum...humm... 


Above are pictures near one of my favorite walking places; West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz, California.  I know I often devote a lot of my time on here writing about the Azores, and I sometimes neglect writing about the town where I was born and raised in.  The things we take for granted, huh?  Santa Cruz, California!  Yeah, we got a lot of weirdos, but I come from one cool and beautiful place! 



Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Swept Away...

Ha ha ha!!  It was a beautiful April spring day when hubby and I exchanged vows on a beach overlooking the Monterey Bay.  I could write a book about how we met  and what brought us together on that beach.  One day, I hope I will.  

Want to make your own book cover?  Go here:

(Taken from John Scalzi's Journal)

Friday, February 3, 2006

A Bunny Blonde Joke

The Rabbit and the Blonde

A man is driving along a highway and sees a rabbit jump out across
the middle of the road. He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately the
rabbit jumps right in front of the car.

The driver, a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulls over
and gets out to see what has become of the rabbit.

Much to his dismay, the rabbit is dead.

The  driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.

A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway sees a man crying
on the side of the road and pulls over.

She  steps out of the car and  asks the man what's wrong.

"I feel terrible," ! he explains, "I accidentally hit this  rabbit
and killed it."

The  blonde says, "Don't  worry."

She  runs to her car and pulls out a spray can.

She walks over to the limp, dead  rabbit, bends down, and sprays
the contents onto the rabbit.

The rabbit jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them and hops off
down the road.

Ten feet away the rabbit stops, turns around and wavesagain, he
hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops another ten feet,
turns and waves, and repeats this again and again and again, until he hops
out of sight.

The  man is astonished.

He runs over to the woman and demands, "What is in that can? What
did you spray on that rabbit?"

The woman turns the can around so that the man can read the label.

It  says..

(Are you ready for this?)

(Are you sure?)

(This is bad!)

(It's definitely a Blonde Joke!)

(You know you could just click off and not read the punch line....)

(You can still delete it)

(You know you're gonna be sorry)

(Last chance)

(OK, here it is)

It says,

"Hair Spray - Restores life to dead hair, and adds permanent wave."                                              


Thursday, February 2, 2006

Weekend Assignment #97: Your Own Movie Awards!

Weekend Assignment #97: Your Own Movie Awards! :

CATEGORY:  Scariest “side kick” actor(s) in a film:

The nominees are:  (in no particular order)


Umpa lumpas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—the original


Flying monkeys, The Wizard of Oz


Mini Me, Austin Powers


Danny Devito , Twins  (DUAL NOMINATION) 

Arnold Schweitenger, Twins



H&R Puffinstuff, in H&R Puffinstuff (enough said)




Envelope please!


And the winner is:


The Flying Monkey!!!

  Wait a minute, this monkey looks hauntingly familar?!


Extra Credit:



 When I was younger, I remember going to the theatre downtown with my older sister.  The Del Mar Theater-built way back in the 1920’s—I’m guessing.  I remember vividly the read velvet upholstered chairs, the large staircase, and the ornate wall coverings on the walls and the ceilings.  On the ceiling there were pictures of naked Roman women holding vases.  I thought this was quite scandalous, and tried to avoid looking up.  I don’t remember exactly my first film at a movie theatre, but I do remember watching a lot of Benji movies, and Where the Red Fern Grows (a tear jerker) but remember distinctly leaving the theatre, while begging my sister to take me to the bathroom just to avoid the scary parts in the movie, Sleeping Beauty.  Of course, I always denied that I was scared.  All of these scary parts involved the evil witch, and that dragon.  I don’t think I ever saw that film entirely because of it.