Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sugar Daddy - Final Episode

These pictures of my very happy cousin in the Azores.  His a very happy fireman!


Anonymous said...

Hey, he's pretty cute...think he'll be my sugar daddy?

Anonymous said...

He does indeed look jolly!

Anonymous said...

Yes, he does look jolly doesn't he?  He should--I sent him a WHOLE BOX of Sugar Daddys!!  I bought the box at Longs, and they haven't replaced it since I bought it...(I wonder why..)  As for him being your Sugar Daddy Teresa....  I don't know about that...  He is married, and has a little daughter, plus, he lives kinda faraway from across the Atlantic...  He is a fireman, but I don't think his hose is that long.  I mean---it would be hard to wet your fire..  Gee...that sounds just awful!!  Julie :)