Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Chicken Pox

My mother called me late this afternoon and asked me if my son Andrew ever had the Measles.  Not a good question...  He spent the night at my mom's last night, and I knew he wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home from school.  Apparently he acquired numerous little spots all over his body by late this afternoon. 

Chicken Pox! 

Yes, it didn't take long for the doctor to diagnosis.  Lovely.  No school for at least a week. 

I could have sworn he had a shot for this.  Sometimes, those shots don't work. 

I am now wondering if my two year old is now going to catch it.

He can't be around my mother either. 

Oh well. Sure, I was planning to take advantage of my 5 day weekend.. I took Monday and Tuesday off for my birthday.  Oh well...  These things happen!!!




Anonymous said...

When I was a kid my mom like many others, made us go play with kids who had the chicken pox just to get it over with. Me and my brother had them together. I had the duty of caring for my neice when she had them. I recall having her bath in warm water with baking soda when the itching got real bad. Oh my, since you're shouldn't be around your'd better go stay at your mothers! lol You can delete this, HA!

Anonymous said...

I'm pregnant now?!  HA HA....  You are going to give my husband a heart attack Teresa!!!  HA HA  You are soo  BAD!