Thursday, March 9, 2006

Emails from the Azores...

I got a few emails this morning from my cousins in the Azores...  One from my cousin Adelaide, who is like a sister to me, and the one from the Sugar Daddy Fireman, who sent me photos of his family.  The girl with the brown hair is his niece, Francisca, and the blonde is his daughter, Rita.  This picture is so adorable, I just had to to paste it somewhere!

So happens my cousin Adelaide has also been feeling under the weather.  She must home sick, bored to death because it is very rare she has time to email me because she is soooo busy all the time.  She's an elementary teacher and also has two kids.  I am always so happy to get emails from her, but it kind of saddens me too this time.  In the letter she goes on say how excited she was that I would be going there this summer, and how she was planning on doing all these activities together with me and the kids.  I found out this weekend, that I may not actually go afterall.  My mom reported that she needs to repair her roof, and this year might not be a good time for her.  I won't be going if my mom doesn't go, so it might not be until next year.  I really hate putting off things until "next year"...  I haven't been to the Azores, I just realized for a total of SEVEN YEARS already.  That seems like a very long time, doesn't it?   

Still, if I wait until next summer; it may be better off for all concerned.  The baby will be almost 4 by that time, and maybe hubby could actually go with us.  That would be nice.  Maybe this year me and hubby can actually take a REAL vacation-----we never had a honeymoon afterall.  Yes, I've checked Hawaiian cruises already, and they do look like a lot of fun.  But, after getting that email from my cousin---I just feel a little sad and homesick---even though California has always been my HOME, home can be other places that you love, and are loved as well. 


Anonymous said...

Aw sorry you are homesick. That's sad. They say home is where your hear is. I've never been away from my family .
Do go on a honeymoon:)

Anonymous said...

Actually that was supposed to be HEART. LOL
Home is where your HEART is.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...yes, home is where the heart is.  That is what my last sentence should have read.  Thanks :)  DUH...I such the dummy sometimes...duh..