Friday, March 10, 2006

Snow in there mountains...

Well, wouldn't you know it, there is actual snow on them mountains!.  No snow was falling when I was driving up Hwy 17, but only a light blanket of snow on the summit and on the trees--very pretty.  They actually reported that there may have snowfall at the beach!?  Um....that hasn't happened yet!  Will it?  I seriously doubt it however, I do remember one winter in particular where there was enough snow in my backyard to actually make a snow ball.  I grew up a few miles away from the beach.  We wrapped our precious snowball with aluminum foil and kept in in the freezer for months until our mother threw it out. 

On the way to work this morning there was a news crew van out there on the summit waiting for the "major snow" to come in.  This is big news apparently.  It always aggravates me when I pass the summit to see a news crew van up there when the weather is especially horrid.  It's like they are just waiting for one us to bang into the cement divider wall, or go down an embankment.  Instead of news crews, why don't you just have some paramedic vans out there with you too!  Well, the big ole' news guy had his story for the day---I saw him film this little family building a snow man.  I think the snow man was approximately, a foot tall if that. 

Apparently, it is REALLY snowing in places up here.  I even heard that they declared it a SNOW DAY in Bonny Doon!  Whoohooo!  I guess the ground hog was right--we are definately having a longer winter this year.  It suppossed to fall snow up in the mountains tonight, so I'm leaving early from work today.  If it's going to snow, I want to see it!  I don't want to be driving in the dark with it! 


Anonymous said...

I have a friend living in Colorado and they just got a big snow storm. He had pictures on his journal and I told him I was glad I lived in Delaware after all. We only had one major snow storm here this year and today was warm and sunny. Not warm enough to go to the beach but still warmer than SNOW! LOL
Anyway, he sent me an e-mail advising me he had lived in Delaware once and wouldn't come back again! LOL It's too corporate here for him ~ and me too.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Anonymous said...

Hey, Julie !  Brrrrr.... it is cold out there today !! Isn't it funny how the media makes such a big deal about the weather here .... the people in the Midwest and East must be mystified by it.  We did get hail here in So. Cal today, but that is as close to snow as we got.  I hear it's even colder up your way.  Well, you bundle up !  Tina

Anonymous said...

We've saved a few snowballs in the freezer but I never went thru the trouble of wrapping it in foil. Our little lake community here, has a 4th of July parade and festivities. One of the festivities is a prize to someone who brings the biggest snowball. A few years back someone brought a whole snowman that they saved in a meat freezer!
Anyways, spring is definately on the way. I have seen my 1st robin and groundhog, who I hate because they eat my daisies. Also, I'm hearing geese gone wild....they are honking loudly every morning lately. Males fighting over females, and who is going to mate with who I guess. But these birds are monogymous...we also have white farm geese in the waters behind my house and in recent years they have begun to mate with the canadian geese. So, we now have gray geese, who sometimes have orange feet and legs and not a matching beak.