Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Elvis Has Left The Building...

Today marks the 29th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death..


Do you remember where you were or what you were doing when you heard about his passing? 

I was only 11, so I don't remember where I was or what I was doing, however, I do remember that my paternal grandmother was laid to rest that same month, in that same year.  I used to think that she and Elvis somehow met on their way to heaven. 


I also remember listening to my Elvis record (I only had one) over and over again as a teenager at night.  His voice used to put me to sleep--yes, Elvis sang me to sleep almost every night.  My parents didn't mind listening either, and never complained about it being too loud.  My mother confessed to me that she too was an Elvis fan, way back in the 50's when she first came to America.  She preferred him much more than the Beatles. 


Sure, a lot of things have been written about the guy--a lot of negative, as much positive, but one fact you can never argue against is that this guy had a voice compared to no other.  Unlike my mother-inlaw, I've never seen Elvis perform, nor have I ever been to Graceland, but, I met a guy who claimed to be him in Vegas, and I've seen almost all of his movies.  I also did get a phone call from him..  (Long happened right after I got a phone call from Jesus--I'll write an entry about that later..) 

What was your favorite Elvis song? 

Mine is "Are You Lonesome Tonight?"  I love that song especially when he talks in the song with that sweet, southern, tender, drawl... Awww...  I'm a sucker for accents..

What era did you like Elvis best, the early years; the mid-year movie flops, or the heavy years? 

I like the early ones...I must admit.  His Jailhouse Rock movie debut moves were copied by his ex-son-in law, Michael Jackson--I'm truly convinced. 



pictures courtesy of Google


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember where I was when I heard Elvis had died; working in a doctor's office. A patient called concerned that she was going to die because she had the same symptoms she thought Elvis had when he died. Wow; can't believe it has been 29 years. A lady I worked with a few years later lived in Las Vegas and the doctor she worked for had Elvis as a patient. She used to tell of going on rounds with the doctor and meeting Elvis and talking with him.

Favorite Elvis song (and I'm not a big fan of his) "Wise Men say" or something like that - about falling in love
