Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh Boy!

I promised myself I wasn't going to plaster poor Boy George's humble picture of him sweeping New York City, but here I go.  I was such a devoted fan back in the 80's too....  BAD JULIE... BAD...  Well, Boy, this is what  you get for not accepting my invitation for tea in that fan letter I sent you.  If you had met me, you would have said "NO" to drugs, and we could have written so many good songs together, you and I... 

Oh well, the dream is gone...  (so sad..) 


Please forgive me, George O'Dowd.  No, I really don't want to hurt you, or see you cry..   Time is time, and time won't give me time, but I'll tumble for ya' because my dreams are red, blue and green, and yes, war is stupid..



Anonymous said...

You know i have always wondered why Pee Wee Herman & Boy George didnt hook up. lol
hugs, lisa

Anonymous said...

LOL... Yeah... I loved that Boy too, but he has been really naughty of late...

be well,

Anonymous said...

it was good for him to do that; probably did humble him a bit


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boy George is the 1st gay guy who needs a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy fashion intervention!!  They ought to make him clean the men's room after George Michael's been in it!