Thursday, August 10, 2006

Weekend Assignment #124: Learning to Drive

Weekend Assignment #124: Learning to Drive :

Fasten your seatbelts because this week's Weekend Assignment (suggested by BeYankee) puts you behind the wheel:

Your Weekend Assignment #124: How did you learn how to drive? How many tries did it take?  What was the first car that you bought?

Extra credit: Got a picture of that first car?

Driving!  Thank you Daddy for teaching me to drive!  Everyone should know how to drive.  I say this, even though I am scared as hell to know that my step-son and daughter will soon be new drivers on the road.  One child just can't wait to get behind my car, and the other would rather take the bus, or the light rail, or my taxi services...  I don't know what is worse.  I do know however, that driving is a form of FREEDOM that I will be forever grateful for.  I think half of my life is spent behind the wheel.  No, I'm not a trucker, I am a mom with a commute, kids, and a mom who doesn't drive.  (Yes, Daddy tried to teach Mom, but let's just say it "didn't work out.") seems like yesterday when my father took me out to teach me to drive in his automatic, 1978 Chevy Nova..  He would take me to the streets behind the Wrigley Gum and Lipton Tea Factory to practice my driving.  The factories have been long since closed, but that long stretch of road is still there for 1st time fact, most of the people I grew up with went there to learn how to drive, and it's still a popular teaching ground today.  I loved that Chevy Nova.  Although it was never made officially "mine," we share many moments--some special, and some not too special. 

I used to drive that Chevy everyday to school from Santa Cruz to San Jose on "scary" Hwy 17.  That car seemed to "fly" over that hill each morning.  It also was big enough to fit a lot of my friends, who informed me later that the car did actually fly from where they were sitting.  I don't remember driving recklessly; at least I never got into an accident or let alone a traffic ticket with that car.  I also remember having to drive my mother to the hospital to meet my father.  He had been transported to the hospital by ambulance, and I only had my learning permit.  I was not only emotionally upset over my father, but I was as scared as hell driving on the highway for the first time without my him by at my side.  

I remember failing the first driving test, and then passing the 2nd.  I called in sick to work the day I got my license.  I was 16!  My employer, however was less thrilled and called me the next day to tell me I was "let go".  It was a shock because I knew I just got fired, but I got my license, and I didn't like working at the place anyway. 

"My" first car that I actually owned I bought together with my "then" husband.  It was red, small, two door, it was new, and it was a Ford.  I think it was an Escort, but I could be wrong.  It was a cute car, until a kid ran into it with his bike.  His handle bars struck the hood, and although we got it repaired, my "then" husband took it to a place to get it repainted, and the it was done really poorly.  The paint on the hood faded into a dull red.  The car was traded in a few years later for a used, white Ford Tempo when I was expecting my daughter.  After the thrill of buying "new cars" we learned our lesson, and it took me years to be persuaded to buy NEW again. 

I consider my first car to be my 99 Altima.  Nope, it isn't new, and I bought it a few years ago, but it was the first car I ever purchased on my own.  No co-signer, no one, just my name on the pink slip.  I bought it after my divorce from hubby #1.  That car represented a new start..a new life for me and my kids. 

Today, I drive that Nissan Altima, and a Nissan Quest (bought new--soon after the birth of my youngest), both automatic.  Hubby drives the Mustang and his Ford truck.  My step-son,  Matthew is eyeing my Altima...  Eeek.. I'm getting scared.  I confess to you, when I'm out there on the long, and sometimes dark, highway often times I invite my father to join me.  Although I know he can't be there, I know he is riding shot gun with me in spirit.  


Anonymous said...

congrats on being picked a guest editor's pick this week. I'm in Southern California.

Loved this entry; it really is okay when teens learn how to drive (like your stepson Matthew). I have a Matt too; he's almost 17.5. Been driving close to three years now (used to live in Montana where you could get your permit at 14.5; license at 15). It freed me up soooo much when he started driving and I didn't have to take him places any more.

cute blog; I found you because of you being picked by the guest editor for the week.


Anonymous said...

I hope you lost those sunglasses you have on in the photo!

Anonymous said...

Hey, those shades were cool way back when..  They saw a many bullfight in the streets of Terceira... Alas, no, I lost them a long time ago...  Me, Julie