Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Pictures

Well Halloween has come, and it's now over...

 Here are some pictures I promised to post..  It's a quarter to 11 pm, and I'm waiting for my oldest to come home.  She just called, so I know she is close to home now.  Baby is asleep, the boys are asleep, but I know I won't be able to sleep until Lizzy comes through the door... 

I remember when I was younger, lying in bed waiting for all the "missing" family members to arrive.  My father worked shift work, and my brother was usually out at night.  As soon as I heard them walk through the door, a sense of relief came over me.  Everyone was home, safe and sound in our pink house on Alamo Avenue.  Everything was good in the world, and I could peacefully go to sleep.  Life was simple, but it hasn't changed much.  I still cannot go to sleep until I know everyone is in the house, safely in their beds.  So... I have two choices..  Either sit here in front of the computer, or go to the television and watch all the scary late night Halloween shows.  Hmmm...  May be the Flava of Love Reunion is on...  Oh, the top 100 songs from the 80's is on!!  I could watch that, but it is so depressing, even painful to see these people on TV again.  Some of these 80's people I used to watch as a teen have grown very OLD..  It only depresses me.. 

Oh well, something "interesting" is happening around the neighborhood.  We have a neighbor who I suspect is a SAHD.  Whenever I drive up, he is always in the front yard, shirtless, sitting on a lawn chair.  Yes, it's October, and he still sits there shirtless.  It's strange because when you first seeing him on the lawn chair, it looks as if he is not wearing any pants, because the chair kind of sinks in and you can't tell if he is wearing pants.  I call him the "naked neighbor".  Today, my daughter called me at work laughing hysterically over what she had witnessed moments before.  So happens, Naked Neighbor was out in front of the house, shirtless, loading his truck with wood.  Out comes the other neighbor, dressed as "Robin" from Batman, her cape flying in the wind behind her.  She runs to his side looking really distressed.  This caught my daughter totally off guard.  She is convinced that she and the Naked Neighbor are having a scandalous affair while the Naked Neighbor's wife is out working. 

Sigh..  Look at all the drama I'm missing by working all day!  Lizzy gets out early from school and is usually home by 2, so she has been paying a lot of attention of day time activities in the neighborhood.  She even gets to watch Oprah everyday.  Sigh..  Well, I'm not much of an Oprah fan..  I'm more of an Ellen one. 

Well, Mary (Martha's twin sister) Stewart came by with a cute perfect bag of treats for my youngest.  She is so sweet.  No sign of the neighbor of the pooped lawn.  I saw him the other day, and he wasn't as happy go lucky looking like he usually presents himself.  I have a feeling he found out about the poop incident.  We skipped his house tonight while trick or treating...  His lights were closed anyway. 

Okay, it's past 11 pm..  I haven't stayed up so late since I was single! 

I went by my cousin's boyfriend's house, to drop off a bag of candy for one of his younger cousins, and he presented me with a bag of chestnuts that he had just received that afternoon from Portugal.  Tania's grandfather had sent it to him.  In Portugal, they don't really celebrate Halloween, they celebrate "All Saint's Day" (Dia dos Santos).  It's a day where you go to church and remember your dead loved ones.  Then, after church, you go to the cemetery and visit your dead loved ones.  Afterwards, you go home, and eat chestnuts all day long, as you remember your dead loved ones.  The day usually involves a lot of crying, and a lot chestnuts.  This time of year, it usually rains too.  In 1981, I was there one November, and it did rain, and I cried, and I ate some wonderful chestnuts, I also stained my new pair of leather suede boots..with tears and rain. 

Tomorrow I may eat some chestnuts, but I hope not to cry.  I won't be going to the cemetery, although I will be thinking of my dad all day...like always.  Take care and have a great Wednesday!! 



Happy Halloween



How is your Halloween so far? 

I'm content.  I'm sitting here at work with my coffee and cinnamon scone.  Life is good.  Boss Lady is gone, Boss Man is no where to be seen...  Yes, things are good over here. 

I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying this time change more than I thought I was.  Sure, it's dark by the time I go home on my commute, but that "extra" hour of sleep feels good.  I feel more restful for some crazy reason... 

This morning, my daughter's boyfriend came over early so she could do his make up.  I'm not quite sure what he is but, he looks like a cross between a punk vampire slayer, man, or a victim of a vampire...I can't tell.  We took some pictures before he went to school.  I'm even in one of them.  They are pretty funny, and yes, I almost peed my pants when I saw them on the digital camera. 

"Oh boy, those are going into mom's blog!" my daughter announced.

Yep..they sure are!! 

Last night I made cookies and cupcakes.  I don't know why..  I mean, it's not like we are going to have a shortage of sweet eatables today; I just did it "just because."  You know that motherly, Martha Stewart moment that arises out of nowhere suddenly..  I wish I made perfect cupcakes and iced cookies like her.  She must not be human.  I suspect she is part of the alien race. 

Today I will leave work early so I can pick up my "crew" and go home so I can frost those cupcakes, dress the children, and light my pumpkins! 

Have a safe and happy Halloween people of Jland!! 


Thank you D's Designs, and Terry Ann for these coolgraphics :) 

Friday, October 27, 2006

13 Favorite Trick Or Treat Candy


My 13 Favorite Halloween Candy...

1.  Hershey Minitures

2.  Reese's Cups

3.  Snickers

4.  Dots (great w/peanut butter by the way..)

5.  M&M's (without peanuts)

6.  Milky Ways

7.  Candy Corn!!!

8.  Tootsie Rolls

9.  Hershey's Kisses

10.  Mounds

11.  Starbursts

12.  Miniture Mints (great with ice..) 

13.  Tootsie Roll Pops

Have you bought your Halloween stash yet?  I did last week, and upon entry into the house with my bags of candy, I instructed hubby man to HIDE the sacks of candy in a safe place--a place where the kids and MYSELF could not know about.  So far, I haven't asked where the stash is.  I'm very proud of myself. 

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Favorite Halloween Costume, Assign. #136

Weekend Assignment #136: What was your favorite Halloween costume ever? Whether it was from your childhood days or something you put together for that party last year, share the costume you liked the most.

Extra Credit: Well, obviously, a picture of the costume would be lovely

There isn't one certain costume that stands out in my mind when I was younger in elementary school.  I think during those years I dressed as witches and princesses, a lots of those really uncomfortable plastic masks with the rubber band stapled at each side.  I think I was a cowgirl once, because I remember holding a silver play gun.  I do remember hating getting dressed for the Halloween parade at school.  My mom did not drive, and she was never there to help me get dressed at school.  I hated getting dressed by other mothers behind the curtain they would set up in the classroom. 

When I got older, I didn't buy costumes.  My mother made me a Princess Leia outfit for my sixth grade play, and of course I was Princess Leia for a few years.  Then, I was a vampire woman, and of course, I was Boy George for a few years, and of course Cyndi Lauper. 

  Me as the Boy and friends.. 

  Me as Carmen Miranda

    Wishing I had my Cyndi Lauper pink taffetta dress.. oh well, at least I still got the gloves..

 I wish I had a photo of myself as Cyndi.  It was a cool costume.  I wore a real bright pink taffeta dress, ripped fish nets, a bright yellow silk jacket with a sign pinned on that read "Support your local wrestler", white pumps, crazy hair with red spray highlights (it was very frightening washing this off later that night...remember the movie, Psycho?)  and crazy makeup.  Alas, however, the only photo of me as Cyndi is somewhere in my ex-sister-inlaw's mother's house--probably in an album somewhere.  I'm sure people who have seen it say, "Who is this crazy person?"  Oh well..  I was promised the pic years ago, but...no show yet. 

When I was much older, I worked with an utterly fabulous woman named Glenda.  She went all out for Halloween, and she made most of her costumes.  Her work area was converted into a mini Halloween haunted house.  She got the office to all dress up, and even let co-workers borrow costumes.  She let me borrow her Carmen Miranda costume, and I was thrilled!  I just wish I had gone somewhere that year dressed up.  I just walked around the neighborhood with the kids.  Sure, I got compliments, but at that time I sure wished I had a party to go to.  I was newly divorced, and dating at that time of my life was totally out of the question, but I was pretty lonely. 

The last time I got dressed, I was a flower child.  I walked downtown at lunch with my good friend Kathi who was dressed as a clown, and hardly anyone blinked.  Sure, we got a few waves, but we just blended with the other crazy people.  Kathi has since moved, and there is no one to dress up with this year.  I could dress up and risk looking like a fool...  Hey, I just might..who knows. 

End of National Bring Your Camera Week..

It's the end of National Bring Your Camera to Work Week...  Here are some pictures, as promised. 

I went to get my pictures developed, and by the time I paid for them, and got into the car, I noticed that I had someone elses' pictures.  I had pictures of old men sitting near a railroad, and other assorted pictures of Hwy 9 and birds.  I went back into the store, and got my pictures re-done for free, and a disc. Whoohhoo!! 

 I hope you had a pleasant week!!  The weather here has been awesome.  Sunshiney days, with blustery winds...  Dried leaves falling all around.  It's a beautiful time of year! 

The mornings, however have been very cold, and it's dark much too early!! 


New Sweet Sensation Discovery!!

   +     +

No fooling..  BEFORE you throw away those Candy Dots that you know will be in the "discard pile" of your little trick or treater, think twice. 

I've made a discovery!!  Peanut butter and Dot sandwiches are simply to DIE FOR!!  I found this discovery purely by accident the other day.  I was craving chocolate, and of course, none could be found, so I grabbed the peanut butter, and I had just happened to find some Dot candy that my daughter brought home in a party bag.  I had a dot with my peanut butter sandwich, and my mouth was surprised with pure nirvana. 

Try it..  :)  P.S.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches taste good with potato chips smashed in between as well. 

I'm sorry..  It's that "special" time of the month, and I've got a sweet tooth this week...  I have a need to spread the joy. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Children


Thanks D's Designs for the above tag...and the others previous to this one. 

I was instantly drawn to the above picture, because it reminds me so much of my daughter when she was a toddler.  She had light brown/blondish hair...which progressively got a little darker.  Now she dyes it black so she and her boyfriend match...  Okay...whatever, right?  What can you say.  The new boyfriend has jet black curly hair, and I swear the other day when he was over, I actually thought he was my daughter for a minute. 

I know I've written about my Nicholas more recently, but let me tell you about my daughter, Elizabeth.  She was a wild one as well-the one who would giggle at my desperation as I tried to catch her as she ran around the pool.  Lizzy was always the little girl, prancing around the house in her plastic heels, plastic crown, and play boas.  She hasn't changed much---she still does prance around the house--she just has the real stuff now, and she can apply makeup very well.  All the videos taken of when she was small include her running somewhere, with me, running after, trying to catch her.  Now she is performing on stage, and majoring in theatre.   Before the age of 9, she had broken both arms, stabbed a finger, gone through a glass coffee table, almost got hit by a car not once, but twice, and swallowed a quarter.  She is also the child who unfortunately witnessed a lot of upheaval during the time I and her father were together.  I wish I could go back and make things pretty--take all the ugliness from the past, but I can't.  She remembers quite a bit--even more than her father cares to admit to her now.  I guess he thinks his "escape" to the East coast wouldn't effect her much.  He was wrong..  Very, very wrong.

Andrew is my second child who is about six years younger than his sister.  Unlike his sister, Andrew has always been the more cautious child--very clingy and attached to his mom.  For his 7th birthday I took him to the woods to take a trip on train.  As we waited for the train, I decided to take a picture of the training coming up the tracks.  Although I wasclear away from the tracks, Andrew shouted at me, afraid I would be hit by the locomotive.  I have the picture of him waving his arms, with a real look of horror on his face.  I thought it was funny, but he was truly worried that I would get hit by the train.  His father left the state when he was five or six, and to tell you the truth, I don't know if that is a good thing or not.  He doesn't seem to remember much about what happened, nor does he remember too much of his early childhood with his father.  I do remember dropping him off at his father's, and him being very frightened of me being near when his father was around.  He did not want us together.  When I moved back into my old condo, with my two kids, Andrew was the one who made sure the doors were locked, and the windows were closed.  He would call me at work to check on me, before I got off my 8 hour job, before I started later at my part time.  Today, Andrew is 12, but, he still feels comfortable sitting on my lap, hugging and kissing me goodbye.   

Today, perhaps for the first time in quite a few years, they finally feel secure in their lives.  Being a single parent is hard---especially when you are trying to make ends meet as much as possible.  Keeping a happy face on for the sake of your children, wondering and hoping at the same time as I wrote the check for groceries,  that it wouldn't clear until pay day.  Working two jobs, overtime, telemarketing from home..  Seems like to some people, they were happier, and liked me better when I was struggling.  "Poor, Julie.."  Having to watch those looks of sympathy from people I hardly knew who knew how the EX really screwed me over.  All of that negativity was bound to bounce back on my kids.  I was so afraid they would know that we were barely getting by.  

Hats off to all the single women and men out there who have raised their children alone.  It's hard...very, very hard. I don't know how I could have done it with the help of my parents. 

My daughter brought down some old videos of when she was a child.  Her father was in them.  Although the sound of his voice does make me cringe from time to time, I can honestly say now that I do not feel any bitterness towards him.  Weird, butI don't.  In fact I don't feel ANYTHING besides pity.  He doesn't even have the videos of his childrento look back on.  How he can live without seeing his kids for years at a time is beyond me.  I can't do anything about it.  It's out of my hands--in God's hands.  I am in my home, with a loving husband, and four beautiful and wonderful children, my daughter, and my sons--yes, I'm counting my step-son, whom I have not described here.  I cannot erase the past, and I cannot heal all the past hurt--we can only rise above it! 


                                           Picture from Hometown

Tomorrow is the last day of Take Your Camera With You week, and I still have 2 more days to take some pictures.  I wanted to take some pictures of my commute each morning, but I found it to be a little to difficult to drive AND take pictures at the same time--its' harder than making a phone call on my cell.  I gave the camera to my son yesterday afternoon, and Andrew who took some interesting pictures----one of Burger King, McDonalds...etc...random strangers on the street, a Skylark...etc..  I will post the most interesting Thursday..  I know you guys just "can't wait"..  The anticipation of it all, I know!! 

Well, for those who are interested about the "poop"---by the time I got home yesterday afternoon, it had magically disappeared from the neighbor's lawn!!  Sorry..no pics! 

Halloween is fastly approaching, and I still haven't gotten the spider web up on my front porch.  This job was given to the two older boys, but they convienantly "forgot" about this project.  I guess I shall have to take it upon myself to get it done.  By the time I get home from work, it is already getting dark, and when I wake up in the morning, it is still dark.  I don't like time changes..and I know that I'll be driving in the dark, morning and night soon, and I'm not looking forward to it at all!!!  I DID not want to get up this morning either...eeeuurugg..  But I did get up.. 

A woman, who had been my supervisor for a number of years is celebrating a birthday, AND her last day at work today--she is retiring.  She is retiring a month before her best friend is--this best friend also works for the same county office.  They started working at the same time over 35 years ago.  I soooo envy them right now...  God, please let me retire at a decent age, when I'm still healthy and can enjoy my retirement years.  At the rate this is going, me and my friend, Maria will be bumping our walkers down the hallways, and finding our false teeth in files by the time we can retire.  But who knows..  May be in a few years I can start working part time... Here's hoping!!

On a happy note, I just got an email from my cousin, Tania.  So happens, my cousin's son, Rodrigo will be getting married early September out in the Azores.  So much more the reason to go there next summer and see the wedding!!  YEaah!!! 

Monday, October 23, 2006

Scary T.V.


Omg...  Whenever I see this, I just can't stop laughing!!! 

Tom has crossed over to the dark side... 

It's the first time I've actually felt sorry for Oprah..  Don't you wish you were Oprah? 

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Trouble with potty....

I know that one successfully "potty" day for Nicholas would not be the end of accidents; but this one just takes the cake. 


He tried hiding behind the chair again, and from experience I know what he was up to.  I got him to his room to try the potty and that was met with extreme resistance.  I figured he wasn't ready, so let it slide that time.  Later, we were both in the kitchen.  I turned around, and he was gone.  I immediately looked at the front door.  It was closed, but the latch was not locked.  My instincts told me to check the front yard, and sure enough there was Nick; on the next door neighbor's lawn, holding a soiled diaper, and dumping it's contents on the lawn.  I took off in a mad dash towards him.  If anyone had a camera, I'm sure it would have been quite entertaining..  I just hope to God none of the neighbors saw it!

After scooping the child up, I ran back towards the lawn, and grabbed the poopy diaper.  Unfortunately, however, I couldn't grab the contents that had fallen.  It is still sitting there.  I feel horrible.  May be when it gets dark, I'll go out there with a plastic bag and dispose of it.  My older kids think its just hilarious.  They have already walked by past the lawn a number of times.  Last report, there are a number of flies now circling the area.  I feel really badly now. 

"Excuse me Ernie, but I need to gather my son's poop off your lawn.." 

I'm so embarrassed.. 

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend Assignment--Halloween Music Mix!

We're getting closer to Halloween, so I thought we might scare up some music to go with it:

Weekend Assignment: We're making a Halloween Music Mix! Suggest a song. The song can be scary, spooky or silly, but it should fit into Halloween somehow. All genres are acceptable; indeed, I'd be very interested to know of a country or samba song that would work.

Extra Credit: Are you spooked easily?

Hmm..  I think my favorite Halloween song, would have to be Wicked Game by Chris Isaac.  It may not really be considered a  "Halloween song,"  but I think it's haunting, and kind of sexy at the same time...  Have you seen the video?  Umm..yeah... It's getting hot in here!! 


By Chris Isaac

The world was on fire no-one could save me but you

Strange what desire will make foolish people do

I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you

I never dreamed that I'd loose somebody like you

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

With you

What a wicked game to play to make me feel this way

What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you

What a wicked thing to say you never felt this way

What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

With you

The world was on fire no-one could save me but you

Strange what desire will make foolish people do

I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you

I never dreamed that I'd loose somebody like you

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)

With you

Nobody loves no-one


Extra Credit:  I'm I spooked easy?  The answer is YES!!  I scream, and I usually hide my face into my husband's chest each time I'm caught off guard during a scary scene.  I've always been this way... I was teased a lot because I used to make excuses to go to the bathroom during the Wizard of Oz---I was very much afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West and those flying monkeys. 

http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~bump/E603/web04/Merrell/P2/page6.htm         http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/1209.htm

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Life Is Too Short For.... 6 things..

I just got off the phone with someone who is going through a hard time right now, and it's inspired me to write this.  Why do we treat ourselves so crappy?!  Here is a list of things that we may all have forced ourselves to endure from time to time.  Truly all of this could be avoidable if we just treated ourselves to some "me time". 


1.  Wearing holey underwear, tight underwear, or oversized underwear, or old underwire bras!! 

If you have holes in your underwear---THROW THEM AWAY!!!  Go to Mervyns or Target and buy yourselves some new ones!  Better yet, treat yourself and go to Victoria's Secret and buy some fancy ones!! 

If you have tight underwear---who are you fooling?!  Life is too short to feel uncomfortable all day long!!  No one needs to know your true size in underwear---right?! 

Oversized underwear will fall when you least expect it.  I speak from experience. 

Wearing an old underwire bra is truly for the woman who enjoys avoidable pain!!  Why be the martyr?  Ouch!!  The wire is showing--you can see the steal rod creeping out from under ya' for God's sake!!  Burn that bra!!  Whoever invented it, was probably a man!!! 

2.  Internet Chatroom Drama!!

What a waste!  Cheap entertainment at it's best!  Notice how some people behave in chatrooms!  It's pathetic, and sad.  Someone's personal life should not be spent airing their dirty laundry  in a chatroom.  Please--call a close family member or friend before devuldging your whole life history to people in a chatroom!  Don't be surprised if it all comes back to bite you in the butt!  The worst thing you can do is buy into to some of the drama that goes on.  Some people are not who they present themselves to be..  You know the type--the ones that NEVER leave a chatroom, and stay on even when they are sleeping?  Oh, and then there are those "chatroom get togethers" where they even bring their laptops with them, to report what is going on to other people in the chatroom...  Oh vey...  You will have better luck meeting someone "normal" at a bar! 

3.  Internet Match Making...Pity Dating

Be warned..  I know it works sometimes, but personally, I cannot tell you how many strange people I've met through the internet.  They include..people who don't look like the people in the pictures that they send you, or totally off the wall humans.  Bring a cell phone, and have an escape plan before meeting them.  A few people I met through Matchcom (when I was single), and online include an Evil Elf, Fat Cowboy Scott, Fat Emu Fireman, Yellow-Tooth Man, Cheap Geeko, Horny Robby,  Weepy Man, Old Hippy Surfer, and Mullet Brain.  Real names have been changed to protect the innocent.  Don't PITY date!

4.  Staying in a Abusive Relationship

IT doesn't make a difference if he hits you, or just calls you names.  GET OUT.  Life is too short to try and build a life, or relationship with someone who does not make you feel good about yourself.  IN the end you are the one who is going to be miserable, and that is their goal--even if they don't even know it. 

5.  Road Hogs

If someone is riding your bumper, you have two choices:  Stay in the fast lane, or move over.  If you stay, don't be suprised to get the finger.  If you change lanes, don't be suprised to get the finger.  Just avoid eye contact and smile. 

6.  Taking on Projects You DON'T Want to Do, or Have No Time For:

"No" is always an acceptable answer. 

These are only 6 things.  I'm sure you can think of some more.  Write them down, and tell me about them. 


Barry Gibb's Home Movies!

Hey, ever wonder what Barry Gibb has been doing lately?  Well, check this bizarre place on his website:  http://www.barrygibb.com/content.asp?PageID=209   Very interesting home movies..  I especially like the movie where he is dressed as a woman.  Hmm... 

I don't see Robin anywhere..  I thought they were back being "friends"... 

It's Thursday, and I got a good laugh over at Teeisme57's entry today.  Check it out if you haven't yet.  National Take Your Camera Week is on until the 25th, so go out there and take some pictures! 



Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Just when you thought you saw EVERYTHING...

Hey parents!!  Do you have a bald baby?  Are you tierd of all those nosey people asking when your baby will finally grow hair?  Well, wait no longer..  You can buy a baby toupee!!  Let your baby be the envy of all at daycare!  Have your baby look like baby Suri, or better yet, Little Kim, or how about Donald Trump?!  Hey, why not Bob Marley?!

I'm not joking..  There is actually a site for this:


The DonaldThe Lil KimThe Samuel L

Now, doesn't it look soo natural looking too?!

After reading this:     http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15310706/     I want to live in France. 

P.S.  Remember to take your camera out with you today!!  Take those pictures!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Tuesday Snag

I snagged this from Princess Aurora!  She found this over at Just Mary and thought I would play along!

C'mon... everyone do it... just copy and paste and finish the sentence with your own thoughts!


Rainy days ~ are days when I crave ice cream the most.

My favorite toy ~ is my digital camera.

Symbiosis is ~ when fish congregate.

Your enemy will ~ always find something to throw at you.

Your friend will ~ always have a smile for you.

I will never ~ regret the mistakes and lessons I've learned in life. 

I share ~ my cookies most of the time.

Every time I ~ go into a Target, I leave with a bag of something.

My biggest mistake ~ was not kicking hubby #1 to curb sooner than when I did.

An open book ~ will eventually be closed.

Give me ~ my pajama pants, and some peace and quiet, and I'm a happy girl!

I admire ~ people who follow their dreams.


In other news:  My daughter finally got a job at Bath & Body!!  YEAHH!!!  She is so happy, and I'm so happy that it's close to home, and now she can have her own spending money...  Hopefully those walks to work will inspire her to finally get her driver's license!!  I won't even mention all those discounts she'll get there---it will be sweet smelling at my home for awhile.  She'll also get discounts at one of my favorite stores: NY & Co....  YIPPEE!!

Today was a very slow day at work.  I applied to other job positions while sitting at my desk.  I am so very evil, I know...  I also took some pictures around my office.  Exciting stuff, I tell you!  I just can't wait to share my pictures with you all at the end of this week! 

I also left a comment on John Scalzi's blog that may have come across as  very anti-computer geek, anti-alien research...  Sorry people..  I personally know someone who has been been abducted by aliens, and may possibly have alien children out there..  I'm sensitive to those issues, I really am...  (giggle..giggle..) 

Monday, October 16, 2006


It's Monday, and it's FREEZING in this office!!  My supervisor must be having one of her "hot flashes" again, and has the window open.  It's about 60 degrees, and it's overcast, and cold...  HEelllllooo!!  I'm freezing in here!!  This building's heater system is so screwed up; cold air is coming out of the vents again...  URrrrgg.. 


Well, I have my camera with me today, but so far I haven't taken any pictures.  I could have taken one of the nice guy at the Jack In The Box drive thru, but I don't want him to get any ideas..  I would take pictures of some of the interesting clients sitting in our lobby, but no can do...  I should really stop at Longs and develop the pictures I have waiting still in the camera.  I still have my daughter's birthday pictures in here, and it's been over a month..

I don't know if I should tell you all this but, I confess..  I have been watching The Flavor of Love on VH1 with Flava Flav.  Anyone out there, if you want to confess it, let me know.  I watched the "grand finale" last night with my daughter, and Nick.  My toddler now can say.. "Flava Flav.."  I know, I'm so very proud.  I don't know why exactly I find this show entertaining..(my husband I'm sure thinks I'm nuts.)  I guess it's because it's so weird and bizarre, that's it's makes the show so insane and unbelievable, that I cannot take my eyes off the screen. Ever watch a show where you find yourself thinking.. "Did she just say that?  Did I just see what I thought I just saw?"  Or when your facial expression just freezes in a state of disbelief for minutes at a time?  Well that is what happens when you watch a reality show such as this one.. 


They spread out the finale a whole 60 minutes, with what I estimate to be at least 10 commercial interruptions every 6 minutes.  During the last 3 minutes, you finally see ole' Flava Flav decked out in a bright red 3 piece suit, complete with some really bizarre purple sunglasses, and a big ole clock around his neck.  "You know what time it is.."  I swear that clock looked like he bought at Target..it was huge!  Well, it's pouring rain, and in the distance you see "New York" standing there, pouting with those strange pencil eyebrows that make her look like an alien being, with the other much more down to earth woman, Flava Flav kid approved, "Delicious".  Slowly Flava Flav walks out to them, with rain dripping over the brim of his hat, with teary looking eyes.  I'm not quite sure if it was real tears, or just rain, but he did look pretty sincere as he proceeded to dump New York, yet again on national T.V.  "You're just like your mother!"  Flava Flav explains.  Granted, her mother is quite the psycho.  What a precious T.V. moment to share with the family...ain't it?  After ranting, and swearing, and pointing, and even more exchanges of that overly rated "F" word;  Flava Flav throws New York off out of the property, and we see  her again, ranting and swearing and being her dramatic self in the taxi cab towards home.  Meanwhile Flava Flav presents Delicious with a new set of gold teeth..  It can't get more romantic than that girls! 

Sigh..  After turning off the T.V., I'm laughing to myself..  How embarrassing...  What an awful mother I am for sitting down with a toddler at nearly 11 at night watching VH1 trashy T.V.  I really hope Nick doesn't remember any of it.. 

The reunion show is going to air next week!  

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Get out your cameras girls, and gents, and start cracking!!! 

"There's only one rule. No staged photographs. Just a suggestion, don't photograph anything that might have Homeland Security detain you, get your ass kicked or your face punched in. Other than that, leave a link either here or at Julie's, and post your photo's at the end of the week or everyday if you like.

Oh, and this isn't a Federal Holiday or anything, so if you have a job, go to work...just bring your camera with you."

This came directly from Teeisme57's Blog--- see below! 


Check it out, and take those pictures!!  Post them--I wanna see!!  Have fun!!  I know I will!  (Because according to my daughter..  I have no social life!) 

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Rembrance Day


Thank you Mandy from Unhappily Ever After for lettng me be aware if this special day! 

I light my candle for the angels who have touched our family's lives..  My niece, Stephany, my brother Edwin, and my unborn child, Jillian. 

Heaven is always closer when there is someone there waiting for you...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Monkee Trivia

Here is some Monkee Trivia that you may have never heard of before:

Which Monkee is related to the inventor of Liquid Paper?               


Michael Nesmith's mother, Bette Nesmith Graham was the inventor of Liquid Paper..AKA:  White Out.                                                                      

Look here if you don't believe me: 




Do you have Paraskevidekatriaphobia?  In other words, are you afraid of Friday the 13th? 

If you are, your are probably naturally "unlucky" anyway.  According to this article: 


Psychologist Dr Richard Wiseman, who carried out the research, said: "Unlucky people tend to buy into negative superstitions, like having seven years bad luck after smashing a mirror.

"If you're one of these people, the fact that it's Friday the 13th could make you anxious and that will make you more likely to have accidents, drive less well, and perhaps find it harder to relate to other people.

"So your bad luck could be your own doing."

So, word to the wise:  Don't believe in all that bad karma out there..  It's just another day...  Or is it?  It's up to you!!!

This all reminds me of an incident that happened to me years ago.  A couple of friends of mine, invited me to go with them to see a "botanical, spiritual adviser"---in other words, a witch.  With nothing better to do, I decided to go.  It was interesting, to say the least. 

From the get go, upon entering the place, I got a bad feeling.  Not only did the "Botanical Store" smell strange, but, I just got this strange unexplainable feeling when I stepped inside.  One of my "friends" (I use this term loosely) had gone and sought counsel from the old woman inside, and thoroughly BELIEVED in her.  She wanted me and the other friend to sit down with her and be read because she thought we could also be "helped".  I honestly believe that what she really wanted was us to BELIEVE in this woman's hocus pokus as well.  All I could see in this old woman's eyes however were dollar signs...CHA CHING< CHA CHING..

I reluctantly however sat with this old woman, as she proceeded to read my cards.  Without getting too descriptive, she basically told me 2 things.  She told me that my ex-husband's girlfriend was very jealous of me, and had put a curse on mydaughter.  She went on to say that my daughter would become very difficult and rebellious and that I needed to break the cursebefore it got worse.  Of course the old woman said she would be able to break the curse very easily.  It would involve her physically going to my house, and blessing it.  But, she did not stop there..  She went on to say that my mother had problems with her legs because someone had placed an evil curse on her, and put the ingredients of the spell under a bush in my mother's front yard.  Of course, to break this curse, she would have to go to my mother's house as well.  All of this would cost me a mere $1,500.

Keep in mind that I did not tell her that I was divorced, nor did I tell her that my husband had a girlfriend.  Also, I did not reveal to her that my mother was experiencing pains in her legs either. 

For a moment there after my "reading" I sat there in the "lobby" thinking about what I was told.  My other friend, Linda was sitting there with me, and honestly, if she hadn't been there, I think I would have bought in to this woman's words.  I turned to her, and whispered, "$1,500?!  I can't afford that!"

Immediately, after saying this, way from across the room, I heard the old woman explain in Spanish:  "Tell your friend, that she can pay half now, and half later!"

I just froze. 

Before leaving the establishment, the old woman turned to me, and admired my silver earrings that my mother had given me from her recent trip to Portugal.  She went on to say, that perhaps, when I go there next summer, I could also bring her a pair.  Then, she went to tell me that there was a man in my life that would be in a serious accident.  This man drove a pickup truck.  She also told me that I would be involved with a man who had a tattoo on his shoulder, and that a girl I went to school with, who recently died, had "followed" me into the store.  Lovely. 

After the reading, we went to lunch.  The woman who invited us to see the woman took us to a lunch buffet, where we met another woman who was also a patron of the "witch."  They both recanted to me their experiences.  The other woman told me how the witch had "saved" her husband from depression, and helped him get work.  She also warned me that there was a man who came in to seek the witch, but ignored her warnings about an auto accident. A  week later, this daughter died in a serious accident.  I will not lie to you when I tell you that I did in fact write up a check that afternoon.  I gave it to the friend, and I told her to hold on to it.  I hadn't decided what to do, and she promised me that she would not give it to the witch until I made my decision. 

On the way home, Linda and I started to talk.  We went through the whole experience, and fortunately Linda talked me out of it.  Is was as if after leaving the botantical store, and away from the stories at the restaurant, the fog of doubt and fear rose off and lifted.  I was able to see everything for what it was, and it was almost laughable that I actually wrote that check.  I couldn't believe I was so gullible, and I was disappointed in myself.  Upon returning home, I ran immediately to the phone and called the friend who was holding the check that I had written.  I instructed her to rip it up in a million pieces.  She did rip it up, but I could tell that she was not happy with my decision.  She wanted me to believe that the witch could help me, just as much as she believed she was helping her.  I guess she thought that I thought she was crazy for believing, (yes, and I did) and to make a long story short, we stopped talking.  Linda told me that this friend paid the witch approximately almost $5,000--beyond what she was able to afford, and no, her life didn't change for the better--the man she wanted basically dumped her, and her problems, sadly just got bigger. 

If I want to bless my home, for a small donation, I can get a priest to do it.  Sure, my daughter was a little rebellious as a teenager, but most are.  And more importantly, no one would have, or could have put an evil spell on my mother and hid it under a bush!  And no, I never met a man with a tattoo on his shoulder, and I don't know who was the old classmate that died that followed me inside.  I however do have a friend who was in his pickup and was in a bad auto accident involving a flat bed truck..

Although, I do believe the "witch" did possess some psychic gifts, I think she used them in the wrong way.  The last I heard, she left her Botanical Store and ventured off to another town full of other people to manipulate. 

 Be careful what you do believe in!!  

Thursday, October 12, 2006

50 Questions..

I found these 50 Questions surveys at various journals..  Just don't remember exactly who started it...  But here goes..  Feel free to snag it!
1. FIRST NAME: Julie
3. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE: No, I'm just glad my dad wouldn't let my mother name me "Aida" after my aunt--although I love my Aunt Aida very much. 
4. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY: Yesterday--when I was laughing.
6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT: I prefer no meat--but thin sliced ham is ok.
7. KIDS:  1 daughter, 2 sons, & 1 step-son.
8. WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU: I sincerely hope so.
9. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL:Yes, I have two. 
10. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT: Sometimes. 
12. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP: Only if large amounts of money were involved.
13. FAVORITE CEREAL: Raisin Bran
14. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF:No--and I try to put them on without untying them too.. My son does the same thing.
17. SHOE SIZE? 8 1/2, but sometimes 9.
18. RED OR PINK? Red.
19. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF: I wish I had a smaller butt--but, doesn't everyone?
21. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU: Only if they are bored.
22. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING: Stressed out blue jeans, and pink pumps!
23. LAST THING YOU ATE: Special K Bar (chocolatey drizzle--only 90 calories!)
24. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: A duet--Faith Hill & Tim McGraw--Like We Never Loved At All--aww..
26. FAVORITE SMELL: Jasmine, vanilla, chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked bread, burning leaves...baby powder--I could go on, and on..
29. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: Ha.. I snagged this from someone I don't know, but I'm sure she is a lovely person.
31. FAVORITE SPORT? Hmm.. My favorite sport to do is walking--is that a sport?  Best spectator sport--SOCCER--FUTEBOL!!!
32. HAIR COLOR: Brownish red.
33. EYE COLOR: Brown.
35. FAVORITE FOOD: Italian..  I don't eat much meat though.
37. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING: Pink--got to match the pumps!
38. FAVORITE DESSERT? Chocolate fudge sundaes!
40. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND: The Queen of England.
41. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING: Blue Beyond Blue, and it's a little strange.
44. FAVORITE SOUNDS: Baby giggles!
(Original Questions 47 & 48 were lost in hyper space--I made these ones up.)
49. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT:I can touch my nose with my tongue.
50. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN: I was born on a cloudy Monday, at 12:04 am, on 4/4/66 in Santa Cruz, California.  Yes, my doctor was in his pajamas. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Recipe Hunting..

Thanks to D's Designs.. :)

I got an email from an old high school friend last week.  It was one of those "chain" recipe exchange emails, where you list two people's email address, and you send a favorite recipe to the person on the top of the list, and then the 10 people you send your email to, is supposed to put your name on the top, and by the end you end up with 38 recipes or something like that..  Well, I've yet to receive one fricken recipe so far..  I emailed my friend, Samantha, and she has received 10 so far...  OH well, at least the friends I sent emails came through...

It would be nice to try a new recipe now and then..  Sometimes it helps to spice up my kitchen menu..  Sometimes I'll ask my kids what they want for dinner.  "Something." is their reply.  Then I recite a list of various dishes I can prepare for them.  "No, I don't want that...make something else.."  I wish I had a recipe for "Something."  Does anyone out there have this special recipe?  If you do, may I borrow it?

Earlier this morning, a co-worker whom I have known since middle school came up to me with a pastry a family friend had made.  This family friend happens to be Portuguese as well, and this co-worker was curious if I knew of the recipe.  I had never seen a pastry quite like it, so it was taken to my other Portuguese co-worker in crime, Maria to see if she knew of it.  She didn't either.  So with nothing better to do, I went on a search for this particular recipe online, but with no success.  During my search however, I did find some interesting recipes...here are a few.. 

Portuguese Biscotti

Ingredients:  1 cup of Sugar, 1/2 cup of Butter, 1 tbl of Lemon Zest, 1/4 cup of Lemon Juice, 3 Eggs, 3 cups of Flour

In large bowl of an electric mixer, beat 1 cup of sugar and butter until well blended.  Add lemon peel and juice; mix to blend. Beat in eggs, 1 at a time, until smooth.  Gradually stir in 3 cups of the flour, mixing well.  Cover and chill until dough is firm enough to handle easily, at least 3 hours or as long as 2days. For easier handling, chill the dough before you form the ring-shaped cookies.  Divide dough in half.  Cover and chill 1 portion.  Divide other half into 8 equal pieces.  With floured fingers, roll each piece on a lightly floured board to make a 10 inch rope.  Overlap ends of each rope slightly to form a ring.  Place rings about 1 inch apart on a greased 14x17 inch baking sheet.  Sprinkle light with sugar.  Bake in a 300 F oven until golden, 35-40 minutes.  Remove cookies from pans and let cool completely on racks.  Repeat with remaining dough.  Serve or store airtight up to 10 days. 

Portuguese Orange Cake

Ingredients:  2 cups of Sugar, 6 large Eggs, 2 1/4 cup of Flour, 2 tsp Baking Powder, 1/2 cup Milk, 1/4 cup Orange Rind grated, Cinnamon, Powdered Sugar

Melt butter in microwave for 50 seconds on high.  Beat sugar and eggs until smooth about 1 1/2 minutes.  Blend in melted butter.

Sift together flour and baking powder.  Add flour mixture alternately with milk to the egg mixture.  Stir in grated orange rind.

Bake in greased bundt pan at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool and sprinkle with cinnamon or confectioners sugar.

Delicious with strawberries in Port Wine sauce.  (Hmmm..)

Bon Apetit! 



Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nick Goes Potty!!!

Yes, Nicholas has finally done it!!  He went pee pee on the potty!!!  HURRAH!!!!!

Last week, out of desperation I went online and bought a "potty book" along with some computer preschool software for his birthday.  He'll be THREE the first weekend of November, and yes--the pressure is on..  WILL HE BE TOILET TRAINED before he is 3?!? 

Well, "the potty book" came today, and I read it to him after he took his bath.  He was very interested in the book as I read it.  After we were done reading, I asked him where his potty was.  He got off my lap, still nude from his bath, and proceeded to go into the closet in search of his potty.  It was a little hard at first because the potty was sitting right underneath his SpongeBob tent, but he managed to get it out. 

After getting to know his potty, and taking it apart, and putting the "pee guard" up (the little boy device to prevent unwanted squirts--which really doesn't work very well, and pops off constantly) he got comfortable on his potty, but not before he got a few books.  He must have remembered the little boy in the book reading on the potty. 

I was not expecting anything to happen at his point.  He just seemed happy sitting there in the nude, on his plastic potty reading his Winne the Pooh book, when suddenly, I hear the twinkling sound of liquid hitting the hollow plastic cup under his potty!  

"Mommy, I'm going potty!"

Oh JOY!!!  You don't know how long I've been waiting for this!!! 



Yesterday was one of those days that I wished I had my digital camera with me, but, alas, I didn't. 

It started out as a beautiful day..  It was so nice and warm out, I actually took my youngest out for a nice two mile trek near the ocean, where we actually went out on the sand and put our feet in the water.  There were other people walking, enjoying the holiday.  There were also a lot of people smoking weed.  Next to sewage back up, that has got to be the worst smell out there.  But, the fresh ocean air swept that away eventually, and we could hear the sea lions near the wharf, and we watched the pelicans fly above.  The salt air is great for clearing up nasal congestion.  Poor little guy had a runny nose, and I had to clean him up a few times.  Not only does he have a runny nose, his back teeth are coming in, and he is drooling again.  Poor kid needs a bib--never mind he is almost 3! 

It was beautiful, the sun was out, and the sky was a bright blue.  As I watched Nicholas play in the sand, all I could think about was...  Damn..if I only had my camera!  I would have some really beautiful pictures of  him near the ocean..  Within 20 minutes, however, the weather changed.  The once bright blue sky was now overcast, and Nicholas was going to get cold..  He has suddenly took a dislike to sand in his toes, and threw another one of those toddler tantrums that make passers-by stop and stare.  Lovely.  I got the socks and shoes back on, and carefully brought up the stroller up the cement stairs from the beach, while holding the little guy's hand.  I think I had an excellent work out for the day. 

I still had a hour to kill before picking up Andrew from school, so I decided to take a drive downtown.  Yesterday, apparently, all the strange people of Santa Cruz was out and about.  The tall, bearded and thin, "Vampire Man" was out and about.  He walks around downtown, all dressed in black, and he wears a velvet long black cape.  He has long, dark shoulder length hair, and he has a pet monkey that sits up on his shoulder.  Two intoxicated looking people on bicycles were riding my way (in the wrong direction), and one of them, a man fell off.  I saw his bicycle fly off the sidewalk.  He was embarrassed and quite agitated with his drunk, female bicycle companion.  Suddenly from across the street, a woman dressed in a pirate looking ensemble, with various red and white scarves wrapped around her head, pointed at them and shouted: 

"I predicted that would have happened moments ago!  You must come to me andseek counsel!"

Okay, like I said, it was a day that I so wished I had my camera with me.  I love my home town, the beach, the atmosphere, but I really do come from a very strange place.  If you like Halloween, this is the town for ya'---it's Halloween almost every fricken day around here! 


Monday, October 9, 2006

Mary Moran, Casady Maria..where are you?!


Damn..  I hate it when my pictures don't appear, and all I have are big blank X's..  Does anyone out there know why I get those?! 

Well, today is Columbus Day.  I'm off for the day, but kids have to go to school.  I had to drive over the hill to Santa Cruz so Andrew wouldn't miss his day at school, and afterwards, I did the unthinkable, and spent some time alone without the 2 1/2 year old!  It was nice, and I wish I could do this more often..

As awkward as it was, it was nice to just sit at a coffee shop, and eat my breakfast burrito and drink a cup of coffee alone.  The place wasn't too full of people, a few students, a few other women chatting, and some other men chatting amongst themselves.  I grabbed a paper, and skimmed through most of it--I had to do something to not feel so awkward.  I'm hardly ever alone anywhere, and with no one to talk to, I have to do something with my hands and eyes besides stare at people. 

 I did come across an interesting article about a band that was playing locally.  Hot Tuna.  Anyone hear of them?   The bass player is Jack Casady--who happened to be the bass player for Jefferson Airplane.  I met him when I was working with his wife, Maria.  Maria was a beautiful woman, who needed a part time job to make extra money to feed her pet dogs.  I don't think she really needed the money--just needed to do something with her time I guess.  She was older, and I was the younger one, and she kind of sort of put me under her wing--she was my cool older sister; and I really thought she was the coolest, and prettiest woman I've ever met. 

Maria warned me:  "Never fall for a musician."  She told me of the stories of backstage groupies, and all of the women she literally had to kick out of their rooms.  I believed her, but I just couldn't understand why such a beautiful woman such as herself could fall for someone like her husband.  Sure, he could play the bass guitar, and he was famous, but; I guess he just wasn't my type, or what I would consider to me "hot, or handsome."  He was short, thin, and very blonde and pale.  I like the tall, and handsome ones..  Yes, I guess I was a bit shallow back then.  Still, she found lots of phone #'s of various women in his pockets each night. 

Anyway, he and his band are playing tonight.  I wonder if Maria will be there.  Last I had heard from her (years ago) she was divorced, and was starting a new life with a little baby girl, in San Francisco.  I haven't heard from her in over 20 years.  So sad.  I'll never forget those drives with her in her huge white Cadillac convertible, circa 1963.. going down the streets of Santa Cruz, and all of those looks she got from all the men who saw her.  I hate losing tabs with people.  Mary Moran are you out there?!?!

Yes, I'm hoping one day she'll do a GOOGLE on her name and find this entry somehow.  It would be really nice to know where she was, and that she was doing well. 

Friday, October 6, 2006

Friday Funny


I got the above picture from my cousin's boyfriend, Ruben.  It's obviously a advertisement billboard for toilet paper from Brazil.  The name of the toilet paper is "Neve" which means simply "Snow".  Translated, the billboard reads: 

"You live in a tropical country. This may be your only chance to put Snow (Neve) up your butt."

Those crazy Brazilians (Brasileiros)!!!! 

Thursday, October 5, 2006

I love my job... YAWN.. :O

Okay, I'm not complaining...BUT

I'm so bored at work!!  (No, I'm not writing this at work.) 

No, I really shouldn't complain.  I have a good job.  I sit in a somewhat comfortable office.  I have a big desk, a nice chair, a nice computer with internet access and a nice phone that I can take and receive personal calls.  I basically don't really share an office; there is a door between mine and my supervisors.  Even with her door closed, however, I can still hear the office politics.  My supervisor also lets me privy to all that goes on, so I guess you can say I work in a very safe area.  I also have a very flexible schedule.  I can take my lunch at 12 or 12:30 or 2:30..  I can come in at 8 or 8:30...or 8:45..  Yes..  I know I'm lucky... 


I'm so incredibly bored most of the time.  There are days where I just sit there, and look for things to do.  I have been working in this same position for....um..over 15 years or so, so...let's just say I KNOW MY JOB a little too well.  I think I could do it blind folded.  I go to get a file, and my hands magically go to that particular file.  If someone comes or call with a question, I "amaze" them with my answers. 

"I can't find a file!  It goes to court tomorrow morning!  Can you help me?!" 

Tap..tap..tap...I go on the computer. 

 "Gee..  According to this last chrono, this file is with so and so..." 

"Oh thank you, Julie...thank you!!" 

Then they leave, all appreciative.  I sit there and watch them leave, and I wonder why that was so easy.  Can't these people read their chronos?  I sit there in wonder and amazement.  That was just too easy.  I've been here too long.  I really am robbing the county.  I need something else to do to make me feel worthy of being here. 

I got my evaluation today.  The supervisor that did the evaluation is another supervisor that I don't share an office with.  He apologized up and down for not having it done sooner, because it was about 6 months late.  No worries I told him..  It's not like I was waiting for a raise or anything.  I'm on my last step in this position so the only raises I get are those little "cost of living" raises we get every 2 years or so.  Well, as predicted, he gave me an outstanding evaluation citing, that I always do my job on time, and I do it well, and I always take on any new projects that are given to me, and I never complain, and I'm always there, and I'm a real team player...etc...  I don't think he knows exactly what I do, but he wrote me a very kind evaluation. 

He asked me if there was anything he could do to make my job more interesting.  Hmm...  I just smiled, and told him that I was very happy and comfortable.  What was I going to say?!  "Oh, please, I want to help the probation officers on the field and help with their searchs, and I also want to help with the pee testing!!  Please, oh pretty please?!"  I did tell him, that in few years I am probably going to have to start looking for employment in San Jose--where I live.  Nick will be starting kindergarten, and my older son will be starting high school near home..and there is no way I'm going to wake up my 5 year old at 5 am to get him to kindergarten in another town almost an hour away when there is an elementary school just down the street. 

Supervisor man, understood, and even told me that he would inform his wife that I may need a job in Santa Clara County, but he hopes I'll stay, and possibly move back over to Santa Cruz.  How amusing is that?  Well, if I win the lottery I told him, perhaps I'll move back.  He said he hopes I do win the lottery.  But, I told him back, "I don't think I'll stay working HERE if I did win the lottery.."  Seriously...  I don't love this job that much!

I later asked my other supervisor--the one I share an office with--how long you had to work as a county employee to get longevity pay.  "Twenty-five years!" was her reply.  Hell no...  25 years?!  Two more years will mark 20 years as a county employee.  I don't know if I'm ready for another 5 on top of that one. 

So, what did I do for the rest of the afternoon?  I applied for another position for another county online.  Am I evil or what?

Thank yo Missie for this tag!! :)