Thursday, October 19, 2006

Life Is Too Short For.... 6 things..

I just got off the phone with someone who is going through a hard time right now, and it's inspired me to write this.  Why do we treat ourselves so crappy?!  Here is a list of things that we may all have forced ourselves to endure from time to time.  Truly all of this could be avoidable if we just treated ourselves to some "me time". 


1.  Wearing holey underwear, tight underwear, or oversized underwear, or old underwire bras!! 

If you have holes in your underwear---THROW THEM AWAY!!!  Go to Mervyns or Target and buy yourselves some new ones!  Better yet, treat yourself and go to Victoria's Secret and buy some fancy ones!! 

If you have tight underwear---who are you fooling?!  Life is too short to feel uncomfortable all day long!!  No one needs to know your true size in underwear---right?! 

Oversized underwear will fall when you least expect it.  I speak from experience. 

Wearing an old underwire bra is truly for the woman who enjoys avoidable pain!!  Why be the martyr?  Ouch!!  The wire is showing--you can see the steal rod creeping out from under ya' for God's sake!!  Burn that bra!!  Whoever invented it, was probably a man!!! 

2.  Internet Chatroom Drama!!

What a waste!  Cheap entertainment at it's best!  Notice how some people behave in chatrooms!  It's pathetic, and sad.  Someone's personal life should not be spent airing their dirty laundry  in a chatroom.  Please--call a close family member or friend before devuldging your whole life history to people in a chatroom!  Don't be surprised if it all comes back to bite you in the butt!  The worst thing you can do is buy into to some of the drama that goes on.  Some people are not who they present themselves to be..  You know the type--the ones that NEVER leave a chatroom, and stay on even when they are sleeping?  Oh, and then there are those "chatroom get togethers" where they even bring their laptops with them, to report what is going on to other people in the chatroom...  Oh vey...  You will have better luck meeting someone "normal" at a bar! 

3.  Internet Match Making...Pity Dating

Be warned..  I know it works sometimes, but personally, I cannot tell you how many strange people I've met through the internet.  They include..people who don't look like the people in the pictures that they send you, or totally off the wall humans.  Bring a cell phone, and have an escape plan before meeting them.  A few people I met through Matchcom (when I was single), and online include an Evil Elf, Fat Cowboy Scott, Fat Emu Fireman, Yellow-Tooth Man, Cheap Geeko, Horny Robby,  Weepy Man, Old Hippy Surfer, and Mullet Brain.  Real names have been changed to protect the innocent.  Don't PITY date!

4.  Staying in a Abusive Relationship

IT doesn't make a difference if he hits you, or just calls you names.  GET OUT.  Life is too short to try and build a life, or relationship with someone who does not make you feel good about yourself.  IN the end you are the one who is going to be miserable, and that is their goal--even if they don't even know it. 

5.  Road Hogs

If someone is riding your bumper, you have two choices:  Stay in the fast lane, or move over.  If you stay, don't be suprised to get the finger.  If you change lanes, don't be suprised to get the finger.  Just avoid eye contact and smile. 

6.  Taking on Projects You DON'T Want to Do, or Have No Time For:

"No" is always an acceptable answer. 

These are only 6 things.  I'm sure you can think of some more.  Write them down, and tell me about them. 



Anonymous said...

(laughs) I think most of the underwear I have left is either too small or very old. All my good stuff got lost when I went to Florida and the airline STILL haven't given me any money for it! GRRR! I had to go to Walmart whilst I was over there and buy new undie sets. They're not nearly as sexy as the stuff I had, doesn't make me feel nearly as good. But they'll do until I can get some new stuffs.

I think this entry is just great!

Shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

i dont even know how to get in a chat room but i do confess my undies are too big. Which i can take either way.....maybe i lost some weight but i already have a flat boring bottom so now is it more flat?

Love your entry!
hugs, lisa