Monday, October 16, 2006


It's Monday, and it's FREEZING in this office!!  My supervisor must be having one of her "hot flashes" again, and has the window open.  It's about 60 degrees, and it's overcast, and cold...  HEelllllooo!!  I'm freezing in here!!  This building's heater system is so screwed up; cold air is coming out of the vents again...  URrrrgg.. 


Well, I have my camera with me today, but so far I haven't taken any pictures.  I could have taken one of the nice guy at the Jack In The Box drive thru, but I don't want him to get any ideas..  I would take pictures of some of the interesting clients sitting in our lobby, but no can do...  I should really stop at Longs and develop the pictures I have waiting still in the camera.  I still have my daughter's birthday pictures in here, and it's been over a month..

I don't know if I should tell you all this but, I confess..  I have been watching The Flavor of Love on VH1 with Flava Flav.  Anyone out there, if you want to confess it, let me know.  I watched the "grand finale" last night with my daughter, and Nick.  My toddler now can say.. "Flava Flav.."  I know, I'm so very proud.  I don't know why exactly I find this show entertaining..(my husband I'm sure thinks I'm nuts.)  I guess it's because it's so weird and bizarre, that's it's makes the show so insane and unbelievable, that I cannot take my eyes off the screen. Ever watch a show where you find yourself thinking.. "Did she just say that?  Did I just see what I thought I just saw?"  Or when your facial expression just freezes in a state of disbelief for minutes at a time?  Well that is what happens when you watch a reality show such as this one.. 


They spread out the finale a whole 60 minutes, with what I estimate to be at least 10 commercial interruptions every 6 minutes.  During the last 3 minutes, you finally see ole' Flava Flav decked out in a bright red 3 piece suit, complete with some really bizarre purple sunglasses, and a big ole clock around his neck.  "You know what time it is.."  I swear that clock looked like he bought at was huge!  Well, it's pouring rain, and in the distance you see "New York" standing there, pouting with those strange pencil eyebrows that make her look like an alien being, with the other much more down to earth woman, Flava Flav kid approved, "Delicious".  Slowly Flava Flav walks out to them, with rain dripping over the brim of his hat, with teary looking eyes.  I'm not quite sure if it was real tears, or just rain, but he did look pretty sincere as he proceeded to dump New York, yet again on national T.V.  "You're just like your mother!"  Flava Flav explains.  Granted, her mother is quite the psycho.  What a precious T.V. moment to share with the family...ain't it?  After ranting, and swearing, and pointing, and even more exchanges of that overly rated "F" word;  Flava Flav throws New York off out of the property, and we see  her again, ranting and swearing and being her dramatic self in the taxi cab towards home.  Meanwhile Flava Flav presents Delicious with a new set of gold teeth..  It can't get more romantic than that girls! 

Sigh..  After turning off the T.V., I'm laughing to myself..  How embarrassing...  What an awful mother I am for sitting down with a toddler at nearly 11 at night watching VH1 trashy T.V.  I really hope Nick doesn't remember any of it.. 

The reunion show is going to air next week!  


Anonymous said...

Don't worry he won't remember....

be well,

Anonymous said...

i havent seen that show but i saw him on Regis and he was crazy! Its cold in Ohio...and raining. Yuck.
HUGS, lisa jo