Ho Ho Ho...!! Little boys and girls! Only five more days until Christmas!!
I am so sick of the mall. If I go inside another mall this year, I will vomit! Besides being there shopping for what seems to be eternity, I have been picking up my daughter from the mall where she works every night. She has been working very long hours, and sometimes not getting out until after midnight. I usually go to bed by 10pm, so naturally, lately, I've been feeling a little tired.
We went to Walmart on Saturday.. It was crowded to say the least. No deli at this WM Lisa, but it would have been nice to have seen you there. I kept on looking for you just the same---is that strange or what? Yes, it is. The Walmart is a little farther away from my home, and I don't go there unless it's around Christmas. The prices were very reasonable, and shampoo and hair products are very cheap--but it was so busy, I didn't dare go beyond near the toy aisles with the baby stroller in tow. I only got "hit" once in the ankles by a shopping cart this time, but didn't want to press my luck.
I think I'm finally DONE buying presents. We just mailed off two more packages yesterday, and now all I have to buy is food for Christmas Eve and dinner.. I've made my lists--checked them twice, and finally got a menu ready with ingredients I need to buy. Yesterday, with the help of my youngest, critter, Nicholas, I made 4 dozen cookies, and banana bread. I wrapped them up and put them in freezer bags, but I'm afraid to but them in the freezer. They are sitting in the cupboard, and later I will put them in the fridge.
Something funny happened yesterday. Nicholas was upstairs being awfully quiet, so I decided to come upstairs to check on the little mischief maker. I found him sitting on my bed, talking quietly to himself. I quietly went up closer to listen to what he was saying, and discovered he had what must have been a half a dozen of packaged tampons with him. He was pretending the tampons were people, and they he engaging all the tampons in conversation.
"Lizzy! Nicholas is playing with some of your very personal things!" I exclaimed. Her boyfriend was over, and I didn't want to embarrass her.
"Is he playing with my tampons again?!" shouted Lizzy from downstairs.
Oh well; forget about being discreet.
Apparently, unknown to me, this isn't the first time Nicholas has found her personal hygiene stash. Her boyfriend later confided in me that Nick had even stuck in a few tampons in his backpack, which were discovered in a very embarrassing moment in his sixth period class.
OMG.... again... I almost spewed! Nicholas is SOOOOOO adorable!
be well,
Nicholas is so creative! I love that. They make perfect little people. Little people with tails.--Cin
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