Tuesday, December 12, 2006


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It's Tuesday, and it's raining, and cold out there.  I just ate a small tangerine, to satisfy my hunger--I really don't want to go outside in the rain until I pick up my son from school.  Not only is it miserable outside, but since the "NEW PEOPLE" have invaded the building, parking is just awful.  Not only do we have the average population of drug induced criminals, sex offenders, and domestic violence abusers coming in and out of the building, NOW we have more than average population of mental health people.  The new tenants belong to a mental health agency.  Since the move, my car and the cars of many others have been side swiped and dented.  If you aren't here early enough in the morning, you may have to park on the city street.  The manager of the building really is clueless.  I will say however, that he did replace the ripped wallpaper that was previously mended with staples.  The building looks a little less ghetto as of lately, but for the most part, because of the old pipes in the aging bathrooms, it smells of wet dog. 

The new tenants include a doctor and a band of counselors.  God knows why a doctor would even consider renting from this building!  It must be because of the location.  It's right across the street from the court house, near the bail bondsmen, and the county jail.  Location, location, location!!  They have spruced up their office quite a bit with new light blue carpet, and fresh white paint, and it is now all adorned in Christmas decoration, with a beautiful lighted tree in their lobby.  They posted up flyers to every other office's door, and have invited us all to their Christmas shindig for next week.  There are sure to be some really good appetizers, and I may just have to go.  Going to this "open house" may involve some small talk with the strange people that work for the IRS.  They work behind closed, unmarked doors, and they are just plain, bland creepy people who have no personality.  Most of them won't even look you in the eye when you say hello to them.  It shall be interesting..  I plan to go.  May be I'll get some appetizer ideas to serve at my Christmas Eve dinner. 

As for our office, we have hardly any decorations, unless you count the 2 foot Charlie Brown tree we have adorned with decorations from 1962.  I'm not kidding.  At least Bonnie put out an effort to decorate.  We may have a pot luck later this month, but nobody has posted anything in regards to that yet.  There is an employee recognition "meeting" for next week I believe, but I don't think I'll be in attendance to that.  I take my lunch hour later in the day, and going to it, I would have to use vacation time.  No can do!  Sorry, but that is not worth a cold slice of pizza and a coke to me...

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My "mission" for this week is to be able to stay at home this weekend, do absolutely NO shopping at the mall, and make cookies.  Cookies, cookies, cookies..  Sugar cookies galore..  That is my mission.  Wish me luck.  (I'll need it.) 



Anonymous said...

 Good luck,  I will pretent I am eating your cookies cookies cookies, LOL


Anonymous said...

As a X IRS agent, I must say you have pinned us with a very deserved opinion of our take on like and our work.
Somebody has to do it. Bill

Anonymous said...

Do you think the IRS people will go to a party? hee hee
I want to make cookies this weekend, too. How much weight do you think we'll gain by next Monday?
;-) Cin

Anonymous said...

Your building sounds like a good reality show. I cant wait to hear about the party. Steal some napkins or something. lol