Leave it to Dawn at Carpe Diem - Seize the Day to give me an idea of what to write about today! I'm still feeling a little LOOPY--not yet 100%
Here is my list!
1. Cottage Cheese-the texture makes me gag.
2. Marcella Tea (Cha Marcella)--the taste makes me gag even worse. (It's an herb tea my mom makes out of dried little daisies. It's supposed to help stomaches. It only takes 1 sip to make me want to hurl.)
3. Fish. ANY fish with bones in it; especially sardines...yuck.. The only way I will even THINK about eating fish is if there are absolutely NO BONES.
4. Shellfish. I refuse to put anything in my mouth that is still alive. (My Portuguese ancestors are now rolling in their graves.)
5. Liver, or any organ, or any left over part of an animal that normally cannot be found on a menu--like Bull testicles for example. No way.. Don't even ask me to try some Menudo! I like Ricky Martin, but that is about it.
6. Grape Nuts Cereal. If I want to get that texture in a cereal, I can always get me a bowl of rocks and cover it with milk. No thanks.
7. I will NEVER eat a rabbit. I don't care if it tastes like chicken. That goes for squirrel and possum as well. Ewww..
8. Octopus/Squid. YUCKO!! Let's just say the ONLY thing I will eat from the sea is shrimp and crab. I love crab cakes.
9. Egg Nog. Even with liquor it's hard to drink.
10. Sweet & Sour Soup. EEewww... The taste stays in my mouth for hours, and it's too thick and rich. I always get a stomach ache.
Notice I have not ONE vegetable on my list?! I'm a good Rabbit (Coelha)...I eat my veggies, and my chocolate.
OMG... I agree with ALL of yours, except Egg nog! And, I like crab cakes too!
How funny!
be well,
ps... thanks for the plug!
I'm not a big fun of eggnog either.
This is a fun entry. I enjoyed reading it 'cause I just got to know you more.
Gem :-)
Rabbit is good, but woodchuck is better. (I did this list, too.)--Cin
I love cottage cheese but the squid or other such yikkies, yuk.
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