Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm home feeling, sickly...

I've been away for awhile..  Gee, it's been almost a week since my last entry.. Damn!

I've been pretty busy at work, and I'm working on a story on the side.  Dawn, have you been working on yours?  I've been pretty busy this weekend with my mother over, and we did some shopping, but yesterday morning I woke up feeling ill.  I should have listened to my instincts, and just stay home, and not venture out there to do more shopping with mother, but alas, I went against my better judgment, and did more shopping, and took her home late yesterday afternoon.  I felt nauseous.  Perhaps all that chocolate from my previous sugar high got up to me.  My younger son Nicholas was throwing up on Friday night; may be I caught his bug, whatever it was, there I was, driving on a curvy highway, in the woods..on my way home feeling really car sick.

Sorry, for being a little graphic in this entry, but you know that taste in your mouth that you get, just before you are just about to lose your cookies?  That sour, disgusting lump that comes up to your throat?  I can't describe to you how horrid it is when you are behind the wheel, with no place to stop on the side of the road, and with a sleeping child in the backseat.  I'm sure, it would have been worse if he was awake and saw it all, but I felt I was trapped in my car, in front of wheel.  Not just once, or twice, but three times-----  In the words of my dear hubby that cleaned the van afterwards, "Honey, it looks like you exploded."  Oh it was awful.  I was drinking a lot of liquids hoping it would relieve the stomach ache, and help me at least burp a little, but oh Lord, it was just awful.  I'm not going to describe it anymore because I just am recently able to eat something, and I don't want to lose my tea and toast right now. 

Thank God no one paid witness to my episode.  This isn't the first time it's happened to me.  The last time was when I Nick was a baby.  I felt like crying--my God I was filthy.  I somehow got a hold of my purse and grab my cell phone.

  "Lizzy, when you hear the garage door open, I want you to grab my pink bathrobe, and bring two plastic trash bags.  I just threw up on myself." 

Thank God, Lizzy was home.  Basically I undressed in the garage and my clothes were put in a trash bag.  I have no idea where my clothes are.  I bet you anything my daughter threw them away. 

I'm feeling better, but decided to just stay home today.  I hope you are all feeling well, and sorry for the disgusting entry.  I haven't been reading my alerts lately, so forgive me..  I will try and read them all soon.  Take care! 


Anonymous said...

Oh no, Julie!  How awful!  I have had that happen...but stopped and threw up alongside the car... you poor thing!!!!

{{{{ hugs and prayers }}}}}

be well,

Anonymous said...

i HATE hearing how sick you were!! OMG, i have gotten sick like that before too. Awful. Can you handle Alka Seltzer? It helps me. I hope you are doing better now.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you got so sick. It is an awful feeling when you are driving and you just know it is coming. I keep plastic grocery backs under the passenger seat just for puking in. (And gee you are very DESCRIPTIVE...I'll bet your stories are great.)--Feel better, Cin