Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Terca Feira Gorda--Fat Tuesday


I've been feeling so lousy, I forgot tell you what I did Friday night.  Well, I went out again with my friend Angela, her daughter, and my mom to see more Dancas do Carnaval.  It was a big treat for my mother--she hadn't been to one in years.  I had gone a few weeks ago with Angela, but I was only able to stay for a short time.  It was pretty entertaining. 

I'm sure, most of you, if not all of you don't have the slightest of what I'm talking about.  I know my husband didn't.  He finally asked me on Friday night what kind of "dance" I was going to.  For the longest time, he actually thought I was going to a dance to "dance" with people.  I had gone the week previous, with Angela, and I guess he thought that I just went out dancing...  You see how much this guy trusts me?!  When he noticed I was taking my mother this time, I guess he realized that he misunderstood, and finally asked me:  "What kind of dance is this?" 

"Dancas" pronounced DAN SAS is a celebration of music and dancing that is done before the start of lent.  Mardi Gras a la Portuguese style.  It involves bright costumes, and stories--done all in rhymes, ..kinda of like rap music gone old school.  It is a little hard to describe.  The musical instruments are guitar, madeline, trumpets, saxophone--typical marching band music.  The tradition of Carnaval has been in my family for many years, and I'm proud to say my grandfather used to write stories/music and was very well known for it.  The street that my mother stands on, back in the Azores is named after him.  There have been books written about him, and when he migrated to California, he had left his dances and music here before he returned to his homeland.  He passed away at a very young age, and he left behind my grandmother and my mother when she was still yet an infant.  My mother grew up participating in Carnaval ever since she was a young child, constantly hearing of what a brilliant man her father was.  Sadly, she never knew him. 

On the side bar, you can see the web site I created for him months ago.  Feel free to check it out, and visit the Carnaval web page that is there. 

Anyways...  It's Fat Tuesday.  Party on...  I'm just going to try and get a nap in and try and feel better.. My head is pounding.  What am I going to "let go" for Lent.  Hmmm...  Perhaps CHOCOLATE!!!  Hey, I've got about a dozen more candies in that huge box of candy hubby gave me...  I may just throw it up later though. 



Anonymous said...

Oh no... save the chocolate for when you aren't sick!  How interesting for you to have  a grandfather with such a creative talent!  I got what you were doing but I knew that Portuguese celebrated carnival with dance!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time. And it is so cool that your grandfather was an artist and has a street named for him! Hope you feel better. Good enough to eat the chocolate, anyway.--Cin

Anonymous said...

they sold these fat donuts at my WM last week just made for FAT TUES...they had a certain name that i forget. I would love to go to a carnival type thing like you described..i would love the food and the music! I am glad you got to go again with your mom.
love, lisa