Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thankful Thursday


It is time again for Thankful Thursday, from Dawn at: Carpe Diem - Seize the Day, who got it from: Gretchen.

1.      I am grateful to have done my commute without an accident, a sick child throwing up in the backseat, or a rude motorist on my bumper.

2.     I am thankful we didn't have to wait too long for my mother's doctor's appointment.

3.     I am thankful that I found my ATM card that had magically reappeared after many desperate searches inside my vehicle this morning.

4.     I am thankful that Nicholas let me finish eating my breakfast this morning at the restaurant.

5.     I am thankful that my mother is starting to complain and nag about my son's clothing choices...  This means she is back to ole' self again.

6.  I am thankful that I have a good, loving husband, despite the fact I think sometimes he thinks I'm a little nutty. 


I could go on and on about this week, but may be I will refrain.  There is just too much to write about, and I've written it all,  only to discover that it was got "lost in cyber space" somewhere..  I really don't want to type it all again...

Let's see...  For a quick breakdown:  Youngest still isn't over a cold, got into a minor accident--(the guy behind me at the traffic light was a little anxious, and the light just didn't turn green fast enough), errands, doctor appointments, missed work, countless calls to insurance and Medicare for mother, more doctor appointments, late nights of being a taxi driver for my oldest...(the girl needs a driver's license)  Oh, and this is the best one: 


This morning, as I was rushing down the street towards the gas station, I decided to take out my ATM card before I stopped the car.  Well, I was holding it with my right hand, and with my left I leaned down near the side of my chair to release the gas lever.  As soon as I did this, my ATM card fell out of my hand and under my seat. 

My mad search for my ATM card began.  I reached under my seat, but it wasn't there.  I got out of the car, got on my knees and looked for it under the seat.  Not there!  I checked under the mat..  Not there!  I checked in under the seat again from the back where the kids were sitting...  NO CARD!!

I thought I was going crazy.  I kept on having visions of that card falling out of my hand, under the seat...directly in front of me!!!

Well, I was running late, so since this particular gas station only took cash at ATM, I had to find another gas station that took the credit card, and of course the nearest one near the highway was the most expensive. 

During my whole 35 minute commute, all I could think about was that ATM card.  Where could it be?  It was dropped before I even opened my car door.  IT JUST HAD TO BE IN THIS CAR!!!  It just haunted me the whole entire drive. 

After dropping off my older son at school, I stopped and picked up my mother for her lab appointment.  Of course, I looked under the seat again in front of her house.  NO CARD. 

"Why don't you check the door!  May be it fell in the compartmenton the door."  My mother suggested.

There would be no way it could have fallen in there!  I explained to my mother that it had fallen out of my hands in front of me, as I was sitting down.  If fell down between my legs under my seat--how could it possibly "jump" under the chair, up into a compartment on my door?!  It would be impossible!!!

After her appointment at the clinic, I checked again under my seat in vain.  I pulled the chair out as far as possible, and checked AGAIN.  Nothing I tell you!!  I found nothing!!  Only a very dirty carpet (remind me to vacuum soon!).

At this point, after going through my purse another time.  I was convinced that I was either "seeing things" or just going crazy.  I decided, what the hell..  I'll check that side pocket on the door just to disprove that there is no way possible it could have jumped up from under the seat.

Guess what was there?

Yeah, my mother was right.  IT WAS THERE!!!

I am still is disbelief.  I do not understand how it could have gone there.  I can still see that ATM card falling from my hand.  This is sooo bizarre, I cannot tell you how freaky this is. 

To celebrate the miraculous return of my ATM card, we went across the street for pancakes.  I told my mother that it seems like "someone" is playing a trick with me.  Some evil spirited elf was trying to drive me completely insane. 

"You should just be thankful you found it!"  Mother says..

Yeah, I'm thankful, but it is STILL bothering me.  I spooked my mother, and starting telling this "spirit" to just leave me alone!!! 

Yes, I think my mom thinks I may be going a little psycho. 

Has anything like this ever happen to you?  Please let me know. 



Anonymous said...

LOL... yes, just recently, my kids had lost something... and I remember this clearly that it ended up being where I was told several people looked already.  However, I can't remember what the 'thing' was!  LOL  

You have lots of wonderful blessings... thanks for sharing them and I hope you have  a wonderful weekend that lets you recuperate from this crazy week!

be well,

Anonymous said...

i am peeing myself here. Yes, i have had a credit card magically appear in places where there was no way it should have been there. Some things just can not be explained. I am glad you werent in a worse accident and that you found the card.
XO XO lj

Anonymous said...

Julie, I always tell my children to listen to their Mother. Weren't you told tht years ago?

Anonymous said...

Hahahaaa, that is a good ATM card story. Isn't is funny how those things WANDER?--Cin

Anonymous said...

I'm always dropping things between the seats in my car, never to find them again.  I have NO idea where they could have gone.  Perhaps they are hiding with the lost socks from the dryer?  Tina  
p.s. ... doesn't it drive you crazy when your Mom is right ?? LOL  

Anonymous said...

Oh, nice list!  I think I will start doing this list too.
